I Want A New Country

Why it’s Stephen Maher, Liberalsplainin!

After an election that turned out badly for them, angry Albertans and Saskatchewanians have been complaining about the transfer of money to other parts of the country.
They point out that Albertans foot the bills—paying in $240 billion more than they received in benefits over the last 11 years. It’s too much, they say. Enough is enough. It’s time to reform equalization. Some angry, unrealistic people are even using it as argument to take Alberta and Saskatchewan out of Canada and start a new country.
I have been waiting in vain for someone, like the prime minister, for example, to point out that this way of looking at the country—as if it is a piggybank into which some provinces make payments and other provinces make withdrawals—misses the point about what it should mean to be a Canadian.

Well, if equalization doesn’t really exist, as Maher’s tortured argument tries to claim, let’s just kill it.

75 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. If Albertans & Sasks are stupid enough to stay in Canada they should shut the fuck up & stop bitching. However I trust they are wise enough to secede.
    Ontariowe & Queerbec deserve to freeze in the dark.
    As a high reward bonus Ab/Sk get rid of Justin.
    Put King Ralph on future Petro bucks instead of the reptilian Queen

    1. Sorry I have to correct.

      The Queen isn’t reptilian. However her children…clearly reptilian.

  2. From the article: “A family doctor in Cape Breton pays more than a pipefitter in Grand Prairie because her income is higher.”

    Nope. The pipefitter is doing -way- better than the doctor. Making -way- more money.

    This man is a moron.

    Also I have very little sympathy for people whinging about leaving home to get work. I left Canada altogether to get work. Try that some time, Mr. Maher.

    1. And the doctor’s pay comes from taxes. So the taxes she pays are funded by … taxes. Health and medical care doesn’t create wealth, but if If properly managed, it contributes to a society’s ability to create wealth. So if her patients don’t work in private sector jobs that are creating wealth, it’s the taxes on the income the pipefitter earned in Grand Prairie that pay for her to treat her patients and for the income those patients get from welfare and from jobs administering welfare payments and health care.

      1. “Health and medical care doesn’t create wealth,”

        Not right now, its true.

        Healthcare is the same as a restaurant, its a service. Unlike a restaurant, its a service EVERYBODY needs rather badly at many times in their life. Dentistry is the same deal, everybody needs the dentist sooner or later. Doctors and dentists and restaurateurs add value to society.

        But -socialized- medicine decouples the service from the customer. In socialized medicine, delivering care is a -cost-. In fee-for-service, delivering care creates income.

    2. I left home for every job, sometimes the distance was halfway back to Tronna (barf). Other times the job was in another province or territory, some times for months at a time. If it wasn’t worth it, I’d have stayed home. Got to see a lot of Canada that most people will never see. Have the photos to prove it. Met a lot of different folks, too. It’s a Big Country and nobody lives here. Cities can claim all the diversity they want, but all you see is concrete, a few tress. Move out west. There’s a horizon out here that goes on forever. Pics to prove it, too.

  3. I believe that the West could live with the “equalization” BS if it weren’t for the fact that the recipients are ungrateful assholes that work or vote to impede and more recently aim to destroy the economy of the region generating the tax liabilities, enjoy constitutional guarantees leveraging their political power, and enjoy trade advantages enshrined by law. MacLeans is Eastern Poseur media. The Eastern Media-political complex is at war with Alberta but feel justified in living off its tax base all because transfer payments are more accurately described as such? GFYs!

    1. As an Albertan, family been here since before Alberta became a colony of Eastern Canada in 1905 I disagree. Canadians never voted for or against any of the BS in the Fake Canadian Constitution. Eastern Canada can take their Fake Negro PM, their Fake Democracy, Fake Head of State, Fake Constitution, roll it up tight, light it with a match and shove it up their ass. F*ck Canada. We are done with that shit.

