37 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. We were talking about this very topic last evening as we gasped and choked from all the smoke here in the Okanagan Valley. Funny how some ice cold beers seemed to remedy the suffering, though.

    Even one unarmed individual with anything faster than a bicycle could rain a maelstrom of destruction on multiple communities here in a matter of hours.

    I sure hope the RCMP are keeping a close eye on our local Mormon community.

  2. “On 13 January 2017 The Israeli fire investigation (The “Gal Report”) had found that out of 80 checked fires, 71 had been result from an arson.[11] And on 4 April 2017 the head of Israeli fire investigation unit had declared “The fires had been act of terrorism done by Arab population against Jewish population. 90% of the fires had caused by Arson. The Arson had been Arabs and the victims had been Jews.”


    Sure, it’s wikipedia…

  3. The area around where I am from in North Eastern Ontario is having horrible fires and people are having to leave. I was going there on a backwoods camping trip in about three weeks, but given current conditions the place I was going might be gone.

  4. There was a rumour last year that some of the fires in California had been deliberately set, but the media did not investigate. Is this another instance that those in charge are afraid to speak out as to what is happening in our societies of the West. Failure to report child grooming gangs for decades in Britain, failure to report the facts immediately on terrorist attacks in most of the West, and a concentrated effort by politicians and the media to instill a culture of fear about speaking the truth about the “Religion of Peace” by demonizing anyone who questions what has been happening in the last two decades.

    1. The religion of peace? Ha
      Why have Shia and Sunni been at each others throats since the death of Muhammed? And they are still at it today!

    2. Same for B.C. in the past few summers; some social media discussion mentioned “middle eastern” looking man was seen starting a fire then leaving the area. I never seen those in our MSM however only on social media.

    3. Rape gangs in Rotherham, arsonists in Cali, … seems to fit the modus operandi doesn’t it it.

      Don’t say anything, avoid being called racist.

  5. There is something I really don’t understand. Why come thousands of miles to a strange country, where you hardly know the language, ostensibly to escape the unbearable conditions in your own country, just to try to turn it into the same kind of shithole country that you are trying to leave behind … same inhumane sharia laws, same third world living conditions. Why don’t you just make it simple and just stay put?
    Oh yeah, there are no blonde girls you can molest at will back home.

      1. Which, BTW, they are being told they are entitled to by various imams as a form of jizya or “dhimmi tax”.

    1. Same reason liberals move to red states. They don’t see the connection to their cultural values and the results.

    2. There’s no evidence that these folks are trying or are even able to make the nations they arrive in similar to the ones they left. Germany has been host to a large number of Turkish immigrants for decades. Germany is not like Turkey.

      1. Other than all evidence that is obvious to everyone but demoguges like you there is no evidence. Naturally.

  6. Did anyone notice that the article is undated?
    And the source, which is no longer there, had an URL including 2008?
    “The posting was listed on the Internet on Nov. 26”
    “Wildfires in California burned more than 500,000 acres beginning in October and authorities said arson was to blame for some of the fires. In August, wildfires broke out in Greece that authorities say were deliberately set.”

    That said, those peace loving Gazans are currently using kites, balloons, and even wildlife to try to set fire to Israeli crops and land. The Greeks are blaming several of their horrific forest fires this week on arson. Last I heard the death toll in Greece was 80 and climbing. Maybe it just takes ten years for certain ideologies to discover if something works?

  7. During his life, Muhammad gave various injunctions to his forces and adopted practices toward the conduct of war. The most important of these were summarized by Muhammad’s companion and first Caliph, Abu Bakr, in the form of ten rules for the Muslim army:

    O people! I charge you with ten rules; learn them well!

    Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy’s flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.

    Aboul-Enein, H. Yousuf and Zuhur, Sherifa, Islamic Rulings on Warfare, p. 22, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College

    1. Give it up, none cares abut another contradicting quote from the Satanic Verses. You arbitrarily pick and choose them as they suit you in your conquest against infidels. We all know it already.

    2. You’re doing a piss poor job of convincing your brethren of this scriptural … interpretation.

      1. Those who burn trees aren’t my brethren.

        (How much of Dresden was burnt by you know who?)

          1. Like I said before, I really care little of your demagogy and cheap gotcha games.

            Nice attempt at diverting attention away from others like you starting fires in the civilized world.

          2. Rizwan – So you’re arguing that much of Islam is at war with western culture in western nations? The west recognizes different rules of conduct in times of war and times of peace.

            Or, perhaps it might be better to ask whether the same rules apply in Dar al Harb as in Dar al Islam?

