Maybe climate change?

The post-pandemic spike in excess deaths is simply becoming too large even for the leftist corporate media to ignore, but it seems that most favored approach is to throw up one’s hands and declare that it’s all just a baffling mystery.

Statistics Canada last week published what are called “provisional” mortality counts for New Brunswick, which estimated 9,288 people died in the province through 2022.

If confirmed, the number will be a record for the province, obliterating the previous high set in 2021 by a stunning 1,179 deaths.

New Brunswick’s Department of Health is aware of the record 2022 death estimate but it has no theories about a cause — and isn’t prepared to draw any broad conclusions about what it means.

97 Replies to “Maybe climate change?”

  1. No mention in the article of possible ‘vaccine’ induced issues. Great reporting!

    1. Even sadder, no comments about reality.

      Mice and/or censorship?

      Hard to know in communist-leaning New Brunswick.

      Where’s that McCarthy fellow when a country needs one.

    2. Ha. And the woman is “waitlisted” to get the medical treatment necessary to slow her heart rate. Ain’t Socialized medicine awesome! You’re so much better than America … where we do “medicine for profit”. Ewww … Doctors making profits … Ewwww … paying Doctors and Hospital Administrators top dollar. Comrades! Those high salaries should go to The Peoples Commissars of Medicine. Commissars who determine how many stand in line, and how many are referred to MAID.

    3. That was precisely my observation about no mention of the Covid vaccines role in these excessive morbidity and mortality events . So yes, the leftist and MSM are continuing to ignore these sequela of the Covid mRNA vaccines.

  2. Yes, the after affects of COVID infection and the ongoing mortality related to Omnicron do have a toll.

    1. You might want to take a look at the data out of New Zealand….as of Dec 31, 2021, 80% of the entire population was “fully vaccinated” (all ages). And what happened? Well this….

      According to Worldometer data this is the situation as it existed as of April 12, 2023.

      New Zealand
      Total of all COVID cases up to January 1, 2022 – 14,118 or 19 cases per day
      Total of all COVID cases from January 1, 2022 to April 12, 2023 – 2,286,481 or 4,866 cases per day

      Which represents an increase in new cases per day of over 250 times

      Total of all COVID deaths up to January 1, 2022 – 59 or .081 per day
      Total of all COVID deaths from January 1, 2022 to April 12, 2023 – 4,045 or 8.54 per day

      Which represents an increase in deaths per day of of over 100 times

      And that is with the milder Omicron variant…..yeah those “vaccines” sure are “safe and effective”.

      1. Art – don’t confuse them with facts – the data indicates between 6 to 8 deaths for every life the jab may have saved. And that includes government data where every possible death was attributed to covid in order support the agenda.

  3. Actually, the article covertly tells you their “theory”. They weren’t so brazen to come right out and declare it, but they took the position that the increase of heart problems and strokes are a direct result of the Covid virus (side effects)….and stayed far away from the former being a side effect of the “vaccine.”

    The fact that this position is kept out of the By-line suggests they know the truth and don’t want to highlight it. Too risky and searchable.

    1. What’s the elephant in the Canadian Media room?

      No virus post mortem. Any Canadian legacy Media anywhere. No pun intended.

      Seemingly very healthy family member died last week mid-sixties.

      Natural causes. No autopsy. Just how do they know.

    2. “but they took the position that the increase of heart problems and strokes are a direct result of the Covid virus (side effects)….and stayed far away from the former being a side effect of the “vaccine.””

      Then there should be the same effect present every year due to the annual flu virus, right? But there isn’t.

  4. So they blame it on covid . I suspect they won’t be anxious to break down by the number jabs or none.

  5. Everyone here wants to blame COVID vaccines, but that’s just one of many possible explanations.

    First is that the pandemic is still contributing to excess deaths at the rate of about 30 people per day in Canada. We like to think that the pandemic is over, but it’s not.

    Second is that COVID — especially the early strains — often damaged vital organs like heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain without immediately killing people, but that organ damage may be now manifesting itself as excess deaths.

