21 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Boiling Point”

  1. “Justin here. Pay the uh carbon tax and uh this uh won’t happen anymore.”

    Of course if you control the media, Pravda will ensure bad weather stories will never be reported.

  2. Sadly liberals think this is due to too much CO2 in the atmosphere. I say sadly because they have votes.

  3. Clearly fake news. I was reliably informed that snow was a thing of the past.

    1. Climate is the continuous function of weather so good luck with that, especially the world socialism and taxaction part.
      Climate change is neither good nor bad, it just is. Assuming normal events are “extreme” is at the heart of CAGW fakery.

  4. Every weather event is spun as “climate change”….. forget that the original impetus was supposed to be “global warming”.
    Happened to pick up a Calgary Sun the other day, and there was a lengthy column by somebody I had seen on CBC a few times (forget her name) opining the irony that Scheer had to reschedule his announcement of his climate change policy….. due to climate change events. That was the basic assumption – the floods were already decided to be the result of Climate Change.
    Ummmmm…. no. Your Computer Models, which all this hullabaloo is based on, not only told us that Global Warming would result in the complete eradication of the Polar Ice Caps by 2015, but that we in Canada would be getting warmer and drier, turning towards desert.
    The floods are the result of a cold, wet, snowy winter. The exact opposite of the prediction. The exact opposite of those computer models our country is basing a huge tax policy on.
    My wish…… take whatever the Global Warming models have predicted, and plan for that exact opposite.
    But to the CBC crowd – anything is proof that the models were right. If it floods, if it is dry, if it is cold, if it is warm…..no matter what those original predictions were.
    Refuse to call it Climate Change! Their predictions were for Global Warming – force them to some sort of measurable standard. Hold them to their predictions.
    I know…..how? Keep those watercooler and internet conversations going, as some will choose to see with their own eyes, and may even come to realize how the CBC/CTV cabal are deliberately following whatever they hope is trendy, rather than exercising any independent or investigative thought.

    1. Bingo…I openly mock anyone in my vicinity that brings up global warming as if it was a real thing…then I start bringing up scientific facts after I squash their ridiculous 97% bs.

  5. As an Albertan, I am prone to mention to anyone who worries about global warning that, if it weren’t for same, we would be attempting to communicate from under 2 km of ice.

    1. And we are soon headed for another ice age.

      The great boreal forest will soon be gone.

  6. Naturally I can’t find the link right now, but I remember reading a policy paper written in England on the topic of how to deal with global warming. This was produced by the government, not by some private organization.

    The recommendation was that every citizen should have a card which tracked their carbon credits. Every product and service would have a carbon price associated with it.

    When buying anything you would have to consider both the economic cost and the carbon cost. And the paper was explicit that if you ran out of carbon credits you would be unable to transact business until the following month when new credits were deposited.

    It was utterly and completely evil. And it provided a very plausible model for how the mark of the beast could be implemented and why it might be implemented.

    The only missing piece was the paragraph stating that body chips would be preferable to debit cards. Just convince enough people that the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t do something right now, that “something” being the authoritarian hell imagined by the wicked.


    1. Another jargon victory is the use of the word “Carbon”.
      Carbon invokes images of black smoke or a dark mass spewing into the biosphere.
      Again, in an effort to keep to their original premise…. it is not Carbon. It is Carbon Dioxide, an odorless, colorless gas comprising .04 per cent of the earth’s atmosphere,
      The stuff that plants need to survive. And that we exhale with every breath.
      Tax the gyms and the bike lane users!!

  7. 17 degrees outside today in Lisbon. 17 yesterday.
    Couldn’t prove that global warming crap by me.

    1. 17F or C…??
      I’m guessing C, but thats not even in the realm of “cold”… yet definitely cooler. meh, Calgary weather has also been cooler…. what did folks expect when you have the Planetary Climate Driver showing little to no Sunspots…??

