72 Replies to “COVID Country”

  1. Credit to Warmington, The Sun, and Post Media for running this story. Yup, he was wrong and should not have gone. Try and hold all politicians to the same standard, and don’t make excuses for them.

    At least they aren’t trying to cover for him like the CBC did for Blackie McSparklesocks.

    1. What he should have done is said: “Go to the cottage. Enough of this dictatorship of the “experts”. It’s your life.”

    1. Who will lead the revolution? We are not even allowed to fish in same boat

    2. IN the Worst Way Jeff..
      Something I’ve advocated at every-any opportunity.
      I wager we could easily create a mile long line up of eligible candidates…

  2. What, he couldn’t have arranged to have a local go in and check?
    Trudeau now exonerated l. Good work DOUG.

    Or better yet lift the lockdown. No reason not to.

    1. Ward, that is correct. Apparently a mailbox is now a parking meter according to captcha.

    2. Ward,yep,it’s pretty hard to criticize Trudeau now. Politicians are members of an exclusive club and they really DO believe they are the Royal Classes, so no,the rules don’t apply to them. Some pols are just more discrete but they all have the same class consciousness.

      Personally,I don’t give a damn if these guys break minor rules like this one, we should too, and if busted, demand equal rights under the great blessed Charter.

      On a political level, really f***ing stupid Doug, what the hell were you thinking?

  3. Power corrupts, stupid power corrupts stupidly. I am not willing to throw him under the bus, as he is orders of magnitude better than most, and the most effective anti Blackie force in the country but this is just pure, stupid, f*** up, entitlement.

    1. What a dummie Ford is.

      A measly $2.5 million “renovation” and he’d never have to worry about the plumbing again.

      When is he going to learn to be proactive like our very own National Cuckoo?

      I suppose he is against provincial subsidies for media too?

  4. He went to his cottage. Briefly, unfortunately.

    conservatives would throw him under the bus, then murder him. It’s why we’re much better with Trudeau. He went for an entire weekend with his family. We cut each other so quickly it’s scary

    1. First his wife and children went, then Trudeau; if it had been Harper the Cons would have had him drawn and quartered.

  5. Briefly, here in Ontario we had a weeks long argument about the Lieberals bring n ‘Family Day’. Arguments were made by business along with the usual noise from the Conservative opposition. In 15 years, in my mind, it was the only thing the Lieberals had done right.

    We got ONE day off between New Years and Easter, and listening to the arguments, it was the end of the world. We’re now at HOW MANY MONTHS, and we’re not all in an absolute state of panic? I am. And PM Pajamas is giving away a billion a day and prolonging this thing as long as he desires. It could go on for the next… who knows? Years?

    Pajamas is milking this, and he’s spending our money by the billions each day. Every day, he promises a billion to somebody. Is there a Leader, at all, anywhere, who can put a stop to a minority government spending billions of dollars we don’t have each day?

    1. 77% of Canadians love him.

      It must be, by any measure, there are “Conservatives” that love him too.

      This is a surreal world.

      Dystopia in making.

      Completely supported by the plebes.

        1. Like your typical Canadian political show, you will see a most diverse sampling of Liberals of all kinds.
          The real problem comes when trying to differentiate between the political actors and the media.

  6. Trudeau is a MINORITY government. Is there anyone that can stop his spending?

    1. Sorry you expect NDP to say “Too much spending”? Unless these words precede the words “on military” this is are not going to happen.

    2. T B, Trudeau ceased being a minority immediately after the blockheads were elected, which is to say he is not a minority in reality, only on paper.

      1. The Bloc disappeared when Harper appeared
        and reappeared when the National Cuckoo appeared.

        The Liberals and the Bloc need each other and feed off each other like the parasites they are.

    3. People need to stop thinking it is a Minority government. It is clearly a Coalition. I think they get away with it because in traditional coalitions the smaller partner demands Cabinet positions. Bloq and NDP are happy with cash. Worthless Tories might want to point that out. That’s if they actually had any desire to win. Any time referencing the government they should be titled not the “Liberal Minority”, but the “Liberal-Bloq Coalition”. And definitely not the “Trudeau Government”. He will go away eventually, the disaster left behind him has to be pinned to the Lieberal Party itself. Treat him like the nothing he is

    4. “. Is there anyone that can stop his spending?”

      Yes. The public. Just not our public.

    5. TB: In answer to your question: Yes, but Jack Ruby shot and killed him long ago.

  7. What was that I said about Canadian politicians? Oh right there are no conservatives just liberal lite. Here we are saddled and ridden by politicos of all parties and all are socialist/communist. Thanks Doug for verifying what I have been saying for decades.

