32 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: State Of Anorexia Envirosa”

  1. They’re all nuts. Saw a bit of Kamala. She’s loopy. (Must be all that Willie Brown sperm.) She was all gushy and skool-girl like, twisting her hands together and trying to be cute or something. She’s all against off-shore drilling. She prefers to be on dry land when she gets drilled.
    I’d like to see her and the rest go a week without fuel or petrochemicals.

    1. Kamala Mugabe Harris. Land seizures/white seizures.. All these greens should be forced to live off grid entirely, Until the election. Would they be alive by election time.. Survivor wins the nomination.

  2. They want to ban everything. It would be much easier to ban DeMarxists instead. Less involvement from others is required.

  3. Some of the Key words used by Communist drones explaining their policy

    1. “Our” World leaders ( They mean the Communist Global World government).
    2. “Our” America ( they mean “WE “the American Communist collective goals)
    3. “Our” Taxes (They don’t pay taxes, they are talking about Yours)
    4. “Our” Grandchildren.. (They are freaks that don’t have Grandchildren, nor do they intend on having any)

    The silly Plastic collective agenda where Canada was dumping plastic in the Ocean via Philippines (Volcanic without a subduction zone to the Ocean) …The plastic Straw agenda that is just Virtual signaling to “OUR” Children of the next generation of good Communists….Nonsense follows nonsense…

    Science will deliver better & more efficient energy, but you can’t order it delivered.The trillions of dollars spent on the stupid theory of AGW is like flushing all your money down the crapper…


    1. The Dummycrats remind of a comment I once heard likening California to granola. I’ll let the readers figure that one out…..

  4. Here is the sum of the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama: no Negro will be trusted with the White House again while Americans still have any say in the matter.

    If the pride of Westmount High wants to be president of somewhere, there’s always Liberia.

    1. My parents generation … all those awful ray.cyst 1950’s white people BUILT UP America into the single most peaceful (notwithstanding Vietnam) and prosperous Nation ever in the history of planet earth. They BUILT. They MADE things. They freed us from the drudgery of the mundane. They set us so FREE, we could spend our youth following a drugged out rock band, when we weren’t shagging each other in Golden Gate Park, or dancing naked at Woodstock. To an extent, my generation then stood on their shoulders and refined what they had built. We riffed and innovated on the tiny transistor they invented. We miniaturized everything. We made everyone’s lives even simpler … even more complex.

      But in recent years my generation and the x,y,z’s behind us are blowing past miniaturization … now we’re completely eliminating what has been built. We have fully embraced the nihilism of our comfy existence. As Kate is fond of saying … we need a famine (or nuclear war) to snap us out of our malaise. We have become the most pathetic, cynical, self-hating, anorexic, bulimic, “cutting” society EVER on the face of the planet. We are defacing ourselves and everything we’ve built. As my (ex NFL) HS Football coach used to scream at us … “you can’t stand prosperity”. Meaning we could never string two WINS together. To answer Trump’s question … yes … HALF our country is TIRED of so much WINNING. They need to LOSE … to feel alive. To assuage the guilt over their inherited bounty.

      We unceremoniously flush perfectly good human beings down the toilet, before they even draw a breath (and now afterwards as well … so long as “the woman” and “her doctor” agree to the execution). PG&E shuts OFF my power in hopes of not burning down thousands of acres and hundreds of human beings (because they no longer maintain their infrastructure with the massive rates we pay). My Power Company TAKES AWAY my power. Every city in the SF Bay Area tells you what you CANNOT build (well, you didn’t build it anyway, right?). And whatever you DO build has to have an expensive array of solar panels to assuage some eco-guilt felt by an aged son of extreme financial and political privilege … along with whatever privilege he derived from being a white man with a Brown name.

      Yes, these Dimwitted Dem’s. WILL take it all away. They aren’t just placating EXTREMIST nutter questions … they LIVE … to make your lives miserable. After all, what RIGHT do YOU have for being born into such a GREAT civilization … while there are still poor, diseased, hungry people on the planet. You haven’t GIVEN enough yet. Because only when each and every person on earth is equalized … will you have done enough. Until then, the Left will nick all your stuff and make you SUFFER.

      1. There’s only one way to equalize all human beings. Kill them all.

        In the end, if they are not stopped, that is exactly what our masters plan to do. Not even the Han Chinese will be spared.

        In the end, even the Chinese proletariat are to be exterminated by robots who can do all the work our masters want done, and who will not insist on being paid for their work, to guarantee untold wealth and idleness for a few thousand rich monsters and their heirs and successors till the end of the universe—assuming the heirs and successors don’t find themselves so miserable they find an excuse to commit suicide en masse in a generation or two.

