
It’s starting to feel like groundhog day. 

COVID-19 outbreaks rising in long-term care homes across the country

The Maritime province is far from alone in dealing with a recent influx of cases. As of Tuesday, 243 seniors homes across the country had outbreaks, according to a Globe and Mail tally.

Residents in seniors homes were among the first to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in January and February. Scientific evidence shows that protection against the virus among the elderly begins to wane six months after receiving two doses, leaving them vulnerable to breakthrough infections just as the more dangerous Delta variant is spreading.

That sure sounds like a problem of the vaccinated. It’s also something we’ve been talking about for months already around here. 

Interesting to note that out of the 27,939 recorded covid deaths listed at the bottom of this government of Canada page, 666 are under the age of 50.  Then if we look on this Alberta page (scroll to bottom) we can see 73.7% of all deaths, across all age groups, have 3 or more pre existing conditions.  All of which has me wondering how healthy people over lets say 70 years old are making out?

Click to enlarge

42 Replies to “Deja-Flu”

    1. Scotland – cases down 15% last fourteen days, deaths three per million per day last seven days.
      Germany – cases down 9% last fourteen days, deaths at 6 per 10 million per day last seven days.
      WTF are you talking about?

      1. EXCESS deaths, those not COVID related. The Scotland one was most cardo vascular and cancer. Germany doesn’t record the cause of deaths in a way that allows easy interpretation.

        You know there are health problems and causes of death that are not COVID related. In fact most of them aren’t.

    2. What is getting lost here is that the Deadly Deadly China Virus is just another influenza.

      Every influenza in history eventually ends up infecting every single person, or have you all forgotten that there is no cure for the common cold?

      So, everybody will get the Deadly China Virus one day, and 99.7% will get over it without any serious problems, and most of them will hardly notice it, and the rest will whine about feeling bad. Like always.

      Do ya get the feeling yer being played yet?

  1. It’s the cold and flu season idiots. My step grandchild has a cold today and his mother rushed him off to get test with the PieceocCRap test. I fully expect it will come back positive.

    1. The problem, Robert, is that if he/she’s in school/kindergarten/preschool, the management puts enormous pressure on the parents.
      ‘Either keep your kid’s home until the quarantine period is over or prove that your kid’s aren’t Covid infectious.’
      The problem is compounded by the parents’ employers wanting to know if Mr. & Mrs. are also positive/negative.
      My grandson came down with a cold this past week and had to stay home. His Mom also had to stay home from work to look after him. He’s tested Neg. and back to kindergarten on Monday, runny nose or not.

      1. Remember, EVERYTHING is COVID!

        We had some internal training at the Day Job yesterday via Skype.
        (which are great fun really. You log on to the meeting, make sure you are there when they do the attendance check, and then spend the rest of the training surfing the net on your other monitor…)
        So, doing training. Topic was the human factors of safety. Human driven errors and mistakes. What. Who. How to avoid.
        One of our wonderful workmates popped up in the chat to comment that ‘COVID is a prime example. We are complacent here because in our state we haven’t been exposed. So it is even MORE dangerous!’ and all the other sheep went BAAAA.
        Comically missing the point. EVERYTHING has now become COVID.
        I came down with Bronchitis back in July (ironically during a lockdown). Rang in sick and the second thing (after “you sound awful”) was “Have you had a COVID test!!!”

        Everything is now COVID.

        On the plus side, at least no one is dying from Flu this year.

    2. Anecdotal but I know many people who got colds or flu and had to submit to a covid test – each and every one of which were negative.
      In fact, not a single positive test, asymptomatic or otherwise. None, nothing. Of course that explains why we have to wear masks eh?

    3. In Alberta, they send the kids home with a cold, they get tested, it’s negative, but, because they were sent home it is reported as Covid. The BS is the pandemic.

  2. CodexCoder, roger that!
    Covid has been so so SO much more effective than global warming/climate change/climate emergency. The tyranny boses are surely clinking glasses.

    Francisco, I’m 72 and fine (but I am a urban hermit). Haven’t had the flu in many years, have NEVER had a flu shot, won’t. And thanks to Bonnie Mengele I’m saving a ton of money on expensive mediocre restaurant meals.

    As my wife said, So you die, so what? I’m reading Seneca at the moment and find it soothing and bracing.
    (Anni Ultimi: A Roman Stoic Guide to Retirement, Old Age and Death).

    It is liberating to have run out of fucks to give.