    Third is that the pandemic encouraged people to put off getting regular checkups and treatments, and that may have created undiagnosed illnesses and other problems that are now catching up to us.

    And on and on and on. We may just have to wait.

    1. Yup. Sure. Couldn’t be anything else. Yup. Especially now that the ordinary respiratory flu has seemingly vanished and no one ever gets it anymore. Gotta be Long Covid cause that’s the ticket these days.

      No such thing as natural immunity. No Sir!! All those 18 to 45 year olds just going “THUD” because of that Covid thingy that attacks old people so hard. Yup. Killing off 30 people a day is that virus that’s now been through so many mutations that’s it’s like a hardly noticed cold. Yup. That’s what’s killing off 30 people a day it is.

      If we had all just been quiet and shown them that we’re nice people and just climbed into the box cars like they told us to do then everything would be just dandy. Just go along to get along, remember? We’re all in this together, remember? The vaccine is safe and effective, remember? You won’t get the virus if you take your shots, remember? You won’t transfer the virus if you get your shots, remember? It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated, remember?

      “We may just have to wait”???? We don’t have to wait for anything because we already know.

      1. Do try to consider alternate explanations rather than just your pet theory. And keep the sarcasm down to a dull roar — you don’t have a monopoly on the truth, even if you feel like you do.

          1. There is a correlation there, but correlation is not causation.

            Do you know what else correlates to the number of deaths? The number of COVID cases, which Dr. TimE doesn’t bother to include in his graph. In fact, he doesn’t even consider the possibility that the spike in deaths was caused by COVID itself, not the vaccine.

          2. How exactly do you count the number of cases? We have evidence delivered under oath that the method used to diagnose COVID infection has somewhere between a 50% and 90% false positive rate, and the public health authorities of both Manitoba and Ontario were fully aware of this.

            The Diamond Princess and USS Teddy Roosevelt outbreaks were the best labs we were ever going to get, and they made it clear that Kung Flu was never as dangerous as we were told.

            At what point are you going to realize that the data we have available is hopelessly and deliberately corrupted? And that “oh well, it’s all we’ve got” isn’t actually acceptable?

          3. @Killer — Young people — that is, anyone under 80 ( maybe 70) were not affected by Covid. How can you now claim that people in their 30’s, 40’s 50’s who are dying from strokes and heart attacks are suffering residual effects of Covid. Not true. You simply made that up. And while correlation is not causation, it is a strong signal for further investigation which mysteriously is not happening with respect to potential problems with the vaccines.

        1. “you don’t have a monopoly on the truth, even if you feel like you do.”

          No, just the preponderance of evidence. Keep trying.

          1. Except that the “preponderance of evidence” is poor stuff that does not withstand close scrutiny.

            But SDA has a small but dedicated cadre that is committed to the proposal COVID vaccines are deadly, and any evidence in support of it is accepted unquestioningly. Close scrutiny of that evidence is treated like a skunk at a picnic.

          2. Killer unMe
            you are full of shit, as usual, small town near here, first shot, some paralysis within hours. And that has nothing to do with “covid”. My friend’s sister could not be admitted to hospital till fully vaxxed, got second shot, dropped dead 48 hours later. And again, that’s not “covid”. My friends daughter’s boyfriend, had both shots plus booster, heart problems 3 weeks before wedding , age 25, and that has nothing to do with “covid”. chrissy elliot , health portfolio , I told her she needed to be tried under Nuremberg code for crimes against humanity, there was a lot of support for my comment, and guess what? She didn’t run for office again, so Killer unMe, STUFF IT!

          3. GYM:

            How can I say this politely? I don’t believe you. I think you’re BSing outrageously.

          4. @GYM — Thank you. Very damning account of the impact of vaccines for some. I think C Elliot is an honest individual who was put in an untenable position — I believe she values party solidarity, but knew thst in the case of Covid and the vaccine mandates, that the party position was essentially dishonest. I hope she comes clean at time point.

