19 Replies to “When Will the Trials of The Politicians & Police in the Australian State of Victoria Commence?”

  1. The Victoria Police are chalk full of cowards and thugs, dumb as shit, steroid munching globalist gestapo too stupid to know they’re the bad guys.

    Unfortunately, the woman beating Dimwit Battalion of Victoria have more in common with the AZOV Battalion, just like our Government.

    The inherent corruption of the Police forces across the country and the western world has to be one of the most disturbing aspects of the last 2 years of Government lawlessness and terrorism.
    Lawless Government Gestapo.

    1. SEAN

      …and 100% Mirrored here in Canada with our RCMP SA & their Cheering on of Horse Trampling by Toronto Police, along with a great many municipal police forces.

      Same shit in Great Britain and New Zealand.

      WE are dealing with WEF bought n paid for NAZI Filth in pretty much every Political Level country wide Mayors on up….PROVE me Wrong..?? And that applies to pretty much ANY Western Hemisphere Country IMO

      Should said Filth that be decide there is some other Bullshit Emergency..?? watch how fast the populace drops to their knees…..Fully Trained to do so.

  2. Melbourne used to be a great city, the best in Oz. It has become irretrievably Leftist in the past 30 years and now there is no hope. VicPol is a hard left organisation doing the bidding of the authoritarian pseudo Marxists in power. This cannot end well, especially given that the inner parts of our other major cities are going ultra woke also.

  3. Melbourne used to be a dystopia, easily the worse in Oz. Then it kept digging.

    It was filled with the Woke for years. Sort of the same self destructive well meaningness that I imagine screwed the US Blue States and turned them into literal street sewers. These are people who don’t really travel much – more from their own sense of eliteness – and hence have little to judge themselves against.

    Last time I was there I was staying in a CBD hotel for a convention. The streets were filled with trash as it was a long weekend and collection day could wait. Ground level of buildings didn’t look too bad. The leases were filled. Businesses were running. But then you looked to floor above and it was clear they were empty sans the pigeons.

    They embraced their arty laneways which were filled with amazing street art. Apparently. Graffiti make be too hard to spell if you were woke. I remember wandering down one laneway based on a recommendation and promptly wandering out again before anyone saw me.

    Beggers were thick. Maybe not to the extent some of our American readers are used to, but thick and brazen to the extent that if you talk to locals they are quite proud of them to the extent they are treated something like pets.

    Sure you had a lot of cheap and easy dining out to all hours, but then again most post-apocalypse stories have a semi controlled frontier about them as well.

    This was the Pre-Covid era.

    As a non Victorian it is actually hard to show real sympathy. They let themselves get muscled out of their own city by the woke and never took a hard stand when people like Stairman Dan started selling out to China.

    I mean I have friends in Victoria, but they all bent the knee and embraced the Be Apart to Be Together slogan wholeheartedly. So… nothing will happen. Victoria is too far gone.

    (well… Melbourne sucks… Regional Victoria still has a spot in my heart, apart from all the anti Frakking tossers)

  4. Some of our clan left Victoria a long time ago. So early on I was introduced to the statement that:-

    “You can tell a Victorian but you can’t tell them very much”

    Their vehicle number plate slogan was

    “Victoria – the place to be”

    Which becomes (if you are a follower of the Mad Magazine “Complete the ad”)

    “Victoria – the place to be from”

  5. “When Will the Trials of The Politicians & Police in the Australian State of Victoria Commence?”
    What, you think Canada is any different?
    The west is hooped. The sooner you realize that, the better equipped you’ll be to deal with it.
    Most of the posters here think that if only we had a conservative government it would be different, well I have news for you. It won’t change a thing.

  6. My first exposure to real Australian police came about ten years ago through an acquaintance from Western Australia whose father was a senior sergeant. He was an abusive thug at home, to the point he broke her arm when she was about 12, among other things. The thin blue line helped hide that. Her mom managed to leave and divorce him eventually, but to really get away from him, she had to emigrate with her kids to Canada. I haven’t seen her in some time, but she was still pretty messed up from that.

    ACAB is an unpopular view around here, but it’s one I’ve been holding for a few years now. I’ve warned periodically that police are not our friends. I’ll wait for the “real” cops, the so-called “good” ones to prove me wrong. But as long as they retain immunity for their actions, as long as they’re the Praetorian Guard (or Brownshirts) for politicians, it’ll never change.

