30 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. The liberal Democrats in California are active, pushing legislation to make life worse and worse.

  2. I had not the slightest notion of what “Gavin Newcum” is. Thanks to this article I see that he is a yank nutbar. Whee! No chance of getting an education at a California public school! And the yanks are the masters of the universe – they think.

  3. “Skinner and other supporters of the bill argued that students of color are disproportionately affected by such suspensions.”


    So, the take-away from this is that white kids are better behaved than those with higher melanin counts. Got it.

  4. “California students missed more than 150,000 days of school because of suspensions for unruly behavior in the 2016-17 academic year, according to a California Senate analysis of SB 419.”

    Were any fathers found able and willing to testify to the Senate as to why?

    Meanwhile, as Sacramento has repeatedly refused to deal with the plague of drug addicts and disease vectors living rough on the streets of California, it has fallen to President Trump to propose real, cost-effective solutions.


    1. … SB 419 will bring justice to California youth by eliminating suspensions for disruption and defiance, putting an end to discriminatory discipline policies and instituting restorative justice practices.”

      Emphasis on RACIST terms that motivated this legislation. RACISM that creates an injustice for all NON-black children who just want an education. So now, the leftist CA Legislators have “turned the tables” … and are discriminating against all children of “privilege” who come from; healthy, intact, functional, families who value education, and teach those values to their children. Now, the black and Latino basketcases can freely BULLY the classroom, the teacher, and the administration. Now, the defective parents of these mentally and emotionally defective children get to SUE the deep pocketed school districts if they take ANY actions whatsoever to punish, or even separate their monstrous children from the normally functioning kids.

      I assure you this will make my sweet wife’s teaching job TWICE as difficult as it is now … as she already spends a disproportionate amount of time with the emotional and intellectual basketcases in her classroom. Now, she will look over her shoulder for the next black “grandmother-guardian” who threatens her job for the “outrage” of making her precious little Hellion sit down and be quiet. These leftist legislators actually “believe” that forcing teachers to “raise” these defective children will “solve” the problem of “disproportionate” discipline of children ovvvvvv cullller. How laughable. You’re FORCING teachers to “raise” these kids, whilst taking-away the tools of discipline. Hint: that’s how their defective parents are already FAILING at “raising” these bullies … without any discipline. They’re raising their kids to be arrogant, defiant, and racist little shits who rain terror on everyone they see.

      Here’s what these rules will beget … an even more URGENT white-flight from “urban” school districts. Normal families will sell everything they own to get OUT of the darkest of all school districts. This legislation of “justice” will further isolate and separate their troubled kids from the normal, well-behaved schoolkids.

      Oakland High schools already HAVE a 30% rate of kids NOT graduating. I assure you … this rate will DOUBLE in the coming years as racist, arrogantly empowered little shit heads take over the public schools in CA. The CA Legislature just deepened the racial divide. Just deepened the segregation of our society.

      1. This is going to be disastrous for those students in the “disadvantaged” group who actually want to learn and get ahead. It’s difficult enough for them now with the anti-learners in their classes; it’s going to be much worse when the disruptors get to do their thing non-stop.

        What does this government have against children who just want to learn?

        1. Frances, they are not learning anything other than government indoctrination. Close the schools and if they are illiterate, so be it.

      2. Yup.. great commentary Kenji.
        I could not agree more.
        The Leftist – socialist Insanity that pervades the Left Coast is seen up here as well – Often.

        You and your Wife have my sympathy. I say that cause you will bear a big part of this insane stupidity on your own shoulders, let alone your wifes hearing about the results daily. Why you remain in that FAILED state is beyond me. But I understand. Living in Western Canada my choices are slim and next to nothing as well and it’s just not that easy to pick up and leave…particularly leaving ones grown up kids behind.

      3. A good friend advised me: “Never assume conspiracy where meer incompetence will suffice for an explanation.” What do you think?
        Has your wife considered seeking an employer that actually wants students to be well educated? I wonder how long a person who genuinely cares for the quality of education their students are getting can maintain their sanity in such a situation. Then there is the physical danger such policies lead to. I think Toronto has similar policy’s and teachers there are suffering the predictable physical assaults from the little tyrants. Ezra Levant has reported it. I doubt any one else has or will.
        I value your posts. Take good care of your self.

  5. “Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, who wrote the new law, said it would “keep kids in school where they belong and where teachers and counselors can help them thrive.”

    Put this through the translator and got this.

    “We need to keep these kids in school, the last thing I need is an irate voter complaining that they just lost their free daycare”.

    1. Ya Joseph, I was struck by the same sentence, but my translation is different…

      “We need to keep these kids in school, where the state can control and influence them instead of the parents.”

  6. Didn’t this same sort of “no suspension,no discipline” policy on a Federal level end up being one of the underpinings of the “Cowards from Broward” getting so much attention in Florida. Same excuse of too many black kids getting disciplined and Federal education money was to be withheld from districts that disciplined too much so a county wide “no discipline” policy was put in place that if not in effect would have had the shooter taken out and have to be in therapy before allowed back in the system.

  7. Why does anyone think this is bad news?

    Does the teacher’s union agree with the move?
    Do the union members agree with the move?