  8. Don’t think Ford went to his cottage without his 8-man security detail.

    1. “8-man security detail”

      You do realize it takes 6 people to provide one person at a time for 24/7 security? And sometimes theses people get sick or go on holidays.

  9. I posted this story yesterday morning and was pretty pissed about it because being a little hypocrite is still a hypocrite and that group is led by the weirdo himself, PM Blackie McBlackface, the Hypocrite of Rideau Cottage.

    As for the locals who don’t want property owners coming up? Hope their local economies collapse, hope they’re sued into poverty and then I hope they starve to death.

    1. “As for the locals who don’t want property owners coming up? ”

      These sentiments are popular among the locals, but they are popular among the local elites.

  10. I’m worse than Hitler. I’ve been spending a lot of time at my little shack of a cottage in Muskoka. My father bought it just after the second world war. And to make matters worse, I don’t give a shit.

    1. Oh, they will. Like each one of them, Horgan will nannystate everybody, each and every progressive way that they can.
      After all, when premiers abdicate the province to their mousy MHO, what can one expect?
      We’re being “led” by elected officials that are clueless, but they have their progressia bonafides nailed down

      1. Bonnie Henry is a fascist. She’s okay with millionaires playing hockey games in empty arenas but fuck the proles who supplement their income in the concession stands, etc.

    2. I think we need to get some AI patrol robots up and functioning ASAP. Armed with Tasers they can shock every human who dares to stand still in a park or congregate in groups of more than 4. This will allow By-law Lickspittles to go back to more mundane state wealth seizure.

  11. The media needs to focus on Ford’s trip to his cottage as much as they did Trudeau’s.

  12. I wonder where the really sick people in Cottage Country go when they need a higher level of care than the local hospital can provide. They get driven or flown into hospitals in the big cities and they don’t worry about hospital overload. OJ if you were sick, I suspect you would stay home and if you start to feel sick you would go home. It’s a big nothing burger. Doug is still a jerk for going and for telling people to stay away from their own property.

    1. Cottage country in Ontario has excellent hospitals. It is the Trawnna elite that think their hospitals are above grade. They are filthy and old.
      The fear mongering overwhelms common sense…the cottage owners will bring covid , doncha know??

      This looks good on Doug…hope now he rethinks the whole lockdown.

  13. I am pretty sick and tired of these hypocritical f…s who pretend to be our elected leaders. Narcisstic selfish arseholes every single one of them.

  14. They are all Liberals, Socialists or Communists and it is impossible to clearly see any clear divide between them.

    1. If you don’t think Liberals have consequences, you are not paying attention.

      Look towards the Original Liberal Welfare Plantation of New Brunswick.

      Huge brouhaha because PC Premier Higgs has barred 600 temporary foreign workers from entering NB to work on farms and in fish plants due to Kung Flu.

      With over 66000 suddenly unemployed, why not employ NBers, particularly students, says he ?

      Wait a minute.
      Expecting students to do such work is a “slap in the face to students” says student leader!
      Got my Librano bucks, taking the summer off.
      Anther joie de vivre Liberal tradition.

  15. Could anyone compile a list of prominent liberals’ cottage addresses? I am going to need it later in summer.

  16. Why would a trip to cottage country spread disease? Just follow the basic rules.

  17. From this perspective, Ford is a demagogue.
    His “Conservative” is an afterthought.
    You listen to his talk, any talk, there is no leadership, just dogma.
    Too bad.

    Those that take it upon themselves to make rules are first to obey them.
    No exceptions. No excuses. No nothing.
    If they can’t they should get the hell out and let those that can, lead.

  18. I think Doug is just being Doug for going to his cottage. Officially he has to tell everyone to stay away from cottages because that is what the health people are advising. The party policy follows this rule — stay away from your cottage. So in public Doug must communicate that message, but he may personally not agree with it. Just like everyone he is making a personal decision for himself. Lots of other people are making the same personal decision. I went walking on a trail with a closed sign last week. I did risk getting a ticket. Doug risked exposure, but I don’t fault him for it because I think it is a dumb rule. Is Doug not giving us all a quiet wink about that no-cottage rule?

    Going and checking on a property and then immediately coming straight back is NOT the same as “going to the cottage”!
    It’s not as though he spent the weekend there!
    People really need to get a grip!

    1. Exactly right, Edward. He went up to check the pipes and came right back. Did the same thing myself last month; a short trip to make certain the property was fine. What’s worse is some people here in this thread feeling free to just make stuff up even if clearly denied in Warmington’s account.

    2. E T, I have a friend who could not get to his cottage. Why is any idiot politician any better?

    3. I have no problem with his trip, BUT
      the fact that Fatso did it on the sly goes to show he knew he was doing the Opposite of What He Said Publicly.

