14 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Turn off the lights for a couple of days in LA or Frisco? Won’t be much different than any of the 50 largest cities in Canada and the US.

  2. A decade ago when the electricity was turned off in Venezuela for +8 hours a day for months, I think it was to promote socialism and all its glories.

    1. As a friend working in Cuba once quipped in response to the principal socialist slogan, typically painted on buildings and billboards, “Socialism or death; I’ve been here two years and I still can’t decide!”

  3. Pretty sure its very hard to have enough exactly enough power capacity that its only occasional and not regular.

    Specially as when you need it you need it bad.

    What exactly Is the acceptable number of deaths versus 0.00000001% difference in climate change?

  4. Will LOVE reading about stranded EV owners, including municipalities with EV trucks and sweaty apartment dwellers with no air con!!!

  5. All it takes is one of the pG&E feeders from out of state having to be turned off because of the potential of wildfires, and california will find out.

  6. Turn the power off during a heat wave? No air-conditioning? That could be enough to drive people to vote conservative.

  7. Saying the quiet part out loud!
    That is exactly what is supposed to happen with all the green initiatives,
    Occasional becomes regular becomes frequent becomes permanent.

  8. Yes, turning off electrical generation would make farming, breathing and all other source of CO2 also magically vanish.
    Trust the Science that cannot be disproven!

  9. Leftists just really, really hate people. They need to off themselves as an example to the rest of us. That’ll show us…

  10. Let us start by randomly turning off the power to the Los Angeles Times. Ignore them when they say how vital they are, and keep doing it at ever increasing intervals. Once they start screaming really loud, just shut it off permanently. And I do mean PERMANENTLY.

    A lot less hot air.

  11. When I grew up … a hot summer was pure bliss. Nothing better than splashing in a pool, going to the schoolyard to play baseball … sweet, sweet, summertime.

    But now … even 90 deg. F weather warrants a “SEVERE HEAT WARNING!”


    Come on … fer Xrist’s sake! It’s summer. It’s warm. It’s nice outside. JUST STOP with the FAKE hyperventilating about NORMAL weather
