20 Replies to “One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”

  1. It’s a government controlling tool to delve away from scrutiny of REAL LIFE PROBLEMS such as the massive spike in fuel prices before the Pandemic started and rationing had to be employed.
    Thousands of shipments taking longer and longer using more and more fuel.
    Don’t look, don’t know, don’t worry, don’t talk…enforcement of a bogus plan…for your health and safety…ya, that’s what we’ll call it…

    1. You cannot believe a single thing that passes before you. Just wait for the other side to come out … somewhere in there … may be the truth, but don’t count on it. You will need to wait and see the results of the issue play out .. if you have the stamina to follow all this shit. Most don’t and that is why they get away with so much.

      Lies rule … simple as that.

      1. Nice to see ya bk Vowg…!!
        If aLL that it does is eliminate the dumb..I’ve no issue, but what angers me is the 100’s of thousands who had no choice…in order to keep their homes and jobs AND care for their families.

        Those that perpetuated this Fking evil must DIE.

  2. This whole thing is absurd on it’s face
    Option 1- If we scientists do A+B+C we know we will get D
    Option 2 – There’s a one in 2 bazillion chance we could get D from random occurrences
    Government scientists and media – It’s gotta be option 2, nobody would fund option 1 right?

  3. Climate science or forensic virology are the same as Canada’s government funded private and public media.

    He who pays the piper calls the tune.

    The ‘settled science’ folk certainly have settled their grants endowments security.

    Caveat empor!

    1. Cal2

      That they have…..earily so.
      Almost as if they have something to hide….??
      Nah, couldn’t be….

      Up to their Fking eyeballs….

    2. Cal2

      That they have…..earily so.
      Almost as if they have something to hide….??
      Nah, couldn’t be….

      Up to their Fking eyeballs….
      And what of the work done at UBC..? With Acuitas & Arbutus Pharmaceuticals in the refining of the LIPID NANO PARTICLE…not a peep either. Funny that eh.?

      Without said particle, mRNA jabs would not have worked at all in the manner “they” wished….twas the delivery mechanism….and I maintain that PM DickSpank was fully apprised of this the moment he became PM.

      That Phuque knew full well….

  4. Soon as I see Peter Daszak’s name I need to hork and spit.

    When you read shit like this it just furthers the opinion that the mendacious rule and that virtue is some type of weakness.
    Its f**king depressing.

  5. Scientists overall are afraid of discussing the issue of the origins due to the political situation. This leaves a
    small and vocal minority of biased scientists free to spread misinformation.

    Sums it all up right there. And let me say the same applies to Global Warming … Critical Race Theory … and all the other bullshit that a small, loud, minority scream at us with no solid scientific or sociological data to prove their claims.

  6. remember in the early days. they claimed the chinese were eating bats? since they eat anything it was actually a believable story , ive been to the markets in China. best have a strong stomach

  7. I remember that very early assessment from India suggesting the similarities with AIDS and how it leaned towards a manufactured virus. I, also, remember searching for that article about a month later and it was gone. I couldn’t even locate in archives/wayback etc. It was totally “bleached”.

  8. The moment we jumped in bed with communist China is the moment they hatched mutual interests.. Full frontal nudity.. The GROSSLY overdone covid response was done to protect China.. It had nothing to do with grandma.. Trudeau and his cabal refuse to stop because they were (and still are) the worst offenders.. They fear the final accounting..