        1. Ok so assuming you’re genuine. And taking under account the statements you made earlier about differences between Islam and wahabism. If you don’t mind telling me where are you from? Bosnia? Albania? Chechnya? Maybe Iran?

        2. you wanna fcukin talk about dresden?
          WHO in that city would have reaped unimaginable material benefits in the form of really cheap goods made by SLAVE LABOUR, all sorts of very carefully screened household servants etc. if the nazis had succeeded? hmmmm?
          on and on and on.
          the nazi dream all in flames hot enough to melt steel. tsk friggin tsk tsk.
          same goes for japonnngggg. it all ended in a total of 2 millionth of a second.

          oh ya, it was an embarrassment for bomber command, but it STILL HELPED THE WAR EFFORT.
          *anything* that robs the opponent of manpower, diverted resources, destroyed property, demoralizing defeat, helps.
          dresden had it all.

    3. Too bad ragheads don’t follow it. ISIS surely did not and if the heroes of islam don’t, who does? Now tout your lies somewhere else.

    4. On Facebook I have heard a number of ex-Muslims say that beginning at a very young age they had to spend hours memorizing the Koran, but since they didn’t understand Arabic they had no idea what they were saying – not even as an adult. All the parent cared about was that they learn the Koran. This means that any leader can issue a jihad to “kill the infidels using cars, truck and buses” or “kill the infidels in their public squares”, or “destroy homes and businesses of the infidels by starting forest fires.”
      The order doesn’t have to come from their personal imam since the terrorists are making good use of the internet.
      If it looks too good, you might want to do a bit of research.

  8. “The report said that Abu Musab Al-Suri, urges terrorists to use sulphuric acid to start a forest fire, as well as gasoline.”

    Well blow me down. Put this one under Tips and Tricks. Who would have thought that sulphuric acid was a good way to start a fire. Perhaps I’ll try some to get my outdoor grill started. But then perhaps Abu finds it cheaper and more convenient to buy a liter of sulphuric acid than a liter of barbecue starter fluid. He is from the land of Islam after all and acid has many uses.

  9. I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon with the advent of Global Warmism … we no longer appear to CARE about what, or who, starts forest fires. When I was a kid, the airwaves were saturated with Smoky Bear advertisements … “only YOU can prevent forest fires”. I rarely, if ever, hear those public service campaigns anymore. Why? It appears as though the government doesn’t want anyone to THINK about how fires START … but that they are all due to global warming … or at the least, made worse by Global Warming.

    Here in CA … EVERY FIRE (save a very tiny number of lightning strike fires) are started by HUMANS! Sometimes by accident, but increasingly … on purpose, by: eco-terrorists, Muslim Terrorists, homeless mental patients, and illegal aliens. Rarely, if ever, are the IGNITION SOURCE of these fires ever reported. And even less often, is anyone charged, tried, and convicted of starting these DEVASTATING fires. Why? Answer: Global Warming. Wildfires have become a central tenet of Global Warming. Therefore ALL (public agency) focus is on YOUR sinfulness in aiding and abetting these conflagrations. YOU caused these horror fires.

    Our public agencies are actually THRIVING on these wildfires. More taxes are demanded to fight these fires. The firefighting bureaucracy is expanded. The CA Air Resources Board is expanded … to “study” … how man’s eco-sinfulness is ”causing” these wildfires. Wildfires in CA have become big business.

    As a result, there is no focus whatsoever on Arson investigations … and absolutely NO ONE is being held accountable for starting these fires. It is a SICK, SICK, situation, where mass destruction has become monetized by government … therefore … it keeps getting WORSE. I would argue that the Global Warmist government bureaucracies and compliant media … are the REAL Terrorists. They are the Anti-Smoky Bears … they are “doing nothing to prevent wildfires”.

    1. California has exactly the government it deserves. They knew what they wanted, and they deserve to get it; good and hard.

  10. They have done it for decades in Israel. Only a matter of time till it got here.

    Puts the circumstances of Fort Mac back in the spotlight. I imagine, thinking of Lac Megantic, derailing moving pipelines has been discussed as well…

    1. Indeed why would creation of yet another front for cultural enrichers to continue their offensive against the civilized world make the news?

  11. The arsonists are LTFAO at the liberals scurrying around like chicken-little’s with their heads cut off scream “GLOBAL WARMING! GLOOOOOOOBAL WWAAAARRRRMMMMMING! AND TRUMP!”…

  12. Although the suspicion of illegals or terrorists starting forest fires is strong, can anyone provide serious evidence, FYI, your source’s link to its source leads to a page that does not exist.