    2. John, I remeber reading a fe years back, that there is a huge oil basin just north of the St lawrence river, queerbec should have NO need for transfer payments if they only ran thing right

  4. Great, let all provinces collect and use their income taxes, with their share of federal taxes returned in direct services or cash.

    Look Ma, no equalization. Just like Maher says, it doesn’t exist. Great, capital idea. Let’s get going on that.

    No? Imagine my shock. Add Maher’s nonsense to some idiotic Kenny has Quebec envy NN headline but not in actual piece.

    Notwithstanding “you people” aka our eastern friends, about to freeze in the dark, don’t care to understand, populism is supreme.

    It just might take a little longer to manifest here as the true pain of big terrible government statism cuts across generations.

    Increasing the size of the Grit fortress in Quebec doesn’t change that at all; in fact it makes it much worse.

  5. Rather than the West separate , it would be better in the long run that The Rest of Canada throw Quebec out.

    1. There’s nothing wrong with Quebec that couldn’t be fixed with a huge tax cut. Make the top marginal rate ten percent, end the PST and GST, repeal the Federal language act, and suddenly all those Quebec problems go away.

    2. Let’s just draw a line to the north of Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, and then cut them loose.

  6. Where do you start with that unmitigated load of bullshit from Maher?
    It’s pretty obvious why Macleans doesn’t allow comments.

    For example:
    Maher: “It’s something all Canadian taxpayers fund, because being Canadian should mean you get decent education and health care.”
    And from Study Nova Scotia:
    “With around 1 million people, Nova Scotia boasts no less than 10 degree granting universities, the highest concentration of universities Canada has to offer”.
    I guess using ‘Liberal logic’ it’s fair to send Alberta money to build universities in Nova Scotia so Albertans can leave home to study there.

    Maher: “Nova Scotia, with serious demographic problems and no northern hinterland full of oil or minerals, can’t afford to provide that care without equalization.”
    Because they ban fracking:
    “The Nova Scotia Energy Department has been told that the province sits on natural gas reserves worth $20 billion to $60 billion. Fracking is needed to extract most of the 4.3-trillion cubic feet of gas.”

    Maher: “Alberta is dealing with an oil-price shock, which means foreclosures and bankruptcies are spiking”
    No, Alberta is dealing with a Liberal stupidity shock that prevents them from selling oil at world prices by banning pipelines.

    The whole article is a prime example of liberal stupidity.

    1. I no longer read or listen to anything from eastern Canada. MacLeans is just rough asswipe. Filled with Pompous Unwiped Assholes. It is far more than just Marxist Equalization now. We are done. We have been the bad boys since 1905, in the Dirty 30’s Alberta went bankrupt and rec’d no aid from Eastern Canada because we would not jump to Ottawa’s tune. Canada is not even a Democracy were each man/woman get 1 equal vote. We are tired of the rigged game. Just let us go in peace. We are tired of being a colony of Eastern Canada.

    2. Maher is a literal bullshit artist… he wins Media awards for lying, like the time when he and that CTV creep Greg MacGregor made up a story about a “massive robocalls scheme” that didn’t exist… all because the Conservatives had won the elction, the story was a fraud manufactured out of thin air by the intrepid Liberal Party bum lickers, Maher and MacGregor… they kept their Media awards too… rewarded for lying. You could say that Maher is one of the Princesses of Fake News.

  7. “Stephen Maher is a Nova Scotian in Ottawa, where he has been writing about politics since 2004.”

    Likes welfare and wealth redistribution. What a surprise.

    I’m tired of these greedy bums whining about the people of Alberta and Saskatchewan wanting to escape serfdom. Let them source their welfare elsewhere.

    “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”
    “For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:”
    “For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:”

    and so on…

    1. Time to end PET’s Marxism that is what Equalization is entrenched MARXISM.
      Canada is an undemocratic Marxist State. Get out Alberta go UDI.