        2. Was it worth vaccinating young people, when some educated people KNEW the vaccine could affect the heart, and where trying to point it out .
          Instead others swam in their arrogance proclaiming “safe and effective” and it was done anyways, not mentioning it to those kids that where coerced into being vaccinated. A major friggin organ being willfully damaged by health care professionals is bad enough but I once thought teaching a kid to be their own person and an individual was something important, not any more. A whole damn generation of kids already short changed by a poor education system , the easy outs touted by enlightened brain dead social engineers, and top tiers of society including many parents devoid of any integrity, the kids are left to hang on what little understanding of life anyone cared to honestly give them.
          And you point to studies and science, well you don’t have much to stand on.
          Because money talks now, and anyone trying to get people to think the last 3 years was forcibly silenced.
          Like I said to my Doc after everyone chanting safe and effective over and over, who’s going to have the guts to point out any problems willingly overlooked out of arrogance, greed and abject stupidity with the vaccine. Not many ……..
          So do carry on like we are in a world of good guys, bad guys. Truth or lies.
          That’s all changed for the moment. Until the people with some guts outnumber those that will do their mother for a wooden nickle, to line their pockets or save their skins.
          So do go on about INTEGRITY and the scientific method.
          It means nothing in corrupted institutions, and soon to be corrupted society if it isn’t to far gone already.

          Safe – Free from danger or injury; undamaged or unhurt.
          Not exposed to the threat of danger or harm.
          Usable in specified conditions without being damaged. Often used in combination.

          They fking willfully lied ………… and they should have to own it.
          Including the people that bought the line and thought they could impose their weak mindedness on their neighbors.

          1. The topic is whether there is sound evidence that current excess deaths can be laid at the door of vaccines,

            If you have anything to say about that then do so, but I’m not interested in incoherent rants.

        3. The Israelis did a massive (100-200k cases from memory) study of covid recovered people in pre-vax times to check for incidence of heart problems and found no raised risk, yet this article attributes heart problems to covid infection.

    2. Well you will have to wait…..tick, tick, tick, tick, tick…..

      What’s that phrase often used? Oh yeah, I remember…..”get your affairs in order”.

    3. The problem most of us have with your argument is that it assumes the public health authorities are diligent, competent and truthful.

      None of that has been observed the last 3 years, but rather the opposite. We have many instances of them flatly lying. And lying stupidly.

      It is therefore reasonable to assume they are still lying. You’d be a fool to trust them at this point.

      Also, and this is something else not being talked about, these excess deaths are not concentrated in the elderly and infirm as they normally are. People in the “healthy” age groups are dropping dead.

      Meanwhile, doctors as a group are extraordinarily silent. The reason they are silent is that they’ve been threatened with the loss of their license to practice if they speak up. That is not the type of thing authorities do when they are honest, competent and diligent.

      Investigating the vaccines as -causes- of the present is what a reasonable scientist would do. The correlation is plain to see, further investigation into the causation would logically be the next step. But we’re not doing that.

      If some relative or friend of yours drops dead all of a sudden, I’m sure you’ll just calmly wait and see, right?

    4. “Everyone here wants to blame COVID vaccines, but that’s just one of many possible explanations…”
      “Most” people here would be happy if the institutional left, the national, provincial and global health agencies, academia, mindless media, and their mindless masses would be curious enough to look into the cause(s) including the ill-approved Mrna “vaccines”. All I see and hear is crickets. The studies and data that are leaking out despite the uber-institutional firewall all point to the vaccines as a good possibility.

    5. I can certainly see why you would believe such horse pucky.
      If all you ever watched was CBC.
      Or you never checked out some of the less dishonest orgs/govts around the world.

      But if you’re sentient and an adult, just how could you miss:

      1.Vax 95% effective and will save your life
      2.Well not that effective, but will save your life
      3. Well maybe not, but stops transmission
      4. Well maybe not, but get it anyway
      5. And get it every 6 weeks just to be sure.

