48 Replies to “One Toronto Grocer vs. The Machine”

    1. I love when u hear the emotion in his voice and realize he is close to tears. He speaks from his heart and the f’en gov’t is heartless & run by pricks that never need worry about their pay cheque or future / retirement. I am amazed at the pricks who vote for the socialist liberals and commie lite NDP and think the nanny state can / will look after them as the commie c*nts destroy the economy and drive businesses from Canuckistan.
      Sorry for the cussin’ 😉

      1. Stew…OWG
        ya hit it out of the park my friend…So True.

        I just saw that vid on one of my messenger grps…

        Fat cat UNION Assholes sitting at home collecting paycheques with 200% benefits and ACTUAL WORKING people being forced into debt slavery or suicide with others being whisked away to some internment Kampf by some unnamed and unknown Liberal STAZI KAPO asshole

        Velcome to Kanada.
        Papieren schnell..!!
        Raus.!! U Vill kum vis us ….Yes.??

        1. steakman, I have said this more than once. If the politicians and bureaucrats had their pay cut off, the whu who flu would vanish like snow in June. Shortly after the first missed paycheck.

    2. I kept listening … waiting to hear this man go over the edge with wild eyed “conspiracy theories” and other such “banned speech” … but everything he said was reasoned and correct. The ONE thing that certifies him as a “crazy right winger”? … He believes in God. And he believes Christ’s admonition to “Love your neighbor as yourself”. That’s all the opening the propagandist media needs to “humiliate” this man. Look! They’ll say … he believes in a “Sky Daddy” … a figment of his patriarchal mind.

      I loathe our degenerating culture and reversal of our basic human rights and freedom. Sorry leftists … the government won’t “save” you … they’ll “enslave” you. Yeah, I know … the words are homophones so you get all excited and whatnot … losing your mind and all reason … but you’re headed for a fall … and mountains of skulls.

  1. That slimy pr!ck Tory will have a SWAT team Tasing him in 5 ………………………….. 4 ………………………………. 3………………………………..

  2. He said more to reflect how I feel about these destructive bullshit lockdowns than any member of the cowardly CPC has.

    The way our political system is currently dysfunctioning in this ‘country’, if we were to completely eliminate parliament, would anyone even notice?

    1. We have a parliament? I thought that was abolished last year. Prinz Dummkopf acts as if it was.

      1. EO … has become our new Charter and Constitution … Right? One man sitting in judgement of all … how disgusting! That’s not why our “white” forefathers came to this continent. We came here for Freedom … and Human Rights. We came here for self-Government … to break FREE from Euro Totalitarian Monarchies and States

        1. HRH probably figures that if his “official” father could suspend the civil rights of citizens, he can, too. Prinz Dummkopf definitely has daddy issues.

      2. Not quite – Boy Blunder only banned budgets, since they balance themselves, because this bunch won’t even come close.

  3. Butt Joke Tory is such a good kristian cuckservative, heavy on the kristian, and fool wonder why I say get religion out of politics

      1. Rog thinks YOU are the grocer … I assume because you both speak very directly, bullshit-Free, about the pandemic nonsense.

  4. Not just crushed, but likely killed. And not just for opening. At one point he says people need to remember that government works for us; we don’t work for them. He’ll be killed just for harbouring and voicing that thought.

    I’m guessing single vehicle accident or fire at his home or shop. The 9mm rounds to the back of the head were just coincidence.

    1. Courage is contagious but so is fear. Spreading fear and apathy among American troops is what Tokyo Rose tried to do. Is that really what your goal is?

  5. Wow. WOW. That is the best 27 minutes I’ve spent in a very long time. And the Menzoid. Isn’t he terrific?

    I don’t think they’d dare crush this great patriot Bill Fehr.
    This could be a turning point.

    1. Wrong , they will crush him.

      Look at what happened to the Adamson BBQ guy.
      He had lots of support outside his establishment.
      Tory’s thugs came down on him like a ton o’bricks.

      He better have his taxes , WSIB, insurance, papers in order , cause any blip in that and they are going to crucifiy him.
      Hope he owns the building his store is in , cause they will force his landlord to toss him just like happened to Adamson BBQ.

      I wouldn’t doubt they will go after his insurance company and get them to revoke his property and business coverage.

