Kiss it better!

Throughout most of the pandemic, were not treatments like this considered to be the province of lunatic fringe, tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists? Note that the article validates direct clinical experience in this case as opposed to the usual kneejerk condemnation of any treatment that does not take the triple somersault double blind study route. How times have changed.

One can now imagine how much easier Covid could have been to manage if the medical central planners and their media lackeys had promoted the use of disinfectant nasal rinses instead of insisting that, short of vaccination and Tylenol, there was absolutely no treatment whatsoever for Covid.

The company McGhee called was Vancouver-based Ondine Biomedical, which created Steriwave, a technology that involves putting a disinfecting liquid into the nose and then activating it with lights attached to probes to kill viruses lurking in the respiratory system.

Interesting juxtaposition when you look at some past comments from the front man of Kiss. One must, presumably, only engage in the treatments that earn his approval.


47 Replies to “Kiss it better!”

    1. Maybe the difference here is that someone in the know has an interest in that company. Perhaps our TBM-PM (He-Her) has financial donors that run that company. That would make it legit; Wouldn’t it?

      TBM = Trans Black Man.

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Trump excoriated for saying something similar about a treatment for Covid involving light???

    1. Scar and Patrick – yes he was widely criticized for suggesting such possible treatments , along with HCQ and Ivermectin. At the time I googled and found there was companies experimenting with what he had suggested .(one was Swiss and another European company) It didn’t stop people from calling him an idiot for exploring possible remedies -Aka “drinking bleach.” It gives me no pleasure to tell you one of the people sharing this information, ” jabbed to the hilt of course” , died of covid in the hospital with the approved treatments. I did not find information on this particular company ,but when I later searched I could find no evidence that there was any such programs . Go figure. It is my belief that the whole program will when you include the jabs and damage to people’s psyche and the resulting damage to the economy, this is by far the largest genocide in human history. I also can see little reason to believe that they will not get away with it.

  2. I will bet money that Gene Simmons never took the Covid Jibby-Jab in the arm, but he sure was yelling out for the Goyim to take it

  3. The link to the study doesn’t work.

    This is one of those stories that you should approach with caution. The treatment might work, but without well-designed published studies, the best attitude is “well, maybe.”

    Pretty easy to get fooled just because you want it to be true.

      1. That’s the opposite case. That’s where lots of people have bought into the tale that it doesn’t work, but there are numerous large controlled published studies that say it does.

        But thanks for trolling.

        1. I see you’re still pretending that a) the replication crisis doesn’t exist and that b) you know enough basic science and/or study design to tell a BS study from a valid one.

          1. A replication crisis occurs when a scientific community puts their trust into a single study, or a series of studies by the same researchers, where there is no attempt to duplicate the results until many years have past and many papers have been written based on it.

            The effectivness of the COVID vaccines is affirmed by dozens of large-scale studies in many different countries. Here’s a meta-analysis of 50 different studies:


            That you don’t even understand the nature of the replication crisis should concern you.

          2. That the marmot still thinks the vaxxes are ok shows why I try never to read or respond to his stupidity.

          3. VOWG:

            You’re quick to allege stupidity, and yet you never attempt an informed, logical rebuttal.

            We have different definitions of stupidity.

        2. Of course it works. It doesn’t prevent infection. It doesn’t prevent transmission. It has an unprecedented high rate of side effects. But other than that it works.
          Too bad nobody thought about natural immunity and horse dewormer back when we could have really used it.

          1. There are countless scientific studies that say different, but you know better because you listened to a podcast of guys with microphones and attitudes and grade 12 math.

            Tough to know which way to go.

        3. Actually there aren’t. The manufacturer mRNA “vaccine” studies were NEVER questioned by the “approving authorities”…..the FDA, et al, accepted the manufacturer written studies lock, stock and barrel. They are crap.

          1. Actually they are. Whatever happened before the release of the vaccines, many independent studies have been done since then. As a result, we are free to ignore those initial studies by the manucturers if we think they are flawed.

          2. Actually, the real life data out of different countries tells a much different story than the “published studies”….almost all of which receive funding from Big Pharma. For example you can look at the real life data out of New Zealand and you will find that after their big “vaccine” push (at which time about 80% of the entire population was “fully vaccinated” as of December 31, 2021), the number of new COVID cases per day exploded and the number of new COVID deaths per day eclipsed the cases. Funny, isn’t it that you would expect the deaths to be lowered as a result of the “safe and effective vaccines” (for which “everyone” is thankful for). Oh….and by the way, New Zealand has the highest excess death rate since the Spanish Flu.

            But then some people are easily baffled by bullshit, aren’t they Marmot?

          3. Art:

            The reason that New Zealand had a massive explosion in COVID cases is because it’s an isolated archipelogo that did a splendid job of keeping COVID out. Their rate of COVID was extraordinary low, virtually nil.

            Right up until February 2022, when COVID got around their safeguards.

        4. Yeah, no.

          There are also no shortage of controlled published studies saying that anthropogenic global warming is happening.

          The key word is “controlled”.

          Yet no matter how many studies are published, they are published by the same controlled groups. And showcased by the controlled media.

          Pushing anti-scientific lies.

