Connecting Two Disparate Dots

Yesterday afternoon I had a long phone conversation with a childhood friend I grew up with in Vancouver and his wife. We spent much of the time talking about Covid and the insanity around it. He then asked me why I was skeptical about being vaccinated. I responded that I was not at all against vaccinations. In fact, I willingly got a tetanus shot a few weeks ago. What am I adamantly against are vaccine mandates and penalties for anyone who refuses the jabs. The logic behind this insistence hasn’t stood up against even the simplest questions.

Then a very different topic ran across my mind and I said, “I’m now going to explain the #1 reason I’m skeptical of the Covid jabs but will come at it from a completely different angle. See if you can connect the dots before I explain.” Shortly afterwards, this video appeared on my YouTube feed and Carl Benjamin parallels what I said very closely:

In point of fact, with my friends, I mostly focused on how the Waukesha tragedy had been memory-holed (hidden) within 48 hours after it happened. Why? Because it didn’t fit the media’s narrative.

Does it surprise anyone that the same despicable people who have so easily spit on the graves of those murdered on November 21st, would have any moral qualms about spinning a wide web of lies, half-truths, and obfuscations about a pandemic that occurred nearly two years ago?!? I will forever listen to everything they say with great skepticism. And, as I’ve done all of my life, will politely ask questions about anything that doesn’t make sense to me. Questions like these, for example.

10 Replies to “Connecting Two Disparate Dots”

  1. My advice to you, Robert, is to stick to Russian news sources. Amazing how much real news the press are capable of reporting when freed from globalist meddling.

    1. Real news? Fouck I haven’t seen or heard real news in a long time from the likes of the Corpse or MSM. Speaking of real news what is Fauxchi up to these days?

      Thanks Robert for pointing out.


  2. I have had many tetanus shots over the years. The reason is that tetanus is a real danger and the shot is a real vaccine!
    I can not say the same about covid and its associated shots.

    1. Exactly!
      When I am asked I reply that I see no scientific reason for a jab against an illness that I have a slim chance of getting, and a very high chance of recovery.
      And I always add I do not trust the politicians.

    2. Robert F

      When I was young I had a severe puncture from falling of my bike onto a rusty spick in an industrial area. Went to hospital and got a tetanus shot. Two weeks later while on holiday alone with an aunt and uncle I fell while climbing a rusty farm silo. Again I was cut by rusty metal. Got taken to hospital and given a second shot of tetanus shot. Aunt and Uncle unaware of previous injection. Did not go well for me with the reactions of a double dose and had a stay for 3 weeks. Since then I have a worn a Medical Alert bracelet against any future mishaps.

      Now at over 70, with plenty of other “scrapes” and “scars”, have never taken it again and survived.


  3. The left is now in full destruction of society mode as they want to destroy all elements of liberty, prosperity, and reason, thinking that their higher ideal of equality / equity is paramount and well worth whatever it takes to arrive in Marxist utopian bliss, this time as opposed to all previous disasters. That the media is mostly an activist formulaic appendage of the left, makes perfect sense for them to take the position of inverted morality, defending evil for their perverted logic in furthering what they believe to be virtue but in reality, worse evil. There is absolutely no question in my mind that the dominant media is now inherently evil.

  4. The group delusion of our Progressive Comrades,is sweeping all progressive enclaves.
    Those are the concentrations of utterly useless and clueless persons who believe they are important.
    All they ever hear is their own chatter and “wisdom”,which is almost never tested by reality..
    For they have never built a thing,nor grown a crop or even managed a project from beginning to end..
    Of course the media are part of the “Chattering Class” and they form a self reinforcing dream world..
    “Everybody Knows and all the smart people feel”..
    So emboldened, they have demanded we “respect their authority” as they impose their wisdom..

    Now the backlash begins.
    Banishing those we allow to survive will be the last step of what is to come.

    Fools and Bandits are a luxury only a rich and productive society can afford.
    When they come to power,then society rapidly becomes neither.

  5. “For they have never built a thing,nor grown a crop or even managed a project from beginning to end..”

    Great point John. Many do very important work. Police, school teachers, doctors and many more. But they don’t “create” wealth. This isn’t well understood.
    Wealth creation comes from seeding and harvesting, turning a tree into plywood, taking a chance and drilling a hole and pumping up oil. Building useful things out of raw materials.
    There are tax consumers and tax producers. The former has little understanding of where their money comes from.

    1. Aye “Many do very important work. Police, school teachers, doctors and many more. But they don’t “create” wealth. This isn’t well understood.”
      And when the cost to the productive,of these essential services exceeds our benefit,we retain the right to dismiss such help and do the job ourselves..
      This is the breaking point and most misunderstood point by “civil servants”,we were doing this work before they rose to fame and we will continue to do this work as they fail to perform..
      Currently they demand a monopoly on the tasks they claimed,while failing to perform.

      Instead of doing their jobs,they chose to attack the citizens,revealing an arrogance and ignorance beyond repair. .
      So sad too bad.

  6. We’ve come full circle with not just irresponsible but lethally negligent government edicts and power gathering – the vulnerables.
    Research coming in now strongly suggests that vaccines are more of a self-protective inoculation rather than preventing transmission.
    Meaning, if I’m protected or not, that is a personal risk decision and the argument unnamed others are put at risk is moot.
    IOW protect yourself and it is up to long term care facilities and other care givers, plus responsible government to protect vulnerables.
    Protect vulnerables. It’s always been so and every time they failed miserably, still stalling the economy, public health and human intimacy.
    While continuing to argue there is no choice but to vaccinate, mask, lose half your business, and social distance – apparently forever.
    For what they must know are futile at best measures, greatly harming development of children, the real casualties of the statist virus.
    Along with the vulnerables they failed to protect. But hey, we didn’t have all the information so let’s accept that and end the charade.
    No? Along comes the quite weak, but Fauxi can hope, omicron variant, aka a seasonal cold. Batten down the hatches, lock ’em down.
    One would thing they were trying to fail to stay in control of society. Imagine a permanent world like this. Moscow on steroids.
    True; let’s add this proviso. Until society is fully back in operation, any mask and lockdown jurisdictions politicians go on half-pay.
    That would be like making Toronto and Montreal get along on wind and solar only. Argument over, move on to another hobgoblin.
    Hit him where they live folks, in our wallets. End this insanity of walking around with petri dishes on our faces in public for life.
    The scientific evidence on natural immunity is in; there’s no public safety requirements for masks, lockdowns or vaccines.
    If we let them get away with this one, now based on curing seasonal colds, the infection of government will indeed kill its host.
    The same collectivist end of every other time this system of top down despotism has been tried – corruption, depravity and fear.