  8. The equalization formula is all out of whack because it was made back when we had a Conservative government that was mostly sensible with reasonable objectives for Canada, and a realization that the fossil energy industry was the main engine of prosperity in Canada. Then the prices of commodities went down, and fossil energy was no exception. Add to that the policies of the Federal Government, the NDP in Alberta, the BC government, and Quebec, all overtly combining in an effort to kill the fossil energy industry in both Saskatchewan and Alberta; and the money source that financed the equalization pool was severely diminished. Now those same entities are demanding that the same quantity of money be extracted from the same sources. It just isn’t there. They are killing the chicken and wondering why the hell there ain’t no more eggs. Go figure.

    1. Equalization is PET’s Language for MARXISM what do you people not understand. It is Communism. If PEI can’t make it on their own as a Province then they should not be a Province. They should rightfully be a county of NS.

  9. “I Want A New Country”

    At this point that’s not going to help. The whole world’s gone nuts with no way off.

  10. The problem is the money goes only one way. Alberta is hurting and Quebec is booming and $14 billion is still heading their way. It’s perverse.

    1. It is Marxism, and the only way out is for Alberta to declare a UDI. No negotiation. 50% plus 1 and see yah.

  11. Does anyone wonder how quickly the equalization formula and tax/pension imbalance (call it whatever you want) would be changed if the ROC managed to kill off the oil industry as they promise and Quebec and Ontario were now paying billions of dollars to Alberta?

    Love hearing useful idiots tell me that Canada will be there for Alberta when we need them. Hilarious!

    1. They were not there in the 1930’s. Alberta had to go bankrupt Ottawa and Eastern Canada would not help Alberta because we would not bend our knee and do as Ottawa demanded. Let Eastern Canada go stuff themselves, Alberta does not need them. Just get them to hell off our Land.

  12. Their ignorance of the West is genuine. Their trusty government funded media has explained it to them this way. Steve Paiken’s “What The West Wants” is an example of the drivel they feed their consumers. Steve uses the recession-resistant statistic GDP to speak to Alberta’s reality on the ground. Go watch as he happily crows about how GDP continually rises – even through the great recession! For his viewers, he believes this is a great stat to reflect Alberta’s private sector economic contraction or the flip-side, public sector waste and incompetence. He didn’t use stats that show the actual job loss count, or the amount of capital flight (>$30 Billion), increase in personal and business bankruptcies, the loss of homes, families broken, or suicides – the very things that people are living through. To do so would cause his viewers to have a clear picture of Carbon Tax consequences – and that might make it harder to get them to re-elect people who are ready to fight the Climate Change Crisis.

  13. Bottom line is that Alberta is a net contributor to Canada to the tune of 20 billion dollars plus per year and Quebec is a net recipient from Canada and at least 13 billion of that is just from one program – equalization. And, btw, Quebec is not a poor province by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a deliberate, imo, gaming of the equalization formula by both Quebec and Ottawa that allows Quebec to get the lion’s share of this program. With a rational equalization formula, none of the 6 big provinces would receive any equalization because all of them have adequate size, resources and number of people. The standard of living is not much different across those big 6 provinces, fiscal capacity is not a good measurement.

    Watch the “it is not a provincial program” sleight of hand by anti-Alberta journalists. The equalization program takes money from individuals and then transfers money to *provinces*. So to be accurate, Alberta taxpayers disproportionately pay into the equalization pot and the Quebec government massively takes out of the equalization pot. So a rich doctor in NS or Quebec does actually receive equalization money via their provincial government’s equalization handout while a rich doctor in Alberta gets nothing from the equalization program. Neither do Alberta pipefitters, waitresses, janitors, teachers or anyone else in Alberta. Taxpayers residing in the province of Alberta have got nothing from equalization since 1964.

    The equalization formula is a grotesque mess that needs to be radically reformed. It’s defenders seem to uniformly be anti-Alberta. Would Quebec be willing to give so generously to Canada for 5 decades and get so little in return? I think not.