      Don’t forget to ignore:

      1. Winnipeg, Gain of Function, Food Market, Bats, Wuhan, Fauci, Big $.
      2. World Army Games in China- soldiers first victims-govt kept under wraps.
      3.And hey, remember how we were introduced to the China Flu? People collapsing and dying in the streets. Only the China version did that I guess.
      4.Why did MRNA co-inventor Dr.Robert Malone give up on that vax research? “ALL the test animals died”.
      5.Suddenly dangerous (around forever)Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine.
      6. Nothing, absolutely nothing works but the experimental vax.
      7.What will happen to the vaxxed in 5 or ten years? Nobody, NOBODY knows.
      8. Change the definition of vaccination. Three times.
      9. Big Pharma spent $157 Billion on advertising last year.
      10.Top 3 shareholders of most Big Pharma = Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street.
      11.Top 3 shareholders of most Big Media= Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street.
      12.Rothschild, WEF, WHO, CDC- check out their pre-virus virus scenarios- such accuracy.
      13. The Great Reset brought to you by your own co-opted leaders- in the midst of a worldwide Pandemic-30 years in for the WEF.
      14.Worldwide censorship and cancellation of all non-believers.
      15. Ages 25 to 64 death rates re insurance companies
      16.Current excess death rates around the world/died “suddenly”)
      17. Currently, one jab only is recommended. Only the wilfully blind could miss the goal post moving and the lies.
      So many lies.

      Marmot Maroon.

      1. “1.Vax 95% effective and will save your life
        2.Well not that effective, but will save your life
        3. Well maybe not, but stops transmission
        4. Well maybe not, but get it anyway
        5. And get it every 6 weeks just to be sure.”

        I’m saving that. Well said.

    6. Occum’s Razor – but let’s just ignore what is in our face – blame the bat soup.

      1. “Occum’s Razor – but let’s just ignore what is in our face – blame the bat soup.”

        Exactly. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Amusingly, the people who enthusiastically jump up to deny all the evidence presented in this case are the same people who go all in for stuff like ‘gender identity’ and CAGW, despite all scientific proof to the contrary. Makes me think they might have an agenda…

        1. One thing I would like to add. If as killer idiot contends that it’s not the jab, and your jabbed and you get covid and you get all these complications, it proves that jab is effectively useless. And although he refuses to accept it,I personally know jabbed people from age 22 to 80 who have suffered strokes ,blood clots ,heart attacks and deaths. I know one person whose death was attributed to covid and they were over 80,diabetic and suffering from copd and possibly more. But you know, that couldn’t possibly be true. Nothing will change these people’s minds.

    7. 40% of the deaths from COVID happened with 72 hours of the vax in the UK. One of the side effects of the vax is developing COVID symptoms. Nothing to see here folks.

      There is only one thing we all know for absolute 100% certainty. It’s not the vax because it can’t be the vax.

    8. 1/800 severe adverse effects (from Pfizer’s own data) don’t lie. Coming from someone who (regretfully, under pain of not being able to see my loved ones housed in a medical institution if I didn’t) was jabbed.

    9. “the pandemic is still contributing to excess deaths at the rate of about 30 people per day in Canada. We like to think that the pandemic is over, but it’s not.” But I thought the vaccines were designed to end the pandemic. Surely they have had some benefit. We just have not yet determined what it is.
      ” We may just have to wait” Wait for what? They are making no effort to determine what is behind the excess deaths. I guess we are waiting for the problem to go away.
      Killer, your position is looking more and more fatuous.

  6. Covid treatment and vaccines is only part of the problem and likely the smallest part. Far worse was the effect of government-imposed closures and lockdowns. These smashed businesses by the thousands, threw thousands out of work. The dislocation of businesses produced a massive increase in suicides, drug and fentanyl abuse, family abuse, alcohol addiction.