    1. Buddy,
      Probably not, but I have seen a few glimmers of hope.
      Quick example: a friend of mine has been a stalwart believer and abides by every dictum from Bonnie Henry, the BC health nazi.
      Yesterday he admitted that the rules are absurd, contradictory, and rife with double standards.
      He even said Fuck Bonnie Henry, I am done with this shit.
      So, a glimmer…

      1. Bonnie Henry is putting into action what Horgan has long wanted to do.

  6. Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a virus so deadly you have to be tested to know if you have it? Huh?

  7. My local riding association sent out a fundraising email that laid out the case about Trudeau’s vaccine failure. Basically the message that oh freaking tool should be pounding everyday but isn’t. Even the riding association people are getting frustrated with this clown.

    1. I follow the conservatives on facebook Y’eh 4 conservatives, Conservative Party of Canada, Youtube Rempel, news sites True North, Western Standard, Post Millennial, Rebel News, Spencer Fernando. Multiple posts daily. Don’t wait for the MSM to spoon feed you. Very little found there, usually damning with faint praise or plain negative and strangely uniform in presentation. Use the weapons they still allow us.
      Maybe Kate could start a daily posting featuring what the conservatives have to offer each day. Sort of what’s up in the conservative world.

  8. Terrific video of how so many people feel. (could use a bit of editing…)

    Really quite fed up with anyone telling me how things are going to be atm.. or Theresa Tam suggesting now that masks may be a thing for the next 2-3 years.

    Restaurants opening again in Alberta tomorrow… as if we should grovel for this tidbit of liberty here.

  9. A very dear friend who owned a company that built and delivered displays for conventions killed himself in October. He had laid off almost all of his 65 employees and was looking at most likely having to close his business. He left a wife and three young children. I’m fortunate that this shutdown has not significantly impacted my finances. Few seem to realize the toll it’s taking on those who are not so fortunate. The oligarchy could care less as they profit from the destruction and drool over their new found power.

    1. So sorry to hear that BC.
      My prayers for them and you.

      The chickens, as they say, are definitely coming home to roost.
      Or the shite is hitting the fan now.

  10. The comments are almost as uplifting as the video.

    I know someone that works in a funeral home. Deaths of the elderly are about the same as last year but deaths from the nearby indian reserves and suicides are booming.

    Saved a copy of the video incase gooogle disappears it.

    1. Cal, I asked the question some time ago. I wondered why funeral homes are not over whelmed with business if this flu is killing us all? Locally there is nothing abnormal in volumes and a relative in another province is the business, and he says normal volume, and they have had no deaths related to the virus.

  11. Does anybody think that all this Virus bovine excrement is going to wake Up people in Ontariowe, Queerbec and the Maritimes to NOT vote Lie- beral? But then what have we got for Conservatives? Nada, zip, zero, nothing.
    Polivere would be good or Sloan but they are not the “leaders”! O’Toole is the biggest nothing burger Ever – even worse than Scheer,
    Canuckistan is screwed.

    1. I’m getting worried about you, UnMe.
      Usually your comments, while asinine, at least show some minimal glimmers of cogent thought.
      Mom throwing you out of the basement?
      Miss out on that promotion to Assistant Night Manager at the 7Eleven?
      We’re here for you, UnBud…

      1. Unhinged is totally psychotic, more than usual so leave it be – it’s cruel to incite the mentally ill into deeper delusion.

  12. very old white guy

    “Show Me the Bodies” would make a good bumper sticker.
    But when I say that to some acquaintances they clutch their pearls.

    1. I tried making the same point to my elderly aunt. She still insists that there’s a raging epidemic out there and that I essentially should have a mask permanently grafted onto my face (like what happened to John Hurt’s character in the movie Alien). She became adamant about it when my cousin, who’s in a care home, got sick, thanks to one of the staff working at the facility.

      Trying to convince her that the actual statistics don’t support that and that the whole matter is political, not medical, was a complete waste of time.

  13. Watch Part 2 of this thread… David speaks with Chris Skye and to shoppers @ J & W Foods about the mask “mandate.” Chris has had his court case postponed 4 times. Check this out:

    “Maskless shoppers react to J & W Foods”