    1. Very easy to end the game. Alberta withdraws from the Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act. It withdraws from the CPP, and creates a Provincial APP. It withdraws from UI and keeps the money in Alberta. It ends the RCMP agreement and ramps up the Sheriffs and hires only young Albertans. It kicks the Fishery and Oceans Dept out of Alberta, we do not have an Ocean or a commercial Fishery and do not need The Fishery and Oceans Dept here telling us what to do, way to many Feds in Alberta. Start throwing them out. Reduce their numbers reduce their take of our tax take and income. Alberta needs to collect all the tax the same as Quebec and doles out our share for Military and only those Federal programs allowed by the BNA as being Federal Jurisdiction. Alberta needs strong leadership. Kenney needs to man up or get out. He can take is I am a Federalist shit pack it in his bag and go back to Ottawa. Sick of his shit talk too. Alberta 1st or get out.

  14. Since the dawn of time man has moved to resources – not the other way around.

    Make no mistake about it if there was a way to.move the oil sands to quebek the libranos would have done it by now. Ft McMurray would be on the St Lawrence.

  15. What escapes most Westerners is that Equalization is the tip of the iceberg. The fact that Equalization can be rationalized by a group think eastern slant is hard to take. Truly, if Westerners continue to accept this then yes, continue to put up and shut up. The money that has left AB should have gone into the Heritage Fund. The oil is a non renewable resource and when gone or teched away the east will laugh. They really don’t give a rat’s ass about the West. Never have.

  16. He’s an idiot. The following statement is false:

    “Quebecers, who are more like the French than like Texans, want higher taxes and more social services, so they have them. They get more services — subsidized daycare and so on — because they vote for them, and pay higher taxes.”

    The taxes paid by Quebecers do not cover the services they receive. Those taxes pay for only 90 out of 113 billion in revenues in the Quebec budget. So they get an extra 23 billion, an extra 25% that they do not pay for. Every single year. Most of that money comes from Albertans.

    Therefore, the services they receive in Quebec is partially covered by Albertans. And as he mentions in the same false statement above, those are services that Albertans are not willing to pay for themselves, because they are not essential. So Albertans pay for services in Quebec that Albertans do without. And it amounts to an extra 25% of services. How in heck this is considered equalization, I have no idea, but Maher is so much smarter than the rest of us.

  17. There is no need for anybody to be a “Canadian” anymore. We have municipal governments, city governments and provincial governments. We could get rid of he federal level of government and no one would miss it.

    1. Getting out from under the Supreme Court of Canada alone is more than enough reason for Western Separation. Deed over some Crown land to each individual Indian according to their DNA % and eliminate all legalities with the word Indian and then legally assimilate.

    2. Bravo. We are a post national state, so there should be no need got a national government. I think many people have lost their feeling of connection to Canada since the Liberals took over. They have destroyed our sense of pride in the country and undermined the National narrative — our traditional sense of who we are and where we have come from. Some of that has been deliberate, and now there is s real threat to national unity,

  18. Pierre Trudeau brought in equalization payments for the sole benefit of Quebec and the east coast who have a history of voting liberal. The rest of the country foots the bill for these takers, period.

    1. Equalization is pure MARXISM. Call it what it is, Marxism. Get rid of the Commies. Get out of the Gulag Alberta Get out. Go UDI. The Nation of Alberta has the Right of Self Determination.

  19. Oh, they will. Once they’ve succeeded in destroying Alberta’s oil industry.

    Only Quebec will get equalization so retired career separatists, language cops and Yid-bashers can go on living like kings in Florida, come what may. Albertans will get foreclosure notices—and heavily armed Mounties coming to the house to help them pack.

    1. “living like kings in Florida”
      ….. isn’t it amazing, they manage to spend their entire winters in Florida without hearing the French language spoken to them when they buy their groceries and gas and yet somehow they are able to cope pretty well.