      CO2…..? a monetized – weaponized gas ’cause ya just cant do that to Solar rays. The whole BS AGW deal is to kill capitalism anyway – blame mankind and kill us all off..right.?

  8. as the planet moves toward the next cyclical ice age you can expect people to both starve and freeze, unless we force all peoples to get onside with the use of all fossil fuels to keep humans alive. freaking idiots.

  9. So if the temperature rises in Canada what harm does a longer growing season cause? What harm does higher CO2 cause, better crops? Maybe someone should ask which population they want to starve.

  10. The climate has been so uncooperative with the global warming. The temperature has declined since 2000 and it is getting way too obvious. The only place temperatures are getting warmer is the vast majority of the earth where there are no weather stations and historical temperatures are imputed. That would be the oceans and at the poles. Where there is an unbroken historical record we are headed into the deep freeze. Remember the warmist motto – “Hide the decline”

  11. Have any yellow vets cut the power and gas lines to Macron’s mansion yet? No?

    Then enjoy continuing to lose. Until they have to walk in your shoes, nothing changes.

    Where is the private members bill to take Parliament Hill’s greenhouse gas emissions to zero? You say there has never been one? No MP has ever stopped flying first class while raising your taxes and voting for raises for MPs? And you just let this continue?

  12. I saw this peak ice graph for the Great Lakes covering the period from 1973 to 2019: https://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/ice/imgs/IceCover_avg_1973_2019.png The 47 years of data is somewhat significant for an area that covers a sizeable part of North America. There’s actually a 6500 mile “circle tour” that drives around all five Great Lakes – the Lake Michigan part of the tour is 900 miles long and takes 14-1/2 hrs to drive without stops. Clearly the Great Lakes region is not a tiny “microclimate” and I think it’s reasonable for the region to be considered susceptible to changes in the Earth’s climate.

    Looking at the peak ice graph for trends with a first blush glance doesn’t really show anything obvious. Linear trend analysis does show decreasing ice coverage over the entire 47 year data set. However polynomial trend analysis shows a clear bottoming around the Year 2002 (the lowest data point in the set at 11.9%) with an increasing peak ice trend after. If an equal number of years are considered on either side of the 2002 low (1985 – 2019) the decreasing linear trend flattens considerably. In fact if 2020’s peak ice equals 2019’s 80.9% coverage the linear trend becomes totally flat (years 1984 to 2020). One thing to consider is that the winters of the 1970’s were considered abnormally cold for the past century – so cold in fact that the Media was warning of an impending Ice Age. In my opinion balancing the available data on either side of the 2002 historical low (the inflection point) gives a balanced treatment and avoids over-biasing from the 1970’s cold period. Also another cold winter in 2020 given the continuing quiet almost spotless sun during the current solar minimum also appears to be a strongly probable El Nino or not.

    What’s the big deal anyways? Any quantity of water like a lake can be viewed as a heat energy reservoir so it cools when heat energy is being removed during the winter and begins to freeze if enough energy is lost that phase change can occur. Conversely adding heat energy during spring melts the ice and then raises water temperature once the ice is gone. So given that the Great Lakes have a tremendously large fixed volume and aerial extent that’s been accurately observed for decades that data could be a useful proxy for tracking if Earth’s climate is warming or cooling. This massive heat energy reservoir that seasonally stores and sheds energy during each year makes in my opinion one heck of a big thermometer for determining if the Earth really is developing a fever or not. So if after 36 years (1985 to 2020) there’s statistically NO TREND in Great Lake peak ice there I think it’s reasonable to think that there’s been NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGE in the environment and that year to year change is simply natural variability. It’s also rather damning evidence on the veracity of NOAA/NASA doctored historical temperature data used by the Media to proclaim the last few years as “the hottest on record” when evidence like this reversal in Great Lakes’ peak ice coverage trend actually shows more cooling. There’s lies, damn lies and then there’s climate science!