      1. Friends, old friends mostly.
        Three oldest: Atlantic Canada, approx. 5000 kms away. All fine.
        Another: BC 700 kms. Fine.
        Another: 50 kms, major non-covid related health problems.
        My best friend of 54 years, my wife, about 50 feet away. Cancer survivor, funny … and fine now.
        Also, great friends, my daughters: one NYC, one Dublin.
        A few former customer friends.
        Very small circle. Don’t know anyone who had Covid or is aware of having had it.

    1. ND

      No shit…am in same boat. Fine and have not taken any BS Flu shot..haven’t been sick in near 20 yrs..Covid..?? Bring it on, still won’t give fuck.
      69 and could care less.

      4 packs of HCQ w/ Claritin…adios.!!

  3. Just turned 70 in June, walk five miles on most days and maybe carrying five extra pounds. No co-morbidities. On no meds. I’m more concerned with being forced to take an experimental drug that I don’t want than getting the flu. Even the Wuflu.

    1. That was an awesome vid to watch and listen to. John Loney is 100% credible in my books.

      Murder period.
      The Vax is the bio weapon.

  4. I am 74, I renewed my Cat 3 Pilot’s Medical a few months back – no issues at all. Keep fit, though as one of the great unvaxxed, I am no longer allowed to keep fit at the gym. Haven’t had the flu shot in many years, haven’t had the flu in that time either.

    Trying to carry on with my life as best I can (SDA keeps me sane)

  5. In looking at those Alberta numbers, remember that AHS doesn’t identify obesity as a risk factor/comorbidity. So “3 or more pre-existing conditions” probably really should read 4 or more.

    Was great to see Hinshaw have to eat crow about the youth who died “with” COVID rather than “of” COVID. Alberta will now carefully review each youth case before adding it to there numbers.

    Logically, this means AHS doesn’t carefully review adult deaths before adding them to the stats, and has no intention to carefully review them in the future. The books are cooked.

  6. “should’ve received a third does in August”. And a forth this December, and a fifth in April, and so on. The fact that this vaccine becomes ineffective so quickly should be raising alarm bells, since we obviously have no strategy to deal with that other than more vaxxes. But no, in the meantime anger is deftly focused on the dwindling number of unvaccinated.

  7. On the Alberta Covid page deaths with zero commorbidities hovers around 2.4 – 3% of all deaths – but does not break that down by age.
    Id be willing to bet though that its 90+ year olds, as opposed to 35 year olds.
    So there would only be a handful of deaths under 50 that were healthy – and given the enthusiasm the government has for counting as many deaths as possible as covid, I again would bet the number of actual deaths truly caused by covid would be statistically as close to zero as you could get.

    And bear in mind that McCullough, Zelenko, Kory et all have demonstrated that early treatment with multiple proven harmless therapeutics can reduce the mortality/hospitalization rate by 85% – yet no government is encouraging its citizens to take these theraputics either prophylactically or upon early infection.

    They want people sick and dying. No other explanation.

    Hard to have a pandemic that you can use to implement your totalitarian dreams, if not enough are dying.

    And please to all the Albertans here get out and vote in Mondays referendum.

  8. It boggles the mind that with a, supposedly deadly virus, the survival rate for those of us under 75 or iclose to is well over 90%.

    No demonstrable need for a BS killer Vax…and it’s the Vax that’s doing the killing & Maiming.

    One good look at VAERS+EUDRA Tells the tale.

    When kids in BC become mandated to be folks will pull their kids…Those that don’t are literally signing off on their deaths…Karens and other assorted VACUOUS MORONS.

    When the killing of the kids begins is when the shit will hit the fan…pitchforks, baseball bats will be hard to find, I’d warrant…no?

    1. Yes, steakman, indeed.

      For the record, I don’t want kids to die or be disabled, but, this unforced mistake seems to be a necessary step to happen, that might finally wake up the masses.

      In BC, only 2 kids have died and both were already severely ill and compromised before Covid, straight from St Bonnies lips. Kids have zero risk from Covid.

      They want to use kids as human shields for unionized teachers.


  9. The old, the fat, and those with other comorbidities will continue to die from the Wuhan virus with or without the vaccine (all be it at differing rates). The viral loads will remain high with each wave until there are protocols to either widely administer anti viral drugs (and immuno-enhancing vitamins etc) prophylactically or immediately after rapid testing with an inexpensive and reliable kit. The policy of vaccine Stalinism (including institutionalized death for many of the advanced cases) until the morale improves will do little to address the actual pandemic but certainly provides evidence reinforcing the conspiracy theory of that being the goal.

  10. Well … obviously … someone isn’t wearing their masks properly !

    Because masks work!
    Because masks slow the spread!