      1. On the contrary. They have their own retirement communities in Florida with French signs (when they start going senile, their indifferent English is one of the first things to go), their own newspaper (Le Soleil de Floride) and branches of Desjardins and Banque “nationale.”

        They only need to speak English to give orders—or demand the Canadian consulate be informed when they’re pulled over for drunk driving at 11 in the morning.

    1. “Richard Janda is a law professor at McGill University.” And a moron. That this turkey lives in Quebec explains everything.

      1. “Federalists have come to sympathize with the nationalist sentiments of Québécois, and sovereignists have come to accept the reality of divided loyalties.”

        But enough about your French tart, Dick. Or did she put you up to writing this garbage?

        All English Canada—not just Alberta—dreams of the happy day when the French Canadians are finally ordered at gunpoint onto trucks bound up route 389 and the James Bay Road to re-settlement camps in the taiga where no English Canadian will ever have to waste a moment’s thought on them again. They and the Cree and Innu savages deserve each other.

        Family. I count cutting members of my family who were blatantly complete wastes of air out of my life as some of the best acts of my life. They have nothing I want. And the French Canadians have nothing an English Canadian ought to want.

  20. “Only Quebec will get equalization”. Many here blame P.E.T. For this entrenched in our constitution feature. But we got it only because of the short sited, naive western premiers at the time that went along with this and an “amending formula” that makes it an impossible aspect to change.
    Therefore the only position that will bring about a resolve of this drain on the west is an in-wavering drive to western independence by western premiers.

    1. The only way to break the cycle and the loser Commie Marxist Equalization rip off is a UDI there is no way that Alberta should enter into any negotiation with Ottawa or Eastern Canada in a rigged game on their terms. Only negotiate as equals never from a subservient position. UDI

  21. I guess the only real question is whether Maher is really this incompetent as a journalist or is he just a typical Liberal liar pathetically singing for his supper through PM Blackie’s media welfare system?
    Or both?

    Maybe he should learn to code.

  22. Well that is the Party Line.
    The Media party is going all out about Westerners being ungrateful nazis,who do not understand their place in Can-Ahh-Duh.
    They really do believe they are the smartest people in the country.
    I expect endless streams of this “enlightened drivel” until even the most confederation supporting Westerners have had enough.
    Based on actions to date,The East wants us gone.
    Not content with stealing from us for decades,they now insist on their “ownership” of our resources,our time and our money.
    Unilateral Declaration of Independence is coming like a winter storm.
    People are talking,comparing notes and even actively looking for reasons to stay in confederation.
    Pretty barren ground,where is the case for the status quo?
    The politicians are on mighty shaky ground,in attempting to save Canada,because Canada is not working.
    And of course because the last time we in the West had this conversation we opted to try to Reform Canada.
    However Reform did serve to clear the air.
    We know our Eastern Comrades like things just as they are, as they mock our powerlessness to change the kleptocracy.
    Politicians trying to derail Independence by repeating the “West Wants In” failure are seeking to betray us.

    1. Eastern Laurentian self-appointed elites mocking western separatism as just QC largesse envy, and Dems impeaching:

      To both I say, bring it on, it can only help populists and cause independent voters defections, as now with Dems plunging.

      Let them both trap themselves in their own rhetoric, with nowhere to go and no vision.

      Imho, a solid right wing candidacy from Tories would have won them power.

      Instead we got insipid Liberal lite; that’s on Scheer. He should have shouted pipelines and Grit corruption from the rooftops.

      1. Scheer is a shit stain in the shorts of every real Conservative. He is a Commie Liberal place holder. I voted once for Harper and when he got his majority and stood there and pissed his pants. I was done forever with Canada’s fake BS and Fake Con Coms FO Canada. ESAD Next July 1 burn that red commie Liberal rag. Only flag around here is the Nation of Alberta Flag.

  23. After the election Preston was asked some questions…but not the right ones.

    Preston started the Reform party in 1987 when a “conservative” federal government was in power.

