Those Moderate Muslims!

From Don “biggest terror threat in this country are white men” Lemon’s lips

Lemon then referred to a Government Accountability Office report that says since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, right-wing extremists have killed 106 people in 62 different attacks in U.S., while Islamist extremists have killed 119 people in 23 different attacks.

… to the SDA Muslim Terror Calculator:

According to the sources linked, there were about 3.45 million Muslims in the US as of 2017, vs 211.46 million Americans classed as “white”.

By my roughly rounded calculation, that’s one death by terrorism per 29,700 Muslims in America vs one death per 2 million “whites”.

Thanks, Don!

32 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. And what happens if you ignore Lemon’s “fortuitous” choice of dates and actually include the 9/11 attacks and deaths? Progs ALWAYS want to start their calculations on 9/12. Guess why.

  2. *
    all you knuckle-dragging neocons just want
    to obscure the really important stories…

    The letter from a lawyer representing TVO demands that Scott
    stop wearing his Tokaroo costume by Friday afternoon, as
    it could pose “a very real threat of tarnishing Polkaroo’s


  3. As Don says so eloquently, these are the FACTS.

    How does this garbage get by management? I guess they are all complicit in trying to establish this narrative?!

  4. Huh??? … and here I thought Don Lemon was “white”. He LOOKS white to me. A LOT whiter than half-white Obama. I’d like to see Lemon DNA tested … wanna bet his DNA test resembles Elizabeth Warren’s?

    Pro Tip – I’ve NEVER feared skin color, but I DO fear criminals and those people exhibiting criminal behavior.

  5. So Lemon is sleeping with a terrorist…his boyfriend is white
    Why do all these anti white black people have white boy and girl friends….straighten and bleach their hair…go out of their way to sleep with and imitate the enemy??

    First off…the survey Lemon is quoting considers all muslims…white…no matter what color they are…Orlando was the largest attack..muslim, not white

    second…you have to redefine what terror attacks….if a white man shoots a black person…that’s a racist and terror attack

    … people playing the knock out game… killing white people..or putting them in the hosp… not racist or terrorism



      Jihadists – 116
      White dudes – 109

      Jihadi’s win!!

      But let me add that a “white supremicist” killing a homeless man, or killing 5-coworkers (workplace violence?) seems a stretch to be categorized as “white HATE crime”. I expect the government, in their zeal to find “white” crime have crossed the line between “hate” and common criminality. For example, what if we found every inner city gang-banger with a Muslim name to have killed for jihad? The numbers for Muslim Terror would explode into the thousands!!

      1. And here’s what’s WRONG with (our leftist) government statistics and reports about “white” crime …

        This shooting is reported as a “white supremicist” mass murder. Huh? In rereading the details of this murder … it appears as though this “white” kid was shooting Christians. So HOW does this get lumped into “white supremicist” hate crimes? Most statistical studies are simply … accepted … by an uncurious media … if the conclusions match their desired bias. Fkcu our government and all the leftist NPC’ers in their employ.

    2. No one seems to want to call what Bill Cosby did a racist thing (all his victims but one is Caucasian). And a lot of times when a black serial rapist is caught, his victims are white only. Black on white violent crime far exceeds the opposite. But stuff like this never seems to qualify for the label, nor get discussed.

  6. My research indicated 14 terrorist incidents involving right wingers killed 29 people. Lemon’s numbers are bullshit. The Muslim numbers are a bit short but close to correct – the worst 7 incidents left 111 bodies.

    1. I saw a study on twitter that said over 80% of terrorist deaths were via Islamist nutbars. That’s a telling stat, eh Lemonhead?

    2. I saw a comment somewhere in the conservo-sphere that the stats were goosed by including biker shooters as ‘white supremacists’. I wouldn’t put it passed them.

  7. So it’s white men ,mostly to the right. So I am curious, does this include the Vegas shooter? Because as far as I know there has been no evidence that he was alt right and in all likelihood appears to be the opposite. That would account for nearly half . So is anyone to the right of Fidel or his equal the Turd automatically become alt right? As for the Vegas shooter the total lack of any real answers is more than a little curious.

    1. The Vegas shooter – wasn’t right wing. ISIS claimed him. The Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter was a anti-Trump left wing anti-Semite.

    2. The Vegas “shooter”, who shot while dead, was an FBI operative, the shotoers are unknown to us, but not to the FIBbers.

  8. wouldnt it be exquisitely ironic if a black dude took issue with the lemonmouth
    and put a .45 caliber in his fcuking head.

    I never watch anything from cnn, excluded that channel from my guide etc. so I missed this.

    I still think it would be most most ironic if a black dude with a grudge shot
    the lemonmouth right in the chest. 4 times.

  9. His definition of “right-wing” attack is probablyu someone who used a gun and was white. Only Oreao shooters are right wing.

    1. Anything right of Leninism is “extreme right wing.” Moderates become extremists, while the extremists are normalized.

      What could go wrong? Asked and answered.

  10. I’ma waiting for unDork and his pet bull to come in here, he/she/it is about as mathematically inclined as my dead kat!!

  11. It’s pure sophistry to separate the death toll from 9-11 from the other casualties in the Islamist war against the West (World), not to mention WTC I, the USS Cole bombing, the many and sundry Islamist atrocities in Europe, the UK and elsewhere. The point is well-made about the per-capita murder rate. Even if there are similar numbers post-9-11 (in the US only, I might add), the point remains: why continue to welcome and harbour vast numbers of ill-educated, hostile, immigrants and thereby increase the total body count? In other words, all things being equal (& they aren’t, I know it), why invite more trouble into our homelands?

  12. When will Saudi Aribia allow Christian Churches to be built in their country as we allow their Mosquesti be built here with Saudi money…

    Send them all back….to the sand traps

  13. I’m shocked they’re attempting damage control on this. I was pretty sure his thoughts were the consensus among the democrat media complex now.

  14. While we are talking about math, rounded off to nearest one decimal, 0.0% of Muslims and white Americans killed somebody in a terror attack. This point gets lost in the white noise, all media or political efforts to demonize any group are more or less equally invalid if we take all subjective filters away and just look at raw numbers.

    This is why these attacks, while heinous, should be viewed more as aberrations than as indicators of group mentality.

    (the actual percentages if you use enough decimal places? for the 23 Islamic attacks from a population of 3.45 million, that means if we assume two Muslims per attack, 46 out of 3.45 million, 0.0013 per cent … for the 62 attacks by white extremists out of 211.46 million, assuming lone wolves in many cases so taking an arbitrary number of 106 to simplify the math, that is 1 out of 2,000,000 or 0.00005 per cent. )

    Now, how about black on black or Latino on Latino violent gang killings? Betcha that is a lot higher in absolute numbers and percentages although still likely well under 1%.

    We cannot govern ourselves based on these misperceptions of huge problems that are relatively contained. Of course one terror attack is one too many, but in a nation of 350 million people, these attack rates and death tolls are not exactly what you might call a massacre. The numbers of people dying on the roads because of distracted driving far outweigh any of these, and how much outrage does that promote in the political classes (on both sides?) … these concerns about terrorism of all sorts are basically growth industries for hand-wringers.

    By the way, I trust the Las Vegas shoot-up last October 1st was not counted as “white extremism” because if so, there’s half the death toll in one incident. I don’t think it was counted.

  15. “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

    Make no mistake, to them we are not people… let that sink in.
