26 Replies to “Fool Me Once”

  1. Created an account in April, 2013…logged in sometime last week after NINE years! 🙂

    So I gather “free speech” is rather expensive at $44 BILLION

    We’ll see about those new “enhanced” algorithms doing away with leftist “right think”…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. Irony of all ironies … the Left trembles at the thought of being done the way they’ve done to us …

  2. It’ll be cool when all the algo’s are open sourced. Give it a few months, and the hacker/coder crowd will probably be able to reverse engineer some of Google’s algos and release that to the public.
    Interesting times incoming.

    1. Google search once removed all the algorithms for a day or two to see what would happen. April 2020 IIRC

  3. Rosemary Barton is quitting twitter. Her six pink haired viewers are very distraught.

    In other news Evan Soloman is both quitting twitter and moving to Canada. Oh Evan.

  4. When Elon Musk actually had the opportunity to do his bit to help preserve western civilization, he fled to Canada lrather than don the uniform of the armed forces of what was then a still free South Africa and fight against the terrorist gangs led by the South African Communist Party (aka the African National Congress). Naturally, Elon has never expressed remorse for his cowardice.

    Elon did not get where he is today by doing the right thing.

    1. If you’ve got to go back 30 years to find something to slam Musk about, he must be a notch better person than most of us.
      And I’d suggest that what he intends to do with Twitter will do more to preserve western civilization than fighting in South Africa ever would have.

      1. Did ya know that President Joe Biden was THERE alongside Nelson Mandela when he was arrested!? And that Joe visited him in jail every month of his captivity!?

        Well, that’s the way Joe “remembers” it …

    2. AT – Your asset allocation skills are horrific and your risk management skills may be worse.

    3. Well of course he “Fled to Canada” for Canada taught the South Africans everything they needed for “Separate but Equal”,weirdly Canada went on to boycott SA for doing there to their Blacks,what we still do here to our Indians..
      So is Elon also a supporter of Apartheid)Canadian Style) in your mind?
      And should anyone care?

    4. It’s not cowardice to refuse involuntary servitude. In the context of most wars, it’s an act of bravery, in fact. And South Africa was not “free”. Voice the wrong sentiments about the Apartheid government and you could be jailed, tortured, or worse.

    5. Tell that to the estimated 300k South African escapees in Western Australia. They could not see a future in a continent that forever robs and oppresses their own people and starve them to death en masse. I would call Elon logical.

    1. When an arrogant leftist elitist bitch says “our democracy” she is not referring to you or yours.

  5. Good for you Kate … I look forward to your snarky/informative Tweets. And even more forward to the splody-headed responses.

    Me? I could NEVER join Twitter and express my true thoughts in public … at least not till I’ve moved OUT of N.CA and fully retired.

  6. WHY? Don’t you post anonymously?
    Can you be doxxed as a twitter user?

    I too could never joinn Twitter or any other anti-social media.

  7. I won’t be happy till there are helicopters on the rooftop with Twitter employees hanging on the skids.
    Adagio for Strings playing in the background would be a nice touch as well.
