16 Replies to “I, Josephine”

    1. don – I think the question is “Who was it that said ‘sticks and stones will break my bones’…”?
      Transphobes are by definition scared of Trans people. I don’t think there are many people who are afraid of transsexuals. I think there are lots of people who are outraged by Minor-Attracted-Persons and are (MAPphobes), or are Paedophobes. Paedophilia relates to a specific disorder where there is a preference for sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children.

      1. I did not used to be scared of transgender individuals. But with every reported stalking, theft, rape, lawsuit, and murder, I am beginning to.

  1. In a race to the bottom the U.K will be hard to beat but my money is still on the formerly sort of but definitely no longer Great White North.

  2. Still, we can all agree that some kid smokin a joint should have the full force of the state thrown at him.

    1. L – “tipping point is?”

      Actually, we capsized in the fall of 2015, with the election of… Though some hope, that a
      top notch salvage crew might raise our rusting remains from Davy Jones locker, and
      then see if the Western most part of the ship of state, she might be made sea worthy.

      An old pipe smokin’ optimist of a sailor, Popeye, he wants her to be Christened “Wexit”.

    2. If Trudeau gets re-elected and no provinces secede, then you’ll know you’re past the tipping point, and you’re on the wrong side.

  3. The same institution that purports to offer security in exchange for a little loss of freedom runs rape factories (for criminal rehabilitation?) where they now practice gender delusion theatre as well. How Avant guarde.

  4. “Women prisoners”? I believe Charles meant “prisoners with vaginas”. So politically incorrect! “Women”… pfzzz!

    And Happy New Year! We all could use the f**cking “happy” part.

  5. He … has a dick. She … doesn’t. END.

    Any inmate who receives sentence extensions should SUE for their freedom … all the way to the SCOTUS

  6. All of this is being done deliberately! White is black, two and two make five, Sexual grooming of children, genders are fluid and based on the individual’s feelings, trans men are women. Wrong is right and right is wrong, open borders, no illegal migrant is illegal, sanctuary cities. Stolen elections, dictatorial politicians, institutional break downs, Politicized courts, rampant crime, covid mandates, killer vaccines, economy lockdowns, nitrogen reductions, farm culls, multiple food factories destroyed, inflation, food supply and costs, supply line disruptions. I could continue with this list into the night, but there is enough here to paint the picture. The idea is to throw so much conflicting stuff at us, to confuse and divide us to the point we’ll all accept anything to stop it. When we start begging for some kind of savior, that’s when the WEF and cronies will ride in on their white horses to save us all, but only if we agree to their carefully planned future and rules.

    The new Feudal global state will have arrived! Will we be so lost and broken by then that we’ll simply accept it?
