43 Replies to ““This the difference in the political battle we have seen for the last 3 years.””

  1. I wish people would stop referring to this folks as “Progressives”. It’s just not true!!

    1. Progressivism=big government=corruption and taxation=inflation=war.
      Repeat as necessary, sure they are the “compassionate ones,” until a cowered populace and totalitarianism is instituted.
      Not progressive, but regressive, not liberal, but illiberal, not liberty but statist slavery, not civil society, but failed civic society.
      IOW good old Marxist determinism, where you think of what you want but the state decides what that is, for “your own good.”
      Transactions of decline pile on, drive down prosperity and freedom; some “rich” outgroup blamed; double down on failure.
      When, finally, economic activity grinds to a halt, individualism and private enterprise are vilified, where the state “must” rule.
      … from their luxurious gated, guarded enclaves, free of the shared misery of the deplorables and irredeemables, now captive

  2. soooo the left just cheats?
    (pssst, hint: that’s ALL they really know. dovetails with the entire leftist ideology, propaganda, agenda, objectives,
    ends-justifies-the-means, etc etc)

  3. Excellent thread is right. The writer of this thread is absolutely correct, and that is why the right has basically lost the war in Canada except for small rearguard skirmishes, while a serious offensive by some groups on the right, including by President Trump, in the US is showing very positive gains. The left has basically had its way covertly for many decades and is deeply entrenched in all our institutions, hence churches and schools teaching Marx rather than freedom of the individual.

    Yuri Bezmenov was right.

    Where is our Trump to get the ball rolling in Canada? Harper was lukewarm and Andrew Scheer is too soft and marginally a Liberal. Europe has Farage, Orban, and a smattering of other people and groups.

    1. This country is lost.

      People vote with their stomachs. When Justin is voted out this October, it will be because the carbon taxes make it nearly impossible to buy beer and food. No one will ever be self-reflective and consider the role of the government and the citizen.

      One will notice that the left (never “progressive”) doesn’t even have to try in this country. The left talks, people nod. People are too stupid to fight back even if they wished to.

      This country must suffer major setbacks and disasters before it can be rebuilt.

      1. Yes. That is why Nathan Cirillo should have held the door open for the religion of peace instead of getting in the way of a bullet.

        Until politicians get killed because of their own policies, they are not going to change their policies.

      2. All that most Cacadians want is their beeer and their hockey. Well, let them enjoy being turned into serfs by the Libs.

        Serf – that’s a hard word, isn’t it, dumbos? May you freeze in the dark. But at least your beeeer will be cold.

    2. yes Ken, you are slowly “getting it”. The churh is a large part of the problem. Many churches help illegals, they join the BDS crowd, attak those who are against illegal immigrants, and the RCC (the poop) gave $500,000 to facilitate the “caravans” headed for the USA border, and still bible thumpers in here can’t see that “religion”, all types, should be kept out of politics. The 2 don’t go together very well. Religion is an emotional based ideology, and politics should be governance with out emotional distortion.

    3. ” the US is showing very positive gains”

      No it isn’t, and that’s probably why you didn’t name them

      “Europe has Farage, Orban, and a smattering of other people and groups.”

      ‘Farage And The Fascists’

  4. The right has been on defensive by design. It’s almost all political theatre, with the left being the globetrotters and the right playing the role of Washington generals.

    The much of the political right is occupied by the left posing as conservatives

      1. But that no-name prick is a “constitutional professor”(like fuck).Slurp-ramp student at best.

  5. The left (Communism) appeals to those of limited intelligence & a very short Attention Span… It doesn’t matter the issue because the initial babble cloaks the actual intended substance….

    Example: Elisabeth May’s initial presentation sounds reasonable and intelligent ..until she goes off the tracks at the end of every presentation… She knows the limit of her Green’s attention Span…

    BTW: IMHO The experimental tribal self Government has fatally failed… ALL Indians… Time to Punt!

  6. The Canadistan sheeple always want the government to fix stuff.
    The Lefty Losers make promises and enact laws and so we see individual liberty crushed for “Group” Rights.
    Most Canadistanians who believe themselves to be conservatives would fail a simple Q&A test.
    When the sheeple believe the government can “fix the climate” there is no point debating or defending – just tell them you bought 1000 rounds of ammo on the weekend cuz shooting shit is fun.

    1. Well this month is “Running of The Gadgets”, so Pepsi Leader will be otherwise occupied, so some destruction to the country will be put aside, as he plays with his favorite toy-brains for the summer. I can only wish him the “best”..lol

    2. When the economy is doing OK the electorate will vote in Liberals to loot the joint. When the morons have realised the mess that has been made then they will bring in conservatives – which willbe done, slowly and painfully. Fixing PETs mess took well over 20 years. And then? Back into the cess pool the Canadian electorate jump.

