47 Replies to “More Daycare Spots Will Stop the Shootings!”

  1. The Feds are pathetic but Brian missed the part where the province gives a welfare cheque every month to these tough guys.

    1. Correct minuteman. We have only one way to go and that is down as long as we continue to push diversity.

      1. The positive is, Toronto is getting exactly what they voted for.

        Getting pretty tired of this Lilley guy mincing words. Why doesn’t he just tell Toronto, “YOU VOTED FOR THIS, SUCK IT UP, PRINCESS”? Pleasing your enemies does not turn them into friends. Being polite to your enemies does not turn them into friends. Beating your enemies to death does not turn them into friends; but you have less enemies. And the enemies you haven’t got to yet might start to think twice.

        1. lol !!!
          anybody know how to start a ‘fundme’ sose I can hire one of those plane banner things with Mr Kevin’s suggested wording?
          oh gawd. imagine the msm scandal. “SUCK IT UP TRANNA” what’s the word limit on one of those things?
          lol !!!
          I truly like some of the sentiments from Kevin, as in I APPLY THEM myself.

    2. There are things that will stop the shooting. But we won’t do them, we left behind over a century ago the values and mindset that can build a peaceful, law-abiding society and now are busy tearing down the systems that can maintain what was bequeathed by the builders.

      1. Thetooner – there is no “we” any more. That’s the whole point. When you import client third world savages, they are going to be violent third world savages. The rest of us aren’t going to change them, and they very likely change us. We are going from being a high trust society to one based on clan loyalties, and the purpose of political power becomes robbing the public treasury to enrich your clan. There is no putting the genie back in the lamp. This is now who “we” are.

  2. Justin loves to stick his nose into provincial matters. Especially if he can attack evil Doug Ford. He already has thrown money at various education issues in Ontario. Maybe he can provide money for a splash pad for the kiddies, like one of his ministers did out east this week.

    1. “Justin loves to stick his nose into provincial matters.”

      I honestly don’t think he has read either of the Constitution Acts (1867 and 1982) beyond their preambles.

      Too many big words?

      1. It’s the premiers who haven’t read it.

        Don’t blame the guy who has no opposition at any level. Blame the people who could be doing something but never have.

    2. That is exactly what he has done.

      But people in Ontario tend to remember a few things: the Liberals put Ontario into debt, they mistreated autistic children (where the Tories have finally gotten off of their duffs and sorted that mess out – in a way), that there is STILL gun violence, that Ontario has taken the load of the “irregulars” and that Justin is a simpering little moron.

      So there’s that.

  3. We must be in the electoral phase of politics in Canaduh now. That is the part where the Liberals can see the writing on the wall; minority government at best, Loyal Opposition at worst. It is time to spend the country into oblivion. Either the Cons form government, and find it bankrupt, or the Liberals form government and happy times are here again. A Conservative gov’t cuts the budget to get the national finances into some semblance of balance, a one-term government GUARANTEED. Then the Liberals get their Majority back with Chrystia Freeland as Prime Minister. It will be GLORIOUS!!!!!

    1. People do not like what is happening to the country under Liberals. We are fulfilling Trudeau’s “post-national” description. Why would the country turn around and give them a majority back after a short stint with Conservatives? If Liberals are not goners this time, I would prefer Libs get in again until they are truly goners for the next 50 years. Whatever it takes to wake people up. They are destroying the country.

      1. Kate, can you please just start deleting any message from someone who says “people have to wake up”?


      2. Linda L, SOME people,mostly on conservative blogs, don’t like what is happening to our country,but most people are not concerned with politics in their day-to-day life so if they are comfortable, they will vote the way they always have,probably “progressive”.

        The Liberals will never be “goners”, the LPC will carry on as long as Canada. There will be no epiphany, people are sheeple,more concerned that their Party wins and make THEM feel more comfortable. We are destined to be ruled by the Eastern Lib-Cons forever,unless the West separates,and that is about as likely as Jagmeet Singh becoming our next PM.

