Attorney General William P. Barr at the Federalist Society

Richard Fernandez: I don’t know enough law to meaningfully comment on Barr’s argument, but its breadth and mere existence are every bit as provocative as knocking the hat off the pole. This is the dread moment that may pass unnoticed–or otherwise.

Full transcript here and a good Twitter summary by Josh Blackman.

24 Replies to “Attorney General William P. Barr at the Federalist Society”

  1. Good speech, but let’s watch and see if he takes down any of the Coup against the President. Many of them his cohorts for years.

      1. You are correct … the leftists have once-again perverted the English language by altering the meaning of words. So nowwwww … “resistance” is the new “coup”.

        Barr clearly, and with multiple supporting data points, explained this … but I am certain you weren’t listening. Nooooo … you’re the type of know-it-all (“resistor”) who yaps up a storm … but never actually reads or listens to anything outside his extremistly limited echo chamber of circle-jerkers.

      2. Oh! And BTW … how fantastic to have linked a transcript along with the video!

        Kate is such a wonderful hostess … even accommodating militant guest’s vegan-video preferences. No wonder I waste so much time here …

  2. I think he has just staked out the ground for the battles to come! FISA abuses, the State Department, the FBI, NSC and CIA……

  3. “left is shredding rule of law and undermining rule of law”

    Pot calling the kettle black right here.

      1. We know the bot is a retard, so is his sock puppet Andrew.

        The PAIN is coming. Durham took down the Mafia. He will take down the DS operatives, charges coming, soon, very soon.

        Buh bye Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Rice. Which one will flip on Obongo?

        Large quantities of Beer and Popcorn coming up!

    1. You weren’t listening to Barr’s recounting of the ridiculous number of times cloture was invoked to overcome the Democrap assault on our Democracy (a Democratically elected President).

      The Republican “pot” never exerted such a “resistance” against Obama … much to my frustration … however, we conservatives just bided our time until a feckless Republican Party discovered a suitable (winnable) candidate. Trump is, and always will be, the natural reaction of a country FED UP with Obama and his hardcore leftist and Muslim cadre of deep state demolition experts. FED UP with debilitating leftist governance

    2. Irrelevant. The chasm between left and right in the US today is no longer bridgable by peacefulness. Conservatives will no longer cooperate with a Democrat administration again. War is coming, and the US will break up in your lifetime.

      I for one refuse to cooperate with leftists in any way. Once we organise the mass tax revolt, and conservative boycotts of rent, mortgages, and productive work, it is game over.

      1. Bdsm, I think you are correct. There is no longer anyway to use words that they can understand.

  4. Always good when decent people like Josh Blackman take the time to spell it out for us. Dude has a seriously big brain.

  5. I will believe this is important and real when some Democrats start getting arrested. Until then it’s nothing but more swamp gas,

  6. There’s a task Congress is responsible for, beyond lawmaking, that Barr doesn’t mention but is important to understand here.

    Take control of a country’s money supply, and the government cannot do anything you object to for fear of being starved of finance. In effect, you become the law. That is why that control was given to Congress in the first place, who were trusted in the Constitution with the task of issuing money and regulating its value.

    Of course, as most here probably know, the banks usurped the right to issue money and regulate its value from Congress a long time ago. That is why Congress no longer does much law-making or even care about the law much. Their job is to rubber-stamp whatever Wall Street and their Chinese partners demand.

    Trump is hated as much as he is on Wall Street and in the Swamp because not only do the bankers not own him the way they do the rest of DC, but also because he recognizes them as a gang of thieves, frauds and parasites whose tyranny benefits only themselves and whose liquidation is a prerequisite not only for restoring the republic but for the survival of mankind.

    And they will do whatever it takes to destroy him before he has the chance to destroy them.

  7. So, who’s not doing a lick to flip the script on the Democrats? Lindsey Graham that’s who.
    He sits on the Senate Judiciary committee and has subpoena powers. Hunter Biden, Chalupa and others would be sweating and lawyering by now…but they’re not because Graham is sitting on his a** while the Dems are playing games in the House.
    And why isn’t Graham doing anything? There’s a multitude of theories. Rand Paul suggests and rather ominously I might add that there are more Republicans glued to the “Deep State” than we know.

    1. If dems start actually going to jail for their crimes they will start pointing at those republicans who are also members of the deep state. If that happens I expect to find that there are no dems and very few republicans who do not belong in jail. Rand Paul will be one. I doubt there will be ten more. That leaves really a lot of people desperate to prevent Trump draining the swamp. God bless him.

  8. If you are waiting for Justice forget that Mitch & Ryan have their names all over the FISA spying….The Time is beyond reason…Corruption has no boundaries… Nothing will happen… it’s a dead pool…..

  9. Upon reading the transcript of Barr’s lecture, one comes away with a greater understanding of how the Framers of the US Constitution understood the importance of the individual, as represented by an elected President.

    During the entirety of President Trump’s administration, numerous challenges to choices he makes to administer his responsibilities have come from the Legislative branch, which is normal (if excessively so since 2016), whereas the Judiciary has been more visibly involved now than with prior Presidential Administrations.
    The ‘Travel Ban’ legal machinations are given as an example of encroachment by the Judiciary on Executive powers.

    Mr. Barr appears to have a long form view of America, and is sensitive to the havoc which can be unleashed if rule of law is set aside. If a Civil War springs from political divide, as has already been experienced by America, none of the petty characters on stage today will matter much after the smoke clears.

    He must find a clear concise path for prosecutions which may arise in 2020, as the more important concern is the election of a President. He appears to be heavily critical of the Judicial branch for succumbing to the allure of political power.

  10. “The ‘Travel Ban’ legal machinations are given as an example of encroachment by the Judiciary on Executive powers.”
    The 9th circuit & DOJ attempted to frame the Travel ban as a way to USE Trumps words during the campaign as proof of discrimination… Sally Yates refused to defend, hoping that the Ninth would provide a judgement that couldn’t be appealed… The words of trump would have been used to impeach him by Mueller…
    That failed as the SCOTUS ruled that his Words could not be used in a court of law……..Poof

    The whole case (Travel Ban) was BS nonsense used in an attempt to Impeach….Sally Yates & the Ninth conspired to destroy Trump……


  11. What a joke…Barr (Fred Flinstone) is. Poor man wanna be rich. Rich man wanna be King and King ain’t satisfied ’till he rules everything . Isn’t that right Fred? Speak to your mentor Donald McRonald