    1. I’m from the government, and I’m here to help! In retrospect, best to shut the door in their faces!

    2. And then they claim they’ve created thousands of jobs when the businesses that survived opened again. Shameless.

  7. Sargent Shultz “I see nothing”.
    When your pay check depends upon your blindness..
    Followed by “We was just following orders”.
    The lack of autopsies marks these lies.
    And damns every medical person involved.
    Self condemned.

    The CBC article and its comments is quite trite.
    And I notice a large number of erased comments..gee can’t imagine why..

    The meme being sold “Long Covid” is a nice narrative but idiotic .

    If the cause were Long Covid,the death and sickness rates would be similar in Vaccinated and nonvaccinated populations.
    A comparison “Carefully NOT made”.
    Again..I cannot imagine why..Sarcasm meter burnt out.

    Public execution is the only fitting punishment for these foolish bandits.
    The cover up is in so many ways,an even more egregious offence than their original actions.

  8. Provisional means when the death happened, not whe. It was reported. Depending on timeliness of reporting, that number could go up.

    1. The numbers will go up and they will continue to go up until someone somewhere in the vast bureaucratic nightmare we live under finally decides to stop jabbing people.

      1. The Jabba Jabba will stop when the total Global population is under control and at the desired amount , no less , nor more.
        Read it on some Guidestones somewhere that conveniently no longer exist.

  9. I wouldn’t expect anyone working for the MSM who had been a jab cheerleader for the past 3 years, to now say the excess deaths are more common with the jabbed people than the unjabbed purebloods.

    Because there are plenty of jabbed thinkers out there who may take to the streets and smash all their windows, burn everything in the parkade… shun them in the grocery stores

    1. Well of course. That’s because the vaccine is safe and effective and has saved millions of lives.

      1. Actually it hasn’t. Take a look at the data from the CDC for the number of Deaths/Month and mRNA Injections/Month
        over the last 2 years.

        Then go and take a look at the new cases and COVID deaths after December 31, 2021 from countries like New Zealand when the country had 80% of its entire population (regardless of age) had been “fully vaccinated”.

        Do you whistle when you walk past graveyards too?

      2. Would you care to venture into the realm of “turbo-cancer cases” which over a dozen of my jabbed friends and collegues have been diagnosed with? All are in or have been Stage-4, one had 5 cancers diagnosed with no signs then in 10 weeks was layed to rest. Another has 2 brain tumours, both lungs, liver and more, all Stage-4, non-smoker and exceddingly healthy. Jabbed to the hilt. There are millions who have been and will be getting these results from the jab. My son is on that list. Feels like a ticking time bomb.

        Safe? Open your eyes or go back to your mom’s basement and stop posting Sh!te like this.

        1. Seeing a LOT of my Jabbed friends saying they are constantly TIRED.
          And not the usual tiredness, something they can’t put their finger on, I always remind them when they say it with a jabbed pantomime into the arm.

      3. And you know that, for sure, because…?

        You know what you’ve been told, pretty much. One problem with that, they told you it was safe when it was impossible to know if it was safe or not. That’s why I didn’t believe them.

        MRNA jab is not a vaccine, and its long term safety is unknown. Cannot in fact be known, because it is a new invention. But authorities insisted it was safe, based on a testing regimen that was too short and too small a sample to establish safety. Since roll-out several European countries have cancelled some of the jabs because they were having too many adverse events.

        Otherwise know as… they weren’t safe.

        Something I’ve noticed as well, usually with these things all anybody has to do is show a correlation, and the newsies eat it up. Gun control, all correlation all the time. Banning gas stoves and gas furnaces, another brand new campaign based on a very shaky correlation with asthma.

        But show a clear and large correlation between jabs and sudden death? Nothing to see here, shut up, move on, stop looking at the man behind the curtain or you go to jail. They’re literally changing the law so you can’t talk about it on social media.

        Curious, is it not?

        1. “You know what you’ve been told, pretty much. One problem with that, they told you it was safe when it was impossible to know if it was safe or not. That’s why I didn’t believe them.”