  7. Rabbi Kahane was once asked whether a serious attempt to restore the full inheritance of the Israelites to the Jewish people wouldn’t lead to perpetual war with the Arabs. Kahane responded: Israel will always be at war with the Arabs.

    That’s our situation. Civilization will be at war with globalist ideologies until the globalists, and their collaborationist parties, tribes and cults, no longer have the manpower or means to make war on civilization.

    Kahane understood that Amalek could not be negotiated with, but only utterly annihilated—and until that was done Israel would never know peace.

    Consuming China and Islam in atomic fire, and putting traitors and globalists to the sword or bayonet is the only thing guaranteed to ensure the continued existence for the men of the west and a future for their sons.

  8. So, after seeing the success of Trump, you got any political parties that are willing to attack CBC like Trump has attacked CNN? No? We how is that working out for you?

    You got any politicians who have banned CBC and Global from their events like so many have banned The Rebel? No? How is that working out for you?

    Has anyone you voted for in the past 50 years fought for even a single issue that was important to you? Fought for anything? Demonstrated even a single principle they refused to compromise on?

    How has that been working out for you? Always chasing the “most electable” candidate as defined the KGB. I mean CBC.

    If your allies ain’t been helping, maybe time to get new allies.

    1. The guys with the guns work for the other side.. We are fk’d..We need a Canadian Spring but ain’t gonna happen.

  9. It’s quite simple really, if you want Freedom and Liberty, you have to fight for it. If you want it to continue, you have to fight for it. If you do not, it is taken by stronger people and groups, end of story.

  10. Name one time the left has ever compromised on anything…..
    …and that’s why we’re losing..in little increments every day

  11. “… if you want Freedom and Liberty, you have to fight for it.”

    Exactly. And there is “fight” in precious few on the right….me, I know.

  12. The so-called right are defenders of previous leftist policy ratcheting. None of them want to shrink leviathan but prefer to seek power in whatever undignified grovelling manner to enable them to manage leviathan in futility while the left works on the next wave of growth of government. If Conservatives were honest, they would admit that they seek power only to slow down the rate of arrival down the road to serfdom and that they firmly believe that is the only way they will be elected and permitted to hold power, and in Canada presently, that may be the case. In Canada the “leader” without a Party (Mad Max) is the only exception (and the three busloads of Libertarians).

    Trump is (on the?) offensive in several ways and some, positive, but given that he is neither a conservative nor libertarian, his brand of populism merely skirts around the edges of the largest and one of the most indebted welfare states on the planet.

  13. Bah.
    The deal was,you leave me alone and you can play your silly games,hell we will even give you an allowance to get you useless yammerers out of our hair.
    Worked great at first.cause we would kill any who crossed the line.
    Gradually we lost track,until the fools and bandits are at the very helm of the ship O State.
    No point bailing,she is going down.
    The fools are fully in command.
    There is nothing you can do.
    Stop contributing, enjoy the decline.

    Any population that permits Human Rights Tribunals, is lost.

    The Kleptocracy has to collapse, reform is impossible, by democratic means.
    Theft is the business of Government,hence you must not steal as your government hates competition.

    Until 50% want the stealing to stop, nothing will change.
    Never going to happen while we are “confederated” with our eastern comrades.

    By the way, Progressive is a perfect description.
    As in Rust,erosion,decay..Our progressive comrades have that effect on everything they get to control.
    Only true progressives can destroy a functioning country in 4 years or less.

    1. agreed J R.
      behind the left’s incessant creep strategy, is a vastly bigger and vastly long term phenomenon akin to the laws a gravity.
      I will therefore attribute said law to mother nature.
      she WILL have her way, ALL processes, methods, events have LIMITS.
      when the left triumphs, the cheering and celebration will be supplanted by forces invisible (cause the left dont wanna acknowledge their existence) and exceptionally powerful. like trying to halt tectonics. the piper will then be paid. no choices, no deferment, no exceptions.
      how it precisely plays out is due to too many variables to predict.
      the comeuppance will happen, many will pay, the perps on the left, the fence sitters, the power boyz, the monied crowd who let it all happen ‘in the interests of stockholders’, etc etc.

      there’s a term for it actually: The End Times.

  14. I very much agree with the Author here, and let me remind everyone WHY Trump is POTUS … the conservative voters of America were pissed-off at a Republican Party insisting on running “moderates” (read: ass-kissing Democretin appeasers) for two decades. Trump FINALLY gave us a “3rd Party” Alternative. A conservative who would FIGHT, instead of saying what a “swell guy” Obama was … even as you’re attempting to defeat him. What a complete LOSER, McCain was. Yeah … I don’t prefer my WAR “heroes” to be shot-down and make anti-American statements. I agree with Trump … my WAR heroes are those who gave their lives to save their buddies lives.