        Globalism is in nobody’s interest. It is a recipe for human extinction.

        1. Isn’t that the way of Communism, Socialism, Nihilism? Equalize through DE-struction, never CON-struction. Tear everyone DOWN to the same “equal” . Why? Because it’s too hard to build everyone UP to be equal. And some simply don’t have the materials with which to build much of anything. So the productive, and the successful must be “taken down a peg” … “knocked off their high horse” … to quote Obama’s favorite idioms, by our former Idiot in Chief.

          Now, it is Obama up there on the high horse, of exclusive property ownership … $15M beachfront acreage on Martha’s Vineyard, another $10M Palm Springs Estate, a $10M Kalorama Wash. DC Mansion, and their old $10M Georgian Mansion in Chicago’s Hyde Park. And I expect the Obama’s aren’t yet finished acquiring tony real estate. I expect Tahoe, Malibu, Paris, and London are on their buy-list. The Obama’s came to Washington to “do good” for others (remember Hope and Change?) … and ended up doing “very well indeed” … for themselves.

          This is what the Dimwitted Dem’s envision for themselves, err … for YOU.
          They: in the rarified Politburo Elite …
          You: groveling in the dirt for your existence … crushed between the millstones of taxes and regulations

          It’s quite depressing to hear one of the TWO primary Political Parties speak in total unison about things which would have been LAUGHED off the stage, SHAMED off the stage just 20 years ago. The Bushes and Obama did “transform” my Nation … into a fatally-indebted welfare State headed for negative interest rates and money printing to “pay” for it all … right up until “the music stops”. The Wall Street Bankers were “too big to fail” … but you’re not.

  5. They mean it just like Mao did with the Great Leap Forward. They are the greatest internal threat to freedom in the western world.

  6. Are you cluing in yet that they want you DEAD yet. You are a useless eater. They want you disarmed and dead. And in their heart of hearts, the same ideologues, in the LIB/GREENERs/NDP and all their Green Communist Friends want the same here in Canada. Tooth and Claw, backed into a cave, knowing on a bone. That is the future they want for you. 7B too many useless eaters. You and your family are a blight on the landscape. All for Gaia.

  7. Well…there are lots of people voting for it in canuckistan, UK, etc.

    Likely something to do with western civilizations paying morons to breed.

  8. It’s remarkable that MOST under 25 & MANY under 45 believe there lives will change for the better if these Bans are implemented.

  9. These people should be banned to the island of Doctor Moreau, they would feel right at home.

    How can people that went to school for a long time be this stupid?
    They are demagogues to please the “Democrat” voter.
    It used to be that they would go about banning things one at a time, this time it is wholesale, one might say.

    Would majority of Americans actually vote for this crowd?
    Of course majority of Canadians would without any thought what so ever.

  10. I notice that one guy wants to ban commercial air traffic.

    Really important private air traffic he’s probably fine with. You know, when an important federal politician needs to get somewhere.

    1. They could replace airplanes with solar powered dirigibles. The technology exists.

      And if there’s not enough helium they can use hydrogen. 🙂

      1. well, hydrogen will be so much better for all the poli’s with their stoggies they smoke in a neo-Hindenburg.

  11. “The answer to anyone who talks about the Surplus Population is to ask him whether he is the Surplus Population; or if he is not, how he knows he is not.”

    G. K. Chesterton

    1. Or maybe we could follow nature’s path. High stress on the planet increases CO2 which increases food production which uses up CO2. And the seasons they go round and round and the painted ponies go up and down. It’s called a system or a cycle. The earth takes care of itself.

  12. Crazy people running for leadership positions isn’t the problem.

    The problem is the crowds of morons who vote for them. Again, and again.

    Flint Michigan is the archetypical example. Lead water pipes. Let’s vote for the same people who have been in charge for 50 years. It will be different this time.

    It is why Trudeau doesn’t even have to campaign. He is already guaranteed victory.

    1. “It is why Trudeau doesn’t even have to campaign. He is already guaranteed victory.”

      With you as his tout and urging vote spitting on the right, how can Trudeau lose, eh?

  13. Did not know where to post this. I watched Tucker with Bill Blasio yesterday. Blasio dominated the discussion, made Tucker out to be a petulant little boy IMO.

  14. The Black Jamaican-American Pamala Harris can’t be confused with an African-American descendant of American Slavery… She is an fake opportunist, like Pocahontas who enjoyed a minority status…

    Time to check the DNA of all these Democrat operatives and call them out.. The list of First Generation Americans (got citizenship through an act of Congress) is more than ODD…..