          Absolutely. It was the very first thing that crossed my mind as well…it was still ‘new’ technology relative to the century or so of conventional vaccines, and when one of the doctors involved in the development of it raised concerns it definitely caught my attention.

  10. Furness? He should be in jail. The virus does not cause damage to any organs, the injection is now known to cause damage to your eyes, heart, lungs, brain, blood, nerves and skin if it doesn’t kill you.
    I see our professor science partners here think Omicron is still around. Go read some Ethical Skeptic or Alex Berenson just for a start, you’re embarrassing.

    1. ” The virus does not cause damage to any organs, the injection is now known to cause damage to your eyes, heart, lungs, brain, blood, nerves and skin if it doesn’t kill you.”

      Every bit of that statement is a complete lie.

    2. RP, my Bride died from SARS-COV-2, a direct cause. Shut down her body, lungs and heart. Paramedics shocked her 7 times to try and get a regular heart rythym back. She stayed in irregular arithmia and they could not resusitate her. Died on our living room sofa. It is a bio-weapon. It was designed and built and released to kill, that was its purpose. It messes with the heart, interferes with the lungs.

      1. Have you tried to find sars-cov-2? yes or no? Sad that you lost your bride but there was more going on than a flu. And covid ain’t it.

        1. The medical report and my direct 1.5 hour conversation with the assistant medical examiner of AB was an education in SC2 I will never forget. They tested for all 6 or 7 known strains and iterations at that time. She only rested positive for SC2. Side note: it was not the regular testing, it was very in-depth and chemical in nature. She was murdered by the bio-weapon.

          1. My sympathy Glacierman.
            Would be so satisfying to see Gates and Fauci pay for this with their lives.

      2. “RP, my Bride died from SARS-COV-2, a direct cause”

        Sorry for your loss…but was she vaccinated, or not?

        1. Not jabbed. Lost her employment at SAIT because she wouldn’t comply or submit.

          1. “Not jabbed. Lost her employment at SAIT because she wouldn’t comply or submit.”

            Condolences. She must have been part of the 0.3% at risk. No way to predict it, sadly.

    3. This isn’t an either/or proposition. The virus can cause such damage but doesn’t in most people because your body successfully fights off the infection before it has had time to do so. On the other hand, the vaccines reprogram your body to produce the most pathogenic part of the virus.

      And of course the “vaccines” disregulate your immune system which makes you susceptible to repeat Covid infections thereby exposing you to possible side effects again and again.

      1. Bingo. The virus kills and injures. The vaccine kills and injures. Both are deadly. The vaccine does not stop the virus. it gives no protection so why do we keep jabbing?

        Because the government is out to kill us off. Our government wants us all dead. What the virus doesn’t do, the vax will.

        Depopulation. That is the goal and they are succeeding.

        1. Yep. Both the vaccine shot and the virus share the same toxic component, the spike protein. Not only does it not stop transmission but research now seems to indicate that the more shots you get, the greater the risk of a covid infection. If that’s not bad enough…the “vax”, despite assurances, does not stay in the arm muscle. The lipid nanoparticles allow it to get into all organs. What might be worse is that during the manufacturing process for the mRNA, it looks like not all of the plasmids were removed so contamination is a very real issue. There are other concerns about what is in the vaccines and the cumulative immune system damage from repeated booster shots but I’ll stop here.

          The discrimination and segregation that was instituted for being unvaccinated was unforgivable but I am glad we said no to the covid shots because it looks like getting natural immunity was the best course (for people in reasonably good health).

  11. Take a look at the high positive correlation between the “vaccines” and mortality rate in this piece. You will notice the author has done the investigation into the UK and the US and now for Canada. What I found interesting is when I first saw this piece, I clicked on the link he had for the data from Statscan and took a look at it. Then today I went back to that link and lo and behold (as predicted by the author in his footnote 3 where he says “Wonder how much longer these DATA will be there … ), and got this message:

    “The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.”