          1. The only way you can have a “controlled” study on anthropegic global warming is if you have many earths, some of which you pump CO2 into and some you do not. You then compare what happens to the two groups of earths.

            You are trying to debate here without understanding the basics of science.

        5. Troll on this.
          My 60 year old wife is a ER nurse of 20+ years who works at a major hospital in WA state.
          She got the shot and boosted (forced by our jerk of a governor) She got covid and was very sick for 6 long weeks. She still has not fully recovered, and has a cough that would scare you.

          1. Single cases don’t tell us much. That’s why scientific studies involve thousands — sometimes tens of thousands — of people.

    1. Been around for a dozen years.. It works and is being used in many hospitals.

    2. Funny thing…..MANY medical professionals were using Dovidine nasal rinses to kill the COVID virus. Of course, the public couldn’t get it….well that is unless you knew a nurse that got some for you. Works like a hot damn.

      1. Without controlled published studies, it’s better to just say “maybe”.

        I’ve seen plenty of breakthroughs that everyone got excited about that turned out to duds when subjected to rigorous study. And yes, even doctors and nurses can get caught up in the hype.

  4. So. Bleach up your nose followed by ultraviolet light … just as President Trump recounted in one of the COVID conferences. But Jimmy Kimmel, the great Doctor and Medical Researcher, mocked it and Trump … so Trump was declared an idiot. Welcome to 1984

  5. Gene Simmons is very white. Has anyone notice the whole band has very white faces? They should be ashamed.

  6. The Experts strike again.

    Why didn’t the Government treat all these “quack” and “unproven” treatments as a huge experiment? You want to take HCQ / Ivermectin / Whatever? Fine, listen to our lecture, fill out a huge questionnaire, sign this waiver, and agree to lots of tests to monitor your illness, health and possible death. Build a huge database of what the actual real world results are. See what works. See what does not work. Do low doses of HCQ work? Or do you need high doses? What happens if the patient was low in Zinc, or Iron, or Vitamin A/ B/ C/ D/ XYZ?

    Follow the FACTS, not some credentialed blowhard’s opinion. DRs Fauci and Birx were as often wrong as they were right. Masks don’t Work. No! Masks are Required! Turns out Pfizer, Fauci, and the Whitehouse were lying to EVERYONE, including themselves.

    I remember talking to my mother’s doctor. The doctor had no clue, or was in denial about Vitamin D and Zinc, but since she was willing to listen, she did prescribe higher doses of those vitamins to my mother. We also talked about HCQ. Her big concern was lengthening the Qt (?) timing in her heart rhythm. I pointed out there were several existing EKGs that showed her heart was not susceptible to that problem. Fortunately, her 90 year old body never contracted COVID, probably due to all the vitamins and a lot of luck. It seemed like everyone else in her assisted living facility did get sick from COVID. A few died.

    1. It was easier to get fentanyl into Canada than Ivermectin. The medical community is now in full ass covering mode. So are the politicians and bureaucrats who pushed this crap.

  7. It might come as a shock to some that every form of treatment is as effective as any other. And doing nothing is also effective.

    In fact, the only treatment that has immediate negative consequences is getting vaccinated. Or wearing a mask.

    And that is because the Coronahoax does not exist, much like the Spanish flu before it. Or polio. Or every other disease suposedly caused by viruses.

    When in reality, they are all caused by being poisoned.

    By vaccines.

    And in every case, it’s the same POS’s lying about a supposed threat to convince the people into getting poisoned. And then using the symptoms of their poisoning to scare more people into also getting poisoned.

    Viruses are created by your own body to fight off infection. Viruses are not dangerous. Viruses are not communicable. Those who say they are are either only repeating the lies they were taught or spreading the lies first hand.

    It’s amazing that people have become so dumbed down to believe that the cure to an invisible threat (that no one would believe existed if not for certain POS’s telling them it did) is to get injected with metals and other toxins.

    1. Yes, praise the Lord. My mom took it only a couple of times …. a big pharma hoax that nearly handicapped my sister.

  8. I’m surprised how little it took to have a good BS detector and how few people had one. As soon as natural immunity was discounted the red flags started flying everywhere. Almost everybody in any kind of position of authority is guilty of something ranging from incompetence all the way up to murder.

  9. I had covid last year and Tylenol was completely useless. It was the same story with friends and family.

    Advil cold & flu killed it in a day and for everyone else I recommend take it.

    Oddly enough the “Experts” were telling people NOT to take it.

  10. Funny thing, but UV lights have been used for decades to kill airborne viruses. The “vaccines” are absolute crap.

    1. Yes. An uncle of mine and MD have a u v tray in his office for instruments that were clean but needed a bit more. That was in the 1950s.

  11. When natural immunity was completely trashed, the pandemic of lies quickly became obvious.

  12. I watched the interview where a scientist was explaining a similar technology to Trump three years ago. Trump listened attentively as the man explained their process – remarkably similar, except this guy targeted the lungs, not the sinuses. Same idea though – introduce a fluid, and then energize with UV light.

    Trump listens, nodding, and then asks the guy “Sorta like bleaching it?”, and the man responds enthusiastically, “Yes, that’s it”.

    We all know how the Honest and Accurate™ mainstream media reported that.