  4. “A Conservative gov’t cuts the budget to get the national finances into some semblance of balance, …”


    1. Let’s check that out, in my almost 80m years, most as conservative supporter, I have never seen a conservative government reduce the debt by even a penny. I have never seen a balanced budget that an accountant worth his salt would ever verify. All politicos in Canada are the same, socialists. I have also never seen bad law rescinded that stayed rescinded.

      1. Then you haven’t paid attention to Mike Harris in Ontario who balanced the budgets, made major changes to the education agenda, and did what he said he would do. Ford will do the same. Why do you think the Liberals to this day hate Harris and now Ford?

        1. pfffft. ‘balanced’ by such actions as selling the land registry system for 5 cents on the dollar.
          a one-time ‘pawn shop’ transaction throwing away a steady and huge source of cash.
          sold to, naturally, the exalted ‘private interests’.
          and THIS is why the ‘title search’ nowadays is a 1 page thingy ‘sort of’ claiming there lOOks to be ‘no problemo since the last time we looked. yep yep yep.’
          oh ya, mikey ‘balanced the budget’ by PAWNING very valuable assets among others.
          and also ‘saved money’ by sacking gubbamint inspectors like the ones who might have caught the Walkerton contaminated water situation before HUNDREDS got seriously ill. some still to this day.

          and whose min of edjukayshun one j snobelen *pioneered* the tactic of “creating a crisis”.
          oh look, the youtube link is now gone !!!

          1. Mikey got the 407 built because Boob Rae had no money and used the $3.2 billion to help pay down our debt. The 407 is now owned 50.1% by CPP so we all win.

            Don’t bring up that old saw of Walkerton which quickly went back to private water testing. Brothers Stan and Frank Koebel were totally responsible for this tragedy.

          2. Re: “and THIS is why the ‘title search’ nowadays is a 1 page thingy ‘sort of’ claiming there lOOks to be ‘no problemo since the last time we looked. yep yep yep.’”

            You haven’t a clue about what you going on about. You might want to look at the conversion from Land Registry to Land Titles first before shooting off.

            “Under the Land Titles system, title does not need to be searched back 40 years; anything earlier than the current owner is protected against by the Land Titles system. This is part of the reason why adverse possession cannot occur under the Land Titles system.”

        2. I wrote Mike and dropped my membership when he was premier and he balanced and reduced the cost of government by zero percent. Forced amalgamation and increased municipal costs by numbers too large to consider. Sorry, as I said an accountant worth his salt would laugh at the so called balanced budgets.

      2. OWG.

        That is fer Goddamned sure.
        Not one of them…incl. Harper…although he was likely the best of the bunch. All however, petrified of taking on the Quebec “owned” Canadian Public Service, and doing what needs doing.

        We don’t need a scheer libcon, we need a TRUMP. (or a re-incarnation of Rallph Klein).

      1. “Toronto is also a shithole.”

        Okay. Pretty well the same thing.

        Toronto: old Seneca word for “sanctuary city.”

        Kevin nailed it too at 9:50

  5. Dairy queen will ensure that the groper gets re-elected. Liberal , Tory…. same old story!

  6. Old white guy….spot on.
    What was it Ralph said??
    Oh ya.
    “You can slide a lot further on bull S—t than gravel.”

  7. Nigh 15 years since TO boxing day shooting. Same. Same trolling for ethnic votes.
    Had Harper only built those basketball courts for the “disenfranchised youth”.

  8. Trudeau is a BS artist, bar none. He cancelled Harper’s visa requirement for Mexicans now South American gang members are buying Mexican passports and coming to Canada only to commit crimes. The people pouring across the Roxham Road border are primarily Nigerians, Haitians and others who arrive with their luggage and promptly go on welfare, public housing, free dental etc. Toronto is paying the price for Turdeau’s wonderful programs, of course all done with our tax dollars.

