Y2Kyoto: There Goes The Consensus

Chris Martz;

This is perhaps the most glorious chart you will ever see. Green energy scammers are losing the support of the youth more than any other age demographic, the very demographic of people they appeal to the most since it requires their investment to continue the grift.

A recent Monmouth University poll found that the percentage of young Americans ages 18-34 who view climate change as a “serious problem” dropped from 67% in both their 2018 and 2021 poll to 50% in the latest poll. Support for government action dropped a whopping 18 percentage points, from 80% in 2021 to 62% in 2024. There was also a notable drop among those ages 35-54, but those 55+ remain unchanged.

37 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: There Goes The Consensus”

  1. The problem is that the climate change lobby is not creating enough blind panic among the public. There needs to be more blind panic.

    More seriously, there’s only so many times you can tell people the sky if falling before they become a tad jaded.

    1. That’s what happens when you thin out your blind panic stockpile by attacking multiple targets. If they would have stuck to “We’re all gonna fry”, the AGW polls would be stable. But no, they piled panic on top of panic with “You’re gonna die if (a) you don’t wear a mask (b) you dont get jabbed (c) dont get boosted (d) go into any business other than a large chain store or a government liquor store (e) dont get boosted again (f) support Trump. And I’m sure I missed a few.

    2. Guys like Steyer have done everything they can to create panic….much of the media has done likewise. EVERYTHING that happens is caused by “climate change”. It is a fraud, pure and simple. There are too many dunces in the world who believe that simply because they haven’t seen an unusual weather event in their lifetimes, they have never happened and therefore MUST be caused by “climate change”. I am sick of the fraud.

    3. “More seriously, there’s only so many times you can tell people the sky if falling before they become a tad jaded.”

      Agreed. No con-job regardless of how detailed it may be, lasts forever. Lies always wear thin, particularly for those becoming aware that they will pay the largest price for what will be inflicted on society. They are the ones who will never own a home, never own a car, have increasingly large portions of their income taxed away from them.

    4. So why do you believe the crap about the jab? The science on the jab is on the same level as the science on climate change.

      1. Haven’t you read all the peer reviewed studies in the eminent journals? You know, the ones that refused to publish studies that challenged the pharma/health agency/government narrative?

  2. Climate change science fiction writing has been too lucrative for its own good, once failed politicians and academics realized the money they could pocket from this scam then everyone jumped in which makes it unsustainable because it’s totally unproductive.

  3. Listen to Trudeau in question period. The liberals will save us from ourselves. He says more fires, more floods, and those conservatives have no plan! The carbon tax will save us.

      1. There is only one country that benefits from this fraud….China. No wonder Maurice Strong beat it to live in China.

  4. Doom Goblin Grifter Thunberg hardest hit. And when I say hardest hit, I mean with a shovel across its fetal alcohol syndrome face.

    1. Apropos my point above at 12:42. She added water to her AGW whine by supporting the Paliwogs.

      WOLF! WOLF! Wolf! wolf. woof, wooz, was….

  5. Meanwhile … the State of CA continues its assault on fossil fuels. All new homes in CA are de facto electric only. Why? How? Didn’t a Judge just rule against cities passing “No new Nat. Gas hookups” in CA? Yes, yes they did.

    But …

    Every new home in CA must file what’s known as a Title-24 Energy Budget report. The software has been repeatedly made more restrictive and officious. The latest revisions make it virtually impossible to use gas fired appliances (furnace, WH, or cooking). It doesn’t matter if you use 97% efficient appliances … the software has been designed to make Nat. Gas impossible to use.

    I cannot help but think this is actually an all out WAR on the Fossil Fuel Industry, aka “Big Oil”. The leftists making these draconian and idiotic codes and rules are actually trying to bankrupt an industry which has elevated the standard of living for every human on the planet since the late 1800’s. This feels … personal … and political. It has nothing whatsoever to do with “saving energy” as is the sole purpose of Title-24. No, now it is all about the complete destruction of all oil and gas businesses. It’s about bankrupting “Big Oil”. These communists simply HATE the wealth in the Fossil Fuel industry, and want to transfer it to their “green” cohorts.