    That’s called a cover up. The official talking points of government departments absolutely CANNOT be trusted as they will spin like a top….it is the data itself which reveals them….something similar happened in the UK where the government stopped providing COVID deaths by vax status and age group because the percentage of deaths from COVID was absolutely exploding among the “fully vaccinated”.

    1. The provinces were all publishing Covid data by cases and deaths, in the vaccinated and unvaccinated. They stopped doing that when the rates of hospitalization and death in the vaccinated caught up and exceeded the rates in the unvaccinated. That was in the spring a year ago.

      And for you leftists, the “rate” is the number per 100,000 people, Some of you keep saying “well of course more vaccinated folks die, because 80% of the population is vaccinated.” You do not understand the idea of “rate.” Math is hard for you, I know.

      So if we see that death rate is, say, 100 per 100,000 vaccinated, and 25 per 100,000 unvaccinated, all in the same age cohort, what does that mean? Does it mean that the vaccines are safe?

    2. Dr Campbell mentioned Stats Can strange methods.
      Early on in so called pandemic I was searching for stats to compare death by vehicle accidents, Cardiac arrest, vs the Covid.
      They were very difficult to find .
      The cover up began early on.

  12. Did you know that the government of New Brunswick gave the bureaucrats medals for their response to Covid. Actual medals stamped Covid 19. I kid you not.

    1. When the communists lined up on Red Square for May Day, one thing they were never short of was medals.

  13. I was treated for bladder cancer last December. My wife is seeing a breast cancer specialist this coming week after a scan and biopsy. I have had just 2 shots , my wife 3. My son, bless him, is pure blood. My 3 granddaughters are also pure bloods. My GP has had 6 shots and after the last one had vertigo for 2 days.

    1. A friend of mine was just diagnosed with an advanced stage of extremely rare oral cancer that normally only shows up in lifelong smokers. He’s never smoked. They’re pretty sure they caught it before it got to the lymph nodes.

  14. A coworker died suddenly last week. 100% vaxx related no doubt. Sure woke up a lot of people at work.

  15. Most people have not spent two minutes researching what the “covid” vax poison is doing to people. Those who think this is OK are fools of the first order.

    1. The fools of the first order were the ones that lined up for an experimental injection without seeing an informed consent form because they trusted the government. The fools of the second order were the ones that took the injection because it was the ‘right thing to do to save mankind’. Nothing plays into the hands of corruption more than those that believe everything that the government tells them is the truth.

  16. And then we have young athletes like this,

    Died suddenly, that says it all for all of the athletes that have unexpectedly died over the last two years. I’d like to know if Micky had been coerced into taking the shot to continue his education? Funny how the most pertinent question in all of these unexpected deaths is never asked, “Was he ‘vaccinated’ with the mRNA experimental injection?”.

  17. Killer said…
    “ First is that the pandemic is still contributing to excess deaths at the rate of about 30 people per day in Canada. We like to think that the pandemic is over, but it’s not.”

    Romans 1-22
    “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”
    Killer this is you.
    30 a day does not a pandemic make.

    1. Are 30 people a day actually dying FROM Covid? Or possibly WITH Covid? Or maybe just antibodies from the vax? Who knows? They just keep lying.

      1. “Are 30 people a day actually dying FROM Covid? Or possibly WITH Covid? ”

        That was definitely the scam they were using in our hospitals until the statistical evidence became too overwhelming to continue it.

  18. Right Thomas. But don’t use their language. Jab not “vax”.
    Killer and those like him have drank so much kool’aid they are a danger to themselves and those they have influence over. I pity them.

  19. Seemingly healthy people dropping like flies …nothing to see here folks …let’s just move on . The asteroid can’t come soon enough .

    1. “Seemingly healthy people dropping like flies …nothing to see here folks …let’s just move on .”

      Even worse when it is young healthy teenaged and 20-something *athletes* dying.

  20. Well its clearly long Covid , delayed diagnostics due to lock down, reduced fitness levels due to lock down, increased accident levels due to exuberance post lock down, sunspot activity, climate change blah, blah errrrr look squirell!!
