23 Replies to “Weighty Matters”

    1. … but gluttony is one of the “7-deadly sins”. And in our proooogressssssive futuristic society … all “sins” have been absolved. Sin is mocked, ridiculed and ignored as a patriarchal invention to control the masses.

      At our own peril. At our own inexorable doom.

  1. Where this obese woman sees oppression, I see gluttony and weakness.
    BUT …
    Take heart obese women, there are perverted men out there who actually like frolicking in the blubber.

  2. Note as well that the same idiots who claim that fat people are oppressed invariably take the side of the communist governments of places like Venezuela or north Korea.

    In such countries, there is invariably only one fat person.

  3. I don’t see any problem here that repeated enthusiastic application of a ball bat would not properly solve.

    1. I would recommend mandatory stomach stapling. The only treatment for overeating that actually works.

      Just like physical castration is the only cure for homosexuality and pedophilia.

  4. Wait for it, its coming. Instead of LGBTQ it will become LGBTQF (F for fat). No wait, fat might not cut it. LGBTQP. the P stands for plump. Nope can’t do that, P could mean pedophile. LGBTQO where O is obese.

    1. Just wait. I foresee a dark day when that ever-increasing alphabet litany is replaced with a solitary letter.

      That’s N.

      For Normal.

      And they’ll find cures for your straight, healthy, cis-gendered abnormality, whether you want to be cured or not.

    2. Joe, no. “Obese” is an oppressive word. “Cellulite challenged” would be p-c appropriate.

    3. Our proooogresssssive society is working hard to add that ‘P’ to the acronym… it needs to be reserved for eventual inclusion in the acronym of forced fealty.

  5. There may well be too many ‘fat’ or obese people in Britain as this article suggests. We haven’t been there, so can’t say. However, we have been in most other western and eastern European countries, including Russia and Ukraine, and have seen very few obese people, other than elderly people, as compared to North America. In our opinion, there are more overweight people percentage wise in North America.

    It seems European people walk more. Not sure why, possibly they have shorter distances to get to the business they want to conduct. There are more local stores rather than big box store in malls miles away. There are certainly more bicycles in western Europe, and shorter distances and fewer high speed streets. Eastern Europeans are less affluent, eat more starches due to affordability, do not have chips and coke constantly within arm’s reach, so they make do or do without what we consider staple necessities that we have to have in five minutes.

    It was curious that Eastern Europeans were more obese while under the Soviet regime. That might have something to do with nervousness due to political fears, and a more starchy diet based on availability and cost.

    There are probably tons of reasons for overweight people, but to politicize the problem is emulate the Soviets.

  6. Fat shaming is not a nice thing to do. However, it seems to have produced a negative backlash where people think it’s alright to be fat (because fat shaming = wrong, being fat = right). What would happen to medical statistics if you removed all the obese, smokers, alcoholics and drug users? Probably there would be too few people left over to have a statistically accurate sample but that’s another problem. Being seriously overweight is a major health problem that dying your hair purple or getting tattoos won’t solve. Pop is one of the biggest problems. I’m in a remote camp with 4 other men and some of them drink 4-5 cans of pop per day. Can’t be healthy.

    1. NO Steve, pop is not the problem, it’s a glad problem, the grey glad that is were normal peoples brain resides

  7. So, does this mean that the movie Goonies will now be branded as a fat-shaming film because of the truffle shuffle scene?

  8. The media has gone absolutely batshitcrazy….this is just the media promoting all this crap

    But you’ve got to see the humor in it….all the medical papers written linking fat to thousands of diseases…and now the scientists were fat shaming

  9. oftentimes on the bus, which is actually not often because I BICYCLE EVERYWHERE, I take a tally of the fatties.
    shocking compared to the rare ones in my adolescence.

    that was before these dudes did their thing for the sake of stockholders bank accounts:

    meh. mebbe its all for the best, like a bunch of mice in a box gluttonizing and reproducing until the food supply very suddenly runs out.