    1. Was down in Palm Springs a couple of years ago. The people we stayed with would only turn on the heat to their swimming pool if the grand kids were coming down…..cost an absolutely bloody FORTUNE to heat the pool…..in Palm Springs for God sake!

      1. Ironically … pool heating solar panels (essentially small black plastic tubes and natural convection) are tremendously effective … and cost effective. I don’t know anyone here in the SF Bay Area who doesn’t have these simple solar water heating systems for their pools.

        Yes, you need Googleaire money to run a Nat. Gas pool heater in CA. It used to be a common middle class thing … now it is restricted to the purview of the ultra wealthy. Which is exactly what this WAR on fossil fuels (making it unaffordable) is doing … creating a further divide between the classes. And if you think Barbara Streisand’s or Al Gore’s swimming pools are too cold for swimming … you’re willfully ignorant.

  6. The +55 group hasn’t changed because way too many over that age still watch their TV news and think they’re getting the truth. Young people more and more only use alternative means for their news and info.

    1. Or … the 55+ group mostly believe catastrophic climate change is utter rubbish, and haven’t been persuaded otherwise.

      Interesting that ALL the age groups peaked in 2021 at the highest moment of PANIC over COVID. I guess everyone’s brain was programmed for catastrophic DOOM and GLOOM, eh? What with how many “cases” of the “deadly” COVID were being reported.

      1. Agreed, but it’s more than that. TV news audiences have been shrinking for decades. It’s not clear to me that anyone takes it seriously any more on a host of topics like global warming. TV news has lost so much credibility over the last 10 years or so that most people would look outside before accepting a television or radio announcer’s claim that it’s raining outside.

        1. A few years back, I was listening to the radio. The weather report said there was a 0% chance of rain. It was pouring rain at that moment. Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

      2. I think you are exactly right that the blind panic over Covid opened a lot of people’s eyes to the fact that so much of what we’re told by government and media is complete hogwash.

  7. Encouraging to see a slight trend, but those percentages are still way too high for me to have any hope for the future.
    As long as businesses and large resource companies feel it necessary to include the words Sustainable, Renewable, and Clean ad nauseam in all their public statements, (in a sad attempt to placate the green weenies) we have not progressed.
    Nothing is completely sustainable, renewable, or clean. As Thomas Sowell has said, “There are no Solutions. There are only Trade-offs.”
    50% actually believing that weather changes are caused by the minuscule amount of human produced C02 is still 49% too high.

    1. Actually no, it’s encouraging. The public has been bombarded with global warming propaganda for more than 30 years. It’s remarkable after all that relentless assault that it was no more than 50% and is now in decline. As you say, it may be too high, but it’s going in the right direction.

  8. Polls have nothing to do with it.

    It’s about rate of return for money invested.

    You people are the stupidest idiots in Canada.

  9. Maybe if I sort my garbage faster I will buy into the graft.. I doubt it.. What we have here is a government funded green business plan .. Based on monopolies and borrowed money..

    Tisk tisk.. No more cream to skim off the top.. They have robbed us blind :).. Now go sort your garbage..

  10. Even callow youth can see that the seas haven’t risen and the world didn’t end. Now only dumbasses and partisan leftists believe in it. Sorry for the redundancy.

  11. They want to “save the earth” but not at the prices they are asked to pay. If it was free, sure.

  12. Everything goes in cycles.
    Now we can suggest to the kiddies,this novel concept.
    Anyone who demands the right to tax air,shall be denied it.
    For these are parasites,thieves of the lowest order.
    Why do you think,”How low will you go?” is always seen as a challenge ?
    By our “Progressive Comrades”.
    CAGW has been one of the most successful frauds,by government…Why since Public education,pensions and income tax..
    The gullible are tapped out,stripped of every penny of income and all hope for a future..
    Seems a real education is real expensive..

  13. When housing prices and inflation were lower, there’s was a lot fewer actual problems for young people. This meant there was time and energy to worry about hobgoblins of every sort.

    Now that they are faced with not being able to afford accommodation away from their parents, real problems are taking priority over imaginary ones.

    The older age groups had their chance to set up housing when it was much more affordable and available. This group still can prioritize hypothetical future concerns since they can better withstand the current situation. It will have to get worse before their attention will shift to actual issues.