    The question I would have asked him in this interview is “would it not make sense now, to start a new “federal” political party today, from the west with the intent of holding the balance of power in a divided parliament…with the intent of then pushing a “Western Agenda for Change”?
    If not. Why not? If it made any sense then…why not now?

    This would be exactly the grand but impossible plan he sold …to a lot of good people in 1987.
    A plan that ignored the fact that the big divide in this country is not between political parties but between regions.

    Here we are 32 years later and now he is telling us that the PM should listen to the western premiers. Really. To bad they are not Reform/separatist premiers.

    In the 80s we had “conservative” Western premiers and a “conservative” federal government yet western alienation was on a high.

    In my view Preston was instrumental in deflecting that sentiment down a dead end road. At a incalculable cost. Repeating history. And did it intentionally. Remember…CCF, Socreds and Progressive’s. All western protest movements.

    In Winnipeg in 87 Preston was challenged on the validity of his grand plan, that did not include a hammer. Plus the very important obvious fact that federal opposition parties do no sit at the constitutional table…premiers do. So how would we push and achieve constitutional change that reformers had decided were 8 of our top 10 priorities??
    He would not answer the question.

    He was wrong way back then but certainly right now in pointing to the western premiers as to where the possibility of resolution may come. Time will tell. Do they have the courage?
    Will they use the hammer of independence?

    Replace them if they don’t!

    1. Parson Manning is a waste of skin and oxygen. Kenney is following his game plan. Draw the fire out of Albertans and keep them in the harness as a colony of Ottawa and eastern Canada. Both of them are traitors to Albertans.

    2. ivbinconned – For the moment the premiers should be the ones who represent our views. It is why it is necessary to start referring to them as Prime Ministers. While I support the idea of wexit , we do not want to end up with another scenario with NDP governments in Alberta or Saskatchewan. We should all on mass become members of the ruling provincial parties and take control of the narrative at the party conventions. It will be far easier to control the highway verses building a new one. In conversation I find far to much fear and resistance to joining the movement. The biggest challenge is that far too many people believe a reasonable accommodation can be achieved through the existing political structure. They may be brought onside by taking over our provincial structures. It should also be noted that there is not an insignificant number of people who benefit from the existing structure of government in Sk and AL. Logically by having one level of government for the whole region and maintaining existing local governments large savings could be realized. When you rob peter to pay Paul , it is quite easy to get Paul to vote for you . As well there is likely at least 20% who are fundamentally aligned with the federal government . The strategy must be a winning one as wexit failing has dire consequence .

  24. Thanks RD Gee seems to be a lot of interest in the US about WEXIT and why it makes sense for Alberta to get out of the Canadian Sewer. In fact the author makes a case for Alberta as a 51st state. Albertans could get everything they want immediately as a US state. Personally it would be my last choice. But we would be 100% better off as the 51st State vs status quo.

  25. Stephen Maher is nobody’s idea of anybody who has a clue:

    – Ontario, apparently, receives “equalization” payments. This is unacceptable, as a matter of principal: where we are today should be discontinued, right now; let’s see what Mr. Phillips comes up with in his Spring budget, although he should just lay it out: what is the public-sector debt of Ontario? And how are we going to get it down to 25% of provincial GDP?

    – Quebec is not an entrepreneurial economy, in the least, or a well-financed economy, as Mr. Black says: where are the pipelines? The geography and the geology are different from Ontario, which is a “bit” of a problem, to be sure, but I got a company on my street doing horizontal directional drilling at my place, on a purely speculative basis (Wightman’s), in the hope of future customers (we’ll be switching from Rogers, to be sure);

    I have studied, for at least four decades, the financial arrangements of Confederation: where we live today, was never intended (meaning the Rowell-Sirois Report).

    Kate wants a new country? I want a new country!

    Andrew Coyne: “Canada: one cow milks the other.”