    But … I don’t believe Trump’s style of fighting, and plan of attack is very well thought out. What is lacking (at least I can’t see it) is a solid game plan. What is our tactical strategy for defeating the Left ? … and convincing a majority of Americans that things like the “New Green Deal”, OPEN borders, and every other rubbish Leftist idea, needs to be binned !

    Every good offense is planned. Players who can SCORE are organized in an attacking formation. Our defenders need to keep serving the ball into the attack. Our defenders need to be making overlap runs on the flanks and crossing balls straight to the heads of our strikers. Rush does this very well, Mark Levin, and now Tucker Carlson do this well.

    But an ATTACK is a very POSITIVE thing by nature. Defense is a negative thing by nature. What I believe is lacking in our Attack is a full explanation of WHY Trump’s policies are the RIGHT and the POSITIVE thing for America. Our attack needs a full intellectual explanation. Yet the explanation has to come in clever sound bytes that are easily understood and resonate in the hearts of Americans. Something Socialists and Communists have been really good at.

    Take Immigration for example. We need to stop using words like “stopping” illegals from busting our borders and explain that defending our borders and controlling immigration makes your wages go higher! Fewer illegal immigrants = higher wages for ALL Americans. A strong border = a larger paycheck. We need to explain that we are PRESERVING our neediest Americans by protecting our border. We are preserving the help$$ given to autistic children, by preventing caravans of unskilled, illiterate, needy welfare cases from crashing the system, and exploding the US deficit beyond what can be ‘papered-over’. Conservatives need to get much better at “messaging” our ATTACK. Attacking the left cannot end with nothing but name-calling (as laughably accurate that has been).

    We need to convince the majority of SANE Americans that we are doing the right thing for ALL Americans. Positively. Gun ownership may save your life, by allowing you to NOT become a victim. Removing onerous regulations creates PROSPERITY for ALL Americans … across ALL industries. Be positive and be strategic.

    But I am far far far from criticizing MY President, since he’s the ONLY one to come along in DECADES with the cajones, business experience, and leadership to pull this off. I’d just desperately like to see and hear MY President being a little more thoughtful, and measured in his communication. No, I don’t want him to becomes a “slick”, “polished”, Political bullshit artist … God knows we’ve had enough of THAT type of leader … but would like him to explain our offense more completely. He’s doing a decent job of it, but needs to keep polishing his delivery and messaging. I believe Steven Miller is doing this well, and Trump needs to take more cues from Miller.

    But I have to admit … I still enjoy watching and listening to Trump kick em in the nutsac to get their attention first … before unleashing the attack.

    1. ah.
      allow me to quote monsieur Trump in an area I am actually personally familiar with, that being nuclear deterrence:
      “fire and fury”
      skill testing Q: who was that comment aimed at, and what immediate drop in stick-in-the-eye activities were observed?

  15. When is the last time you saw a conservative political advertisement that explains why conservative policies work best?
    Or that explained the economic benefits of capitalism and conservatism?
    Max Bernier comes closer than most.

    1. If you need it explained why conservative policies work best, you shouldn’t be allowed outdoors off leash, never mind be allowed to vote.

        1. There’s a reason we don’t let them vote either, no matter how much the left would like that. Children believe schoolmistresses because they don’t know any better.

          Reality has a conservative bias. White boys of modest means, who are not shielded by money or legal privilege from the consequences of irresponsibility, almost always figure that out before they finish high school.

          That’s why they resist the temptation to beat some sense into the heads of their schoolmistresses. Only the “diverse” boys can count on getting away with assaulting or raping their teachers.

      1. Ass Canadian, many people, like you, wouldn’t know “conservatism if it bit you on the A$$. If you think the stupid are only on the left, go look in the mirror. You, and people like you, are part of the problem, and don’t contribute to any solution.

    2. Im beginning to rethink my strategy re Max:
      in the long term we need to *also* turf the class clown andy panda, see previous news item re Michael Cooper.
      I now include any candidate running under the Bernier banner as possibly getting my vote.
      aka thinking long term.

  16. It is too freaking funny, people, in a very small way, catching up to that which I have known for decades.

  17. No the reason you keep losing is because you have no real principles just insane fixations and fads.

    “Enter President Trump. He doesn’t defend; he attacks in the political battle. When he is attacked he doesn’t just sit back and defend, he counter attacks.. He attacks then attacks again and again and again. He starts offensives, he doesn’t defend against them.”

    And loses. Contra to what OP claims, Trump is not winning. Pelosi handed it to him wrt the shutdown. Illegal immigration was already in sharp decline before Trump arrived. The Wall is not happening. The Mexican tariffs spasm is Trump’s latest flailing and with it he’s managed to destroy any reason for a country to negotiate with this admin and to divide the GOP even more than it was. Trump has also further mainstreamed the pro-immigration position. Polls show it was always most popular.
