10 Replies to “What Going on with Peter Jüni?”

  1. “Covid” was is and continues to be a lie. Those pushing it should be tried for crimes against humanity. Good luck to all those who decided the shots were a necessary evil.

  2. Christoph Waltz called Jüni. He wants back his “Bond Villain” shtick…

  3. In December, Dr. Juni claimed it was a “myth” that omicron was mild, despite contrary data out of South Africa at the time. Given the anxiety that was then building about the new variant (thanks to the media), he did a great disservice to the people of Ontario by pouring gasoline on the fear-mongering fire. The resulting headlines haven’t aged well. He should’ve gotten the boot for this.


  4. Rebel News is the only truth tellers meow. Big fat Pile of Comorbidity Dug Ford will have a hard time campaigning this summer. He needs to take it easy on the fridge door.

  5. The biggest problem with most experts is simple: they make a statement of claim without a 5 minutes explanation of the data and a simple analogy as to why their explanation of the data is a correct interpretation. So when Juni, however well educated or connected, rants about getting a shot without explanation as described above, especially when he works as a government appointee, I turn off because pleas for action with rationale is bovine excrement – no case, no fire.

  6. Wow, I am so not surprised. Covid helped the political left enrich their cronies and the public got crushed by their unscientific edicts.

  7. Government experts are responsible for everything wrong in the world right now. But the wages and benefits are good so they keep on faking it, oblivious or unconcerned about the damage they’re doing.

  8. very old white guy, you really do need to try to get covid so you can prove them all wrong!