    1. ACAB is an unpopular view around here

      ACAB is as inflexible and unhelpful a position as “Back the Blue, No Matter Who”. It is not an accident that the ACAB movement has provoked a reflexive defense of all police by the center-right. That’s the intent – “Make the enemy live up to their own rules”. Make conservatives defend the indefensible and make sensible police reform impossible.

      The police, especially in Canada, have had far too much power and far too little accountability for decades. Real conservatives would understand that armed agents of the state are to be viewed with suspicion and limited in their power. Sadly, far too many soi-disant conservatives are perfectly happy to have jackbooted thugs with no accountability running amok as long as they’re holding the other end of the leash.

      1. In general, I agree, and it’s rare that I take such a broad position. In the past I’ve been a supporter of the police, and until retirement, a family member rose pretty high in the RCMP ranks (a good person). I didn’t think much of the ACAB rubric–just most, not all–partly because it isn’t a particularly helpful position in which to solidify–a reason for which you’ve mentioned.

        The primary reason I’ve decided to plant my flag here is that I’ve come to see that police change must come from within the ranks and cannot be imposed without a wholesale sweeping of the agencies (which leaves the public rather unprotected in some cases, and I’m not a particular fan of anarchy). And perhaps by labeling them all with the same, tarry brush, they might wake up to the problems in their organisations and start pushing to fix them…or at least dissociate themselves publicly so that things can become more visible to everyone, who would then push for change.

        But whatever general immunity cops have left should be eroded to the point of uselessness, except in rare cases. I think one way in which this can be mitigated is citizen review. Police commissions are largely political, and that makes me less fond of them (can you think of any good mayors/councillors that would be impartial?). What might work is “by lot”. In the cases of serious police abuse or shootings, a citizen review panel would be convened, and it would be done in the same manner as jury duty lottery, with the exception that no one gets excused by lawyers. I would structure it like so: 7 random people in the jury lists for each case (the types that ASIRT investigates), with similar reasons for being self-excused, as long as they can be backed up. There would be two lawyers available for consultation, one for the prosecution, one for the police unions, but that’s all. The case evidence would be presented by ASIRT (or similar organisation), with back and forth questioning, including of those involved. The panel takes whatever time it needs to recommend an outcome, be it closing the file, requiring further investigation, administrative punishment (including dismissal), or recommending charges be preferred. Both sides would have access to the report, including the panel’s rationale for the decision from the written report. The only person on the panel other than these 9 folks would be a “chair”, who is responsible for recording, organising, and issuing the report (after all 7 sign off on it). This could be some public servant out of a new office organised for the purpose, or it could be an ASIRT member whose sole purpose would be this type of thing, to keep the process moving.

        To go even beyond this, I’d consider opening the process up on a voluntary basis for cops who want something reviewed, but where it didn’t make it to the level of ASIRT involvement, including whistle-blowing. But I’m not quite sure how that might work without giving such a panel subpoena authority over police agencies and their records. Which might not be a bad idea, I suppose, as there’s no guarantee ASIRT investigators would provide complete information in their presentations.

        Anyway, perhaps I’m naive, but short of total destruction of the agencies, I don’t see improvements happening without this sort of accountability reform. YMMV.

  7. Reduce the STATE. Cut pensions in half and fire half of everyone cashing a gubmint cheque.
    This video is what they do to us.

  8. The police are the politician’s, and rich man’s private army. They will do as they are told.

    Our so-called leaders have nothing but contempt for the citizenry. We are just a bother anymore.

    How sad the direction we have taken over the past few years. We’ve all been suckered.

  9. “When Will the Trials of The Politicians & Police in the Australian State of Victoria Commence?”.
    Why they will commence when hell freezes over..
    Or when the Retribution Party starts to make serious political gains..
    For only fear of being booted from power and held to account,will prompt our current kleptocrats to act.
    Their first defence will be to select some useful idiots and throw them to the wolves..

    For the herd is slow to anger..
    When the citizenry realize we have no hope of future wealth,comfortable living or even peace with these current leaders left unchecked,then and only then will show trials be held,public theatre confirming that our benevolent dictators did everything “For the Public Good”..
    Of course if the idea,that yours and mine God Given Rights and Freedoms are not and never were, the property of a bureaucrat to “Suspend”,takes hold..
    All bets are off.

    With no hope of a sane future,why support the State of Thuggery?
    Time to “reward” our helpers.
    Such that none will ever dare to act so again.
    Vicious Pointless,but when you have no hope for the future?
    So much fun.
    We like to light fires and dance around them..
    Even more so if an enemy burns within.
    Civilization is getting mighty thin.

    This duality of our nature..
    Blessing and curse.
