The System is Flatlining

ER doctor tries to figure out what the hell is going on.

Hit the tweet, and hit it again on twitter to follow it down for the discussion.

Okay case numbers are up but as Stephen McIntiyre points out death rates have not followed. 

27 Replies to “The System is Flatlining”

  1. Hospital Facility Director here…

    All hospitals ordered to perform emergency surgeries only. TO area ordered ‘life and limb’ only. All DI unrelated to inpatient emergencies cancelled. All hospitals to decant. TO area to London/Kingston area, they to hospitals further south. Order from govt expected later today mandating healthcare workers to be made to deploy anywhere in province as needed.

    1. So will that bring about the required death toll to “prove” that the lockdowns were necessary (when lockdowns and general panic cause other forms of death)?

      1. I suspect it will be like January when we did something similar. The wave won’t happen, hospital will sit partially empty, we’ll send staff home, much needed surgeries and diagnostics will get added to the backlog, Ford and Co will announce they ‘saved the hospitals’.

        Amazingly… or not amazingly at all depending on your level of cynicism…during the last year I have yet to receive a directive to increase ICU beds.

        1. (a question from a position of ignorance on my part) How long do you think it will take before the delays and cancellation of other procedures will have a visible impact on death statistics in your area? It’s possible that the difference won’t be visible, I just don’t know.

          1. I don’t know if that analysis exists but intuitively I would say immediately. Will the govt ever do that and publicize it? Not likely. The backlog in the province is about 250k right now.

          2. I don’t know either but doctors have been complaining about it for at least a couple of months, certainly they started this year to raise the alarm. But who are they? Certainly not “Health Experts”.

        2. Your last sentence is interesting. Here in the UK we have not increased the number of beds either (actually, there are 9,000 FEWER NHS beds than this time last year) nor have we increased the number of staff who could have carried out a lot of the less technical work in hospitals (Recently retired NHS staff were asked to return if they could, but were put off by the 20 page questionnaire including lots of ‘diversity’ type questions). And no advice for any treatment that may have done some good and kept people from ending up in hospital – Just ‘you’ve got covid, stay home’.
          Hundreds of billions spent on keeping people from working, shutting down businesses, buying ventilators (£569 million for 20,000 which were never used), £37Bn on a track and trace system that did not work, ‘Nightingale hospitals’ built at great expense but barely if ever used……the list goes on.

      2. The problems with lockdowns is that neither the proponents nor opponents can use the outcomes, whatever they may be, as proof of their position. It is just not logically possible. Any outcome will be subject to either the “Post hoc ergo propter hoc” or the “no true Scotsman” falicy.

        Lockdowns are just wrong. and stupid.

    2. Reminds you of “Hunger Games” where Tory and Ford rule over us and killing us, just in a different way.
      Making us poorer as they break our spirits with cops and health inspectors as enforcement.

      1. Tory will get along well O’Foole, both Liberals in Blue suites. Ford is a Tory, but a bit dim-witted I’m afraid, getting played by the Libs of all colors.

  2. Why would Canada need to avoid crowding hospitals if we have the best healthcare system in the world and more than enough medical staff to go around?

    Oh, wait – we have none of those things.

    Another chink in the pretentious Canadian armour.

    1. Well, we have more than enough people employed in the health bureaucracy industry and we certainly pay more than enough to that industry, for what is a little up in the air.

      Sadly, recent polling has also backed up my thought that half of people would happily vote themselves into house arrest.

  3. Obviously we are being lied to. The question is who is doing the lying and why?

    1. That’s a very good question. Truthfully, I do not know. I think Doug Ford is being lead around by the nose and does not have the courage to question his advisors. Most medical people don’t make independent decisions. They are plugged into a network and told What to do by someone higher up in the system. We have been told again and again that PCR cycles of 40 and higher yeild way too many false positives — Covid positive, but no real infection. So why has that not been changed? It would not surprise me if most of Ontario’s decision making on this is coming from the WHO. At this point, I do not think the WHO is operating in the best interests of public health. Normal buresucrats would not have the courage to go against whatever they are ordered to do, but there certainly are some pointless and destructive policies in place and someone needs to have the courage to speak out against the destructive and deceptive path we are on.

      1. The number of cycles is not the only parameter that can be varied in a PCR test. As to the CT, I think it was determine 28 was the opimum number because, although it possibly might let a few real cases through, it didn’t destroy lives by impounding everyone.

  4. Flu season anyone? Or are the parameters of the PCR tests being manipulated? I am not suggesting an evil cabalistic plot, no, incompetence. There is also the small matter of many politicos and their “experts” having a shitload on the line. They must find salvation in the vaccine to cover their arses, because they over-eacted initially and have repeated the same mistakes several time and show particular lack of reasoning ability.

    Only the vaccine can save them, and they need us to live in fear until the government(s) relieve us from it by coming to the rescue with”The Vaccine”.

  5. The Ford medical advisor bureaucrats seem to be relying on UK Imperial College simulations and inflated PCR testing as the basis for their decisions.

    As far as I can determine PCR cycles greater than 25-28 yield excessively high false alarms rates . Fauci himself admitted that virus samples detected with a cycle (Ct) of 35 cannot be cultured in a lab because the sample is too tiny to regenerate even under the most favourable lab conditions . So what is Ontario using for PCR thresholds .. 40 and 45 … wonderful! How many of these COVID “cases” are misdiagnosed colds or seasonal flu ?

    If you look at the Ontario COVID website graphs of cases and deaths and set the time period to “All Time” the number of “cases” has increased but the number of deaths has not.

    Then compare the Ontario data with that from Sweden (no lockdowns) and the two sets of graphs are essentially the same , though Sweden peaked about a month earlier than Ontario.