    Only a few possible outcomes. A wedge is driven between the Democrats and the teacher’s union. A wedge is driven between teachers and their union. A wedge is driven between teachers and Democrats. A wedge is driven between everyone else, and the teachers/union/Democrats.

    When your enemy is making a mistake, don’t interfere.

  8. ?
    soooooo the class bullies now got the green lite they wanted to continue unfettered?
    what a cutiepie the gov is. was he a class disrupter? betcha never had any problems getting a date with the hotties eh?

    meanwhile here in Ontariowe, teachers are substituting for the phys ed punching bag:

    actually Im rather ambivalent about the plight of teachers.
    first time I EVER got hit was a go&$*$#&^$*$mned TEACHER.
    my capital crime? reading ahead in those gawdawful dick and jane tomes.
    I just sent a little note to the tranna teachers federation gloating over the fact premier Ford is putting the squeeze on them.

    has the guv solved 1 problem by creating THOUSANDS more as polllllllitiSHUNS are wont to do?

  9. I’m sure the Teachers are just “Thrilled” to bits….wonder how Quickly their numbers start to decrease.

  10. Why Meadow Died:

    The father of one of the Parkland Florida school shooting victim’s has written a book (with another) on some causes of the shooting that may have some expertise on this issue:


    “Some people have said that the Parkland tragedy was a ‘total system failure’… But when you take a deeper dive into the school district and its politically correct policies in Part III, every failure will make sense… I’m not even sure you could call what happened a ‘failure’ because everyone was doing exactly what these policies and this system encouraged them to do. Nikolas Cruz could not possibly have broadcast more clearly who and what he was.”

    “And here’s the thing: These same sorts of policies that produced the mass killer Cruz, who was a flashing red beacon, are being implemented in public school districts across the nation. We are reducing our schools to the lowest common denominator, and it’s just a matter of time before another Nikolas Cruz comes along. ”

    and now… California won’t be able to do anything about these type of students.

    All Democrats are imbeciles. All of them.

  11. If a few working class children get killed in another school shooting and gun control legislation is enacted then, as they say, you have to break eggs to make an omelette. Remember, their children are not in those schools.

    1. I expect to see a huge increase in home schooling. I think more and more people are beginning to see that public education is not to their benefit. Which is good. Less public schools, less teachers, smaller unions, less Democrats.

      1. That’s one reason why the Democrats want as many illegal aliens as possible, to replace the home schooled kids.

  12. Until 4 years ago, I volunteered at our middle school (8th grade). At that time, I gave up on being a positive influence on the many kids that have no male adult in their life. Most of them seem to have been raised in the woods by wolves. It’s sad for the minority and their parents that are really there to get an education. I live in formerly conservative Oklahoma. Now, our educators are also being pressured to not expel or suspend the ones that are not house broken. Home schooling has now become a large business in my state. Why would parents willingly send their children to a prep school for the state pen?

  13. I wonder how the California teachers’ unions stand on this.

    This is typical Democratic politics, protecting the 5 to 10 per cent of miscreants to the detriment of the overwhelming majority. They do this for illegal aliens, transsexuals (I am sure their real numbers are much lower), drug addicts, felons. They have turned my Golden State (California Dreaming, Surfing USA) into a third world shithole. And with this law, they insure that no student will learn anything in public grade schools.

  14. “Why would parents willingly send their children to a prep school for the state pen?” Sortawitte
    You must have read “Tears of my father” by Obama… He found Chicago was not educating black kids, just prepping them such that they could function in an institution.. The Stupid over think everything & find a way to fail…..They have given up trying to survive in an imperfect world……..Even the economists have given up trying to predict productivity…Nothing is more sustainable than stupidity..The Trump world is moving forward & success is expected at every level.

  15. You Canadians couldn’t understand. I’m a Californian, and we here in the Golden State have very high taxes, poor roads, crime, homelessness…and did I say high taxes? But, we do have very wealthy politicians, so there! What was my point, again?
    Actually, California is a hot high tax mess and getting worse. My family is here so moving is not an option, but everyday here gets worse. Oh yes, we do have nice weather.

  16. More anti-American idiocy from Jesuit-educated Gavin Newsom (Santa-Clara), who further studied in Rome, and then made a fortune after receiving financial aid from Jesuit-educated billionaire Gordon Getty (St. Ignatius College Preparatory, University of San Francisco).

    Newsom is following in the footsteps of Jesuit Jerry Brown (St. Ignatius High School, Santa Clara, Sacred Heart Novitiate).

    How odd that Jesuits and Jesuit-educated Roman Catholics all end up in positions of power and influence, and all lean overwhelmingly to the far-left. It’s almost as though the Jesuits are serious about their Fourth Vow, and have been transforming America into the system of government dreamed up by Dominican friar Thomas Aquinas, and put into practice by the military order of the Roman Catholic Church, the Jesuits, in the Paraguayan reductions – communism.

    Bankrupting Americans through taxation to fund socialism by increment. Increasingly removing their freedoms and ability to defend themselves. Building up the police state, the prison complex, and swamping the locals with tens of millions of illegal immigrants from Roman Catholic Mexico.

  17. Newsom is a idiot a total idiot he is just asking for a school incident to end in a mass shooting so he can confiscate our guns He needs to get the Boot