  26. So now, according to Maher, we are like a family where everybody works hard and stronger members support weaker members. That does not quite wash in a context where Alberta has been dumped on by the Fed’s, cheered on by Quebec and with little sympathy from Maritimers. Trudeau/Liberals could not bother to meet with the Alberta truckers. During the election, any discussion of Alberta alienation was called fear mongering. Instead Liberals and the media chose to focus on trivia and personalities. Alberta has had its concerns ignored. I believe Albertans have come to understand that the ROC is largely indifferent to Alberta’s interests — so no wonder they are not interested in continuing to support other Provinces via equalization. Maher’s view is not persuasive.

  27. Alberta truckers and those who organized the convoy.
    I understand your frustration but please stop burning up blood and treasure trying to persuade anybody down east or any entities in the west who think they can.
    Persuade your neighbours. It’s time to leave.
    Free the west.

  28. Prime Minister Kenney of the Nation of Alberta met the failed Canadian Foreign Minister Freeland the Ukrainian Sausage. In the foto opp, she looked like she had just smelled shit. The 2 Globalists Kenney and the Sausage said they found common ground. But the real story is in the comments sections. Pure BILE, INSULTS and HATRED from the Eastern Parasites. If Kenney doesn’t have the juice to stand up for Albertans. He needs to pack his bags FO to Ottawa with the Sausage under his arm. And a Baguette under his other arm.

  29. There is a shock. A guy from a province that basically exists on welfare from Alberta; saying that the money he receives is just a myth. We should cap Equalization on a per-capita basis. limit the amount taxed to each resident so that it equal all around. The tax on the amount over the “set limit” remains in the province. That would be a true “equalization” formula.

    1. And I should know….i’m from there. (as the name suggests). Sadly, it is a common belief that the rest of the country owes us something, just because we are supposed to be “nicer” than everyone else.

    2. Equalization is pure Marxism. If you are from Quebec or Atlantic Canada or MB who are also big welfare bums. And you are taking from Alberta and Sask families and are comfortable with your theft, you should be ashamed of yourselves. PET created a Northern Cuba and you are a communist. Look In your mirror each morning and say I am a commie rat. Because if you believe in Equalization you are a communist. Canada has become like one big Indian Reservation and you all feel entitled to your comfortable theft, under color of law.

  30. “concerned” you are jarring my memory.
    I concur with your views…to a point.
    At the founding convention of the “reformers” the options were put before us.
    Infiltrate the western provincial parties or start new provincial parties.
    OR infiltrate a federal party…or start a new federal party.

    The outcome of this question was cooked for sure as Preston and his persuasive abilities one the day and it was decided to fix “Canada” and start a new federal party.

    I think his leaning towards starting something new was a more expedient as for this large gathering of patriots would likely be swallowed up trying to infiltrate a party and stay true to their goals.

    Starting new provincial parties is a real threat to the old existing provincial parties as we saw them all get very paranoid in 82 when that happened.
    Brexit a good example of the impact a new party can have.

    Just consider this. In 1982 the Devine government won in a land slide. The NDP had only 6or 7 seats. Devine had a huge surplus of members to work with.
    I urged a number of these members to cross the floor with the goal of embracing the WCC and its agenda. Had 8 to 10 done so they would have formed the official opposition,
    Devine would have been pushed to the right instead of feeling like he needed to appease the left.
    “Think Big” and think speed.
    Starting a new provincial party keeps like minded people together in the cause.

    You can still be a member of Kenny’s federal provinal government and be a s—t disturber as well if you like but I think your gold is better spent first forming the opposition then government.

    Then the referendum.

  31. I know what your thinking.
    “We would be splitting the vote” !!
    yes like a laser beam through horse S—t!
    But both the con-servative and NDP will loose voters and members in this cause with a pure message of justice and sovereignty for the west.
    History shows this to be true.

    Ted Byfield said this.
    “If you worry about the media…you have already lost the battle.