    1. Probably reduced the distance to another person to 1499mm as well!

      Remember kids, 1.5m Social Distancing at all times… well… at all times unless you are complying to a room capacity limit which used completely different maths and actually allows you to be much closers… but at all OTHER times social distance to 1.5m or you will DIE!!!

      Also don’t sit down to eat or stand up to drink. Deadly. Trust the Science!

      Also Also, if you are at an AFL football match and a ball is accidentally kicked into the crowd, DON’T TOUCH IT! Science. Trust it.

  11. Here’s a positive development for early and preventative treatment, hope it works and then expands to other jurisdictions:

    Nebr. AG ruling on IVM & HCQ:

    “Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of hospitals, & provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.”

    A couple weeks ago I, somewhat tongue in cheek, suggested that the attacks on ivermectin in the media meant that ivermectin would become standard treatment by spring because there is a 4-6 month lag time between journalists mocking a conspiracy theory and those mocked theories being proved correct.

  12. The more dangerous delta variant? Only a liar, a moron, a politician or a “journalist” would make such a demonstrably false statement.
    Then again I repeat repeat myself again. Some outbreak with Canadian cases down 31% last 14 days, NB up a whole 2%, the rest down.
    Just how do these clowns define an outbreak. Isolated cases? A non event? Politically advantageous spin and subterfuge, aka lying?
    Too bad covid, delta variant or otherwise, is refusing to refuse with the lockdown apparatchiks and negligent risk mismanagers.

  13. The under 50 age group accounts for approx 23.4 million people in Canada, and yet…only 666 deaths…sounds like most survivable deadliest pandemic ever.

  14. In the Alberta stats, 83% of deaths had HYPERTENSION. What percentage are overweight or obese?

  15. FIGHT BACK! Do not wear a mask unless/until it is asked of you. Be pleasant and comply. I recommend two options. My preferred is the ‘plague mask’ because it makes staff and other customers uncomfortable (and often amused) or, for something you can carry in your pocket, a painter’s dust mask you can buy 6 for $1 or $1.25 at your Dollar Store. I used a paper punch to ‘ventilate’ it adequately, much like a sieve. They may compel you to wear a mask, but as long as it “covers your nose and mouth”, you’re good. Mockery and mischief are both important.

    I’ve commented here previously regarding our senior close friends – three couples including us, contracted covid last April. I was specific regarding the overall health of each, which ranged from just diabetes to my palliative, stage 4 lung cancer impaired, wife. BTW, it will be our 39th anniversary on Saturday and we’ll celebrate in a restaurant with family and friends. After having to show our identity papers. It will be beautiful, but we both understand that chances are, there will not be a 40th.

    My beautiful wife lives, on unafraid. After nearly three years of heavy duty chemo (x2) radiation (x29 ), immunotherapy via field trial (pulled after 3x infusions),j one more course of chemo and then another irradiation (x5 Nanaimo-Victoria) with another round to come, she caught covid.. My wife, myself and all four others experienced it as flu like, and while unpleasant, not unlike experiences we’ve had before. OTOH, I’ve just heard that my sister in law was unwell and tested positive two weeks ago. It was more of a 10 day knockdown for her but she’s feeling better now.

    An interesting sidebar: you’ve heard about the loss of taste? It’s true to greater/lesser degrees, but it’s certainly a covid thing. Flavours and foods has remained an issue for my wife – the rest of us got all or most of our taste buds working over a couple of weeks. But for her, tastes and aromas have gone from enjoyable to objectionable. She describes many formerly attractive odors or tastes as, rancid.

    I’ll send another regarding why my wife and I are so alienated and angry with not only our governments, but our fellow citizens whose fears drive them to irrationality and their impact for us.

  16. As a casual observation I note that the graph provided lists Male, Female and Other, yet I cannot see many Other deaths.

    Could it be that the real cure for Dr Fauci is to reject societies binary restrictions?

  17. 2018 – 2019 flu season: 224 deaths, 613 ICU admissions. Mean age of death 77 with at least one co-morbidity. Deaths were higher that year by 20%. And vaccine coverage that year 42%, also higher than the usual 34%.

    Millions of people got jabbed that year to attempt to prevent 224 deaths of old sick people?

    Seriously? But they’ll say, without evidence, that quadrillions of lives were saved…

    The only thing being saved are the jobs of government workers who put together all these pages of graphs and shoddy analysis. The few deaths coupled with the fact they were higher while more people got vaccinated is the elephant in the room that they ignore completely.

  18. The latest appears to be that regulatory and monitoring authorities are not interested in tracking fully injected “breakthrough” cases anymore.