  9. Lets see?

    The big smoke has how many ridings?
    And how many laws regulations and government have been created and inflated at the behest of the Toronto bubble for their comfort and pleasure?
    Now I should be concerned over the murders, the overdoses, the gangs and all the “diversity”?
    They wanted it.
    They asked for it.
    Now they get it.
    They continue to elect the likes of Trudeau and then complain about the outcome of their own actions.
    Sorry, Toronto owns this, they can fix it themselves.

  10. The only thing that actually stops it, is when the thugs get to move into his neighbourhood.

    When MS13 executes about 35 MPs, and about 100 of their children get the gank in one or two of their neighbourhoods. That is the only way any of their policy ever changes.

    It only affects you. And you are just a deplorable.


    Because none of this can continue, without security for them, paid for by you. AND NONE OF THEM WANT IT TO STOP.

  11. More daycare spots? Meanwhile everyone knows how to minimize crime. With stay at home mothers and scary working fathers who actually live with the moms. People used to worry about the family name. Now society has tried to do everything it can to eliminate the family.

    1. it is not society that has tried to eliminate the family it is the communists. the communists are the first people in history to condemn the family unit, what was considered to be the main building block of society. the more communists you elect the more the family will be attacked. look what the left has done to the black family in the united states.

  12. “More daycare spots will save us”?? I think one of the fundamental problems is parenting has been abdicated to daycare and starting the indoctrination of children starting in the pre -k starting at 3 years old.

  13. Media were as usual lapping up the utterances of trudope and tory this morning . They are by far the two biggest weiners in Canadian politics.

  14. Did you guys check out Paul Harvey’s comment on this story in the Star comments section?
    I’m amazed at how much of the libs shenanigans he was able to remember. I took a screen shot cuz I want to reference this a whole bunch. Paul Harvey, you are my new hero! My heartfelt thanks.

  15. The Canadian Indian fraud has gone on without a whimper from Taxpayers, and its huge..

    1. How did Metis (half Breeds) become the keepers of Indian treaties… Is there any real Indians left in Canada? Who decided that Metis are Indians under the Indian Act?? Who decided that Courts could give land title to Metis.. The North American Act determined land titles until the Canadian Supreme Court over ruled all English Common Law….The gate keepers of the Crown are a fraud…..

    2. Do Indians submit to DNA testing, or is just claiming you are an Indian good enough… Jody is only <30% Indian, but leading the land title claim agenda.. What land Title is part of any of the treaties? What right have the Courts to Open Indian treaties & add 2019 language and create rights?… Who are these fraudulent Judges?…

    The French revolution faced the same indifference by the Crown.. And they used the Guillotine to rid the people of the evil free-loaders.. Still a viable option…


  16. The cancellation of ‘stop and frisk’ or ‘carding’ was the beginning of the end of police authority in Toronto. John Tory is the cause and he continues to support this.

    The police officers – and I know several – call this the real problem. The black gang members laugh at the cops while showing off illegal guns in their pockets because they know they can’t be touched.

    Fix that Tory and Saunders and you’re well o your way to solving gun crime in TO.

  17. I love the narrative”We can’t arrest our way out of this outbreak of public shootings”.
    And the media reguritates it line for line and never asks “why not?”
    There are so many pistol packing gang bangers in the city that the police cannot house them all?
    Or current practises mock the police effort on every front?
    Funny how hard it is to discourage gun crime,when the court has “Triggerman” out on bail in less than 1 hour.
    Triggerman gets less time than a drunk driver for killing bystanders,bystanders in a shopping mall…
    If cop shoots Triggerman in line of duty,cop gets punitive investigation.

    Police and politicians are walking a fine line,they created the situation,now they want more money to “solve it” Huge amounts of money over the lifetime of the shooters.Clients to the State of course.
    Hanging all involved might actually protect the public.
    I am a cynic I just laugh and point out these are Justine’s People doing what the voters begged for.

  18. anybody think daycare might be where the hyper-sensitive totalitarians that want be kill anyone that disagrees with them are created? it is not a good idea to give your child to a total stranger to raise during the child’s formative years. your communist college professors knew this that is why they urged you to do it.
