10 Replies to “Thomas Sowell: An Honest Intellectual”

  1. Kate, you are right on. This man’s books and lectures should be on a must do list – which is why the progressives will make sure to ignore him. They are the equivalent of little children who stick their fingers in their ears so they don’t have to hear the truth. Sad that Mr. Sowell is not widely celebrated in the black community. Share his books and encourage others to watch his videos.

  2. Logic and facts can’t be disputed, just ignored or at times twisted.
    I would have really enjoyed and appreciated his discussions.
    Sharing knowledge is really rare as our politicians impose their form of following the system.

  3. Thomas Sowell has been interviewed quite a few times by Peter Robinson on “Uncommon Knowledge” … easy to go through the interview series on YouTube, and will help confirm to many here what we seem to understand about economics and freedom.

    A congenial character, he’s always a contender when you need to show your leftist friends (family!) why they’re wrong without saying so much directly…

    Chosen almost at random:
    “The Vulgar Pride of Intellectuals”


  4. Sowell is one of great minds of out time.
    The only reason he is not widely known is because he is points the right things out.
    No nonsense, no bullshit.

    Can’t have that.

  5. He and Walter Williams were/are two of my favorite authors, columnists, economists, it is difficult to pick one field. I read many of their works and it was sad to lose Walter Williams in Dec as I am sure much like Thomas Sowell he had much to say that would be relevant. Unfortunately at 90 years of age we will not have him very much longer.
    Hudson, I have often wondered why black Americans would rather celebrate criminals than brilliant people who made a serious mark on life. People like Thomas Sowell should be the one’s celebrated, not semi literate sports figures and criminals removed from this world by the police.

  6. With all the accusations of racism around us this quote by Thomas Sowell fits where we are at:
    ” Racism does not have a good track record. It’s been tried out for a long time and you’d think by now we’d want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management”.
    I’m sure this will be too deep for the socialist masses running rampant.

  7. Thomas Sowell is a treasure. And I can only attribute his relative anonymity to the fear he instills in the frail minds of the left. (read, MSM) A favourite quote: “You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats procedure is everything and outcomes are nothing.” To me, that explains everything that is going on right now.

  8. It’s good story about a very interesting and accomplished man. The beginning however does require some context. A good deal of Saskatchewan did not have running water, electricity or hot water in 1930. Heating was likely by wood or coal and often limited to one area of a home Many rural communities didn’t have municipal water and sewer into the early sixties.https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiX3eC-ksTuAhVDIjQIHYEADsUQFjACegQIAxAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.producer.com%2Fnews%2Felectricity-forever-changed-life-on-the-farm%2F&usg=AOvVaw2X1M6YdfuC0m9CUywyrBQp

  9. In modern day it is hard to sit and watch a 1 hour video and I was going to pass …. yet I know Kate usually posts something good so I decided to watch a few minutes ….. and it hooked me for the whole hour.

    This should be required watching for all liberals and socialists.

    Consider it one hour of education that will dismantle the endless hours of misguided liberalism that society constantly hears.
