32 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. Boy, for people who get shirty when Trump calls them fake news, they don’t seem to be able to help giving him all of the ammunition he could possibly hope for. As Dem operatives go, even James Carville was never this eager to cover up Dem malfeasance and criminality.

  2. Next Presser, Trump needs to ask JIM Acosta why CNN took it down.

    Then run a clip of it for him and all of America to hear. Then tweet it out.

  3. Wanna bet the original broadcast tape just took two self inflicted bullets to the back of the reel?

  4. Yes, that is what you would expect from CeeeNeN.
    It is after all a propaganda machine fixed at the hip to the so called “Democratic” party, that is none such.
    As it is or at least it appears to be, the media cartel is in debt to the communists in China and hence it can’t afford to give simple credit to anyone else.
    By now, everybody that is interested in the affairs of men knows that Biden and the clan is beholden to the Chinese.
    The Chinese, at least at this moment are on the losing side of history, they are going to take Biden down with them, save for a choice of VP.
    That choice would have to be some stroke of genius to work.
    Regardless, if Biden wins, of which this here guy thinks not, the normal people of the United States may chose to go their own way. Don’t know what that means, it just kind of drifted into the mind.

    It being so that Trump hammers CeeeNeN at every opportunity, not necessarily unjustly, they are gonna go 100% nuclear against him.

    Its just nature of things.

  5. They removed it and then re numbered all the episodes that occurred after, with the next days episode receiving the number for that show. They pulled a Stalin and disappeared a tv episode.

  6. I wish every single time the left attacks on an issue they would get called out on it and told that they do not believe what they are saying. And list times when they don’t care about said issue. And when they try to deflect drag them back on point. Keep showing people their issues are just attacking points and not anything they actually care about.

    1. Patrick, almost have the electorate believe the lies of CNN and the rest of the media.

  7. Sounds like they are a pox on society….The FCC needs to investigate if CNN is worthy of holding a license…
    A FCC complaint that is a systematic failure. Ownership that commit a crime, or are under investigation have serious consequences.. A bridge too far…


    1. The problem is, CNN doesn’t have a license. It doesn’t broadcast. It is carried on cable networks – no FCC license required.
      Same applies to the other news channels, I don’t think any of them actually broadcast, they just feed to “affiliates” that hold the broadcast licenses.

      1. CNN can’t move anything in FCC Spectrum to a Cable or Satilite head end without a licence.. No advertising or sale of product. They can be shuttered for Criminal conduct…..Full stop!… The same as any American who hides evidence of Criminal conduct….The lady filed a criminal complaint & since it’s NOW across State lines the FBI must respond…


  8. // Next Presser, Trump needs to ask JIM Acosta why CNN took it down //

    Trump’s pressers were really campaign events, & replacements for his rallies.
    But they don’t seem to be working so perhaps they are gone:

    // What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions,[…]
    Not worth the time & effort!

    BUT he is definitely bearing down on Twitter – in the last few minutes:

    When will all of the “reporters” who have received Noble Prizes
    for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to have been proven totally wrong
    (and, in fact, it was the other side who committed the crimes),
    be turning back their cherished “Nobles” so that they can be given….
    ….to the REAL REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS who got it right.
    I can give the Committee a very comprehensive list. When will the Noble Committee DEMAND the Prizes back,

    especially since they were gotten under fraud? The reporters and Lamestream Media knew the truth all along….
    ….Lawsuits should be brought against all, including the Fake News Organizations,
    to rectify this terrible injustice.
    For all of the great lawyers out there, do we have any takers?
    When will the Noble Committee Act? Better be fast!

    And other NOBEL sentiments.

    1. I saw the tweet before it was taken down! It showed how CNN “disappeared” the Larry King show in question. They removed the episode from their archive, then renumbered the following episodes to show that the episode never existed. The rest of the thread corroborated the original tweet. It HAD to be taken down, you see. Hard evidence like that would be too “prejudicial” against Biden!

  9. This … is fascist, mind control by your so-called superiors. Which, as Sting sang … “is a humiliating kick in the crotch”

    I wonder what the gatekeepers of “dangerous” knowledge at Fackebook did with the video?

    1. Or in a strip club sliding $100 bills into the nether regions of mostly nude “performers”.

  10. President Trump watched a Catholic Mass on TV today. CNN: Trump forcing everyone to convert to the Catholic Church!!!

  11. Trump needs to show this at one of his pressers, along with the page showing the removal and numbering

    Then drop the hammer on Jimmy the Whiner.

  12. Here’s how you can have some fun with your Lefty friends & family between now and the November election (or until Biden gets removed by the Democrat apparatchiks) : In your sincerest tone possible, say the following:

    “You know, I understand why you have issues with Donald Trump but how can you possibly support and vote for Joe Biden, knowing that his sexual attack accuser, Tara Reade, has credible evidence against him? Weren’t we all told during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings that all women needed to be believed? If I even thought of defending or voting for Biden, I don’t think I could live myself.”

    Then sit back and see what they say.

  13. Like paper tape stretched across a hotel toilet seat … “sanitized for your protection”. Actually, Joe Biden’s protection.

  14. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation, like the FBI and DOJ explanations why they skewered a Trump associate’s legal rights, one who had worked as their agent, with completely fabricated “evidence,” for their partisan purposes.

    IOW – co-opted, lying scumbags, a criminalized and politicized drunk with power lynch mob hoorawing it up in the saloon.

    Different day, same one party police state seditious renegades and vigilantes to the rule of law, the presidency, and the citizenry.

    Same strategy to make it go away.

    Cut and paste, ignore, omit, obfuscate, arrogant ignorance and simply lie about it, when faced with obvious evidence, claim it’s old news, baked in the cake, already been dealt with, ignored, suppressed and misrepresented already, so nothing to see.

    I think not. Joe Biden is the dirty uncle of American politics. Can’t see him skating on this, not with ruthless Trump on him.

  15. Well history students will have an easier task,most schools being CNN orientated,the narrative trumps the act.
    If you can’t remember it,it never happened..Biden 20something.
    CBC needs to pay closer attention,Blackie never wore blackface,is ethically pure and has wonderful hair..
    There is no Kokanee Groper..
    Emperor Pierre the Idiot ,ruled this empire until power was passed by unanimous consent to his son Emperor Justine …
    The Canadian Peso has always been worth 40cents US,Liberals are wonderful,all hail Dear Leader.
    CNN style reporting is so easy,even a soviet could do it.

  16. Assuming this report is correct, CNN’s stunt will only serve to draw attention to the episode, not away from it. And CNN must know this. They might not be great journalists, but they’re not stupid.

  17. I wonder if this means the Dems are about to pull the plug on Sleepy Joe. The CNN is the Democrat Party Propganda Campaign, so they have the inside scoop 100%. I suggest Biden is about to get deep sixed, and this is a way to let him bow out gracefully, with some sense of dignity into his retirement.