      Frankly, all the locals against these trips need to be made to eat shit and die.

  20. The lock-down at the beginning of the pandemic was incoherent as is the reopening afterwards. Seeing those who were most strident about the lock-down, among them Neil Ferguson, violating it convinces me that they don’t believe it necessary. Perhaps they did at one point, but not now.
    Now the question is how to back down from the biggest and most consequential blunder in living memory.

  21. Well this whole “don’t go to the cottage” Bullshit is no different than what Alberta has so gregariously decided. WE the plebes may take our little RV’s and go Camping….but note Campers, every 2nd Campsite will remain closed….Social Distancing don’t ya know. As if the 30′ avg distance between sites isn’t enough.

    What trough feeding govt IMBECILE made that decision I don’t know, but I’d love the opportunity to Bitch slap the Fkr….or Fkette.

    1. Saskatchewan is doing the same thing. We usually attend a gathering in the fall, where campers come from all over Canada and some from abroad. As of now, you have to be a Saskatchewan resident to go camping in one of their parks. And yes, the one empty site between rule is in force.

      Q: Can I visit my cottage in a provincial park?

      People can access private properties such as cabins or long-term seasonal campsites located in provincial parks or privately operated campgrounds. Although non-essential travel between provinces is strongly discouraged, people from outside of Saskatchewan are still permitted to use their properties. If you are visiting one of those properties, we ask that you minimize any non-essential travel within the park.


  22. I don’t blame Ford for checking out his cottage plumbing then quickly returning. Could he have had someone else check it out, possibly, but this is a far cry from Trudeau driving across the Quebec border and openly spending Easter, including an outdoors Easter Egg hunt with his kids.

    Even my Liberal friends admire the job Ford is doing for us Ontarian’s. The effort and time he is spending on this incredible task is heart warming.

    1. The incredible task of dis-employing millions, eliminating personal liberty and destroying our economy. Yup. that’s heartwarming you fucking idiot.
      The fact that your “Liberal friends” admire him says enough, you idiot.

  23. He went to the cottage to check the condition of the plumbing. That is still a requirement of property insurers during the pandemic, they don’t want to pay out on flooding of disused properties. Note that he did not STAY at the cottage, he checked it and left. This is simply Doug Ford demonstrating responsibility in his personal life. This would actually be laudable if people could stop looking for cheap shot openings. Jeezus.

  24. Complain when PMJT goes to the cottage but give Doug a pass when he does the same makes you a sycophant.
    Leadership requires sacrifice and ‘walking the walk’. Dougie let his mask slip.

    His policies are as damaging to the economy and the health of the Province than anything Blackie dishes out.

    He proved he doesn’t believe the policies either but hasn’t the backbone to say it.

    1. I think it is because Doug seems like more of an ordinary human being. Justin is a creepy elitist. I suspect Ford is not comfortable with the lockdowns. I believe Justin is pleased to be able to control people. Double standard– sure, but based on legitimate impressions of both men and their motivation. Doug seems to genuinely care about people.

  25. I don’t care if Ford checked his plumbing
    I am concerned about my plumbing. I was supposed to have it checked last month at a urologist, but his office has been closed since mid march.

    1. John I have an elderly neighbour/friend who is supposed to have heart surgery may 28th. his wife was telling me she is not sure if he will get it. Everybody who is scared to death, just die will ya, so we can get on with our lives.

  26. Citing examples of political hypocrisy is childish. All politicians are liars and hypocrites. We insist on it. It’s dog bites man, or a plane safely landing.

    A better thread would have focused on the question, what was wrong with going to cottage in the first place!? I am stumped.

    1. You see, that’s the problem.

      You expect the same shit from different pile.

      I would suggest that you should expect something better to vote for, otherwise what’s the point.

      When I say ‘you should’, it’s a way of speaking, I don’t actually care what you should or should not, I have no say in it.

  27. How is it a problem that Ford drove by himself to the cottage, checked something for a little while, and then drove home?

    But then again how is it a problem that Trudeau stayed at his cottage for the weekend?

    They’re doing what WE should be doing, ignoring the hell out of Health Canada. The lockdown is nothing more or less than CYA for the feds because they didn’t curtail air traffic when they should have, in December. It isn’t keeping you safer.

    You want to be safe? Wear a mask to the store and wash when you get home. Otherwise, nothing the government does is going to make you any safer.

  28. I am staying at my summer home. The locals that I spend money with are happy I am here and suffering that so many aren’t. The hospitals are scaled for the peak in summer residences. With the border being closed, a lot of businesses like restaurants and lodging here that rely on Canadians are suffering greatly as well.
