16 Replies to “Da Bait”

  1. All Trump would have to do is to make it clear that Bobulinski is in the area and available for interviews.

    It would be pretty difficult for everyone in the media to ignore him.

    Apparently Bobulinski is willing to “sing” because he found out the Bidens were screwing him by doing Chinese deals behind his back.

  2. His appearance at the debate will actually show which side of the fence Fox News actually sits on.

    The Biden team will attempt to bar him on grounds of intimidation and so on.

    Fox barring him, for whatever reason, will show just how compromised the network is.

    The Light is shining on the just and the unjust.

    Just sayin.

    1. Rupert Murdoch no longer owns or runs Fox News. He turned it over to his commie sons. The drop in quality has been noticed.

    1. He better be careful he don’t catch the “Arkansas Flu” if you catch my drift.

      This is from a different set of emails that have come to light:

      A 2017 email from a top official with a Chinese energy firm, provided by a whistleblower to U.S. Senate investigators, demonstrates the terms of an agreement included officials with the firm giving a $5 million non-secured, forgivable loan to the Biden “family.” The email also says that $5 million loan is “interest free” and asks how that $5 million would be used, and if used up, whether CEFC should lend more money to the Biden family.

      1. Yes, Tim, the Arkansas flu is a real possibility. I’m hoping he has a good security detail. Methinks he will need it.

        1. They were provided for him by friends of his dad, and even now they’re… OK, he shot himself in the back of the head 3 times as he was jumping off the 50th floor while texting a suicide note. The note is sent 5 minutes after the phone was destroyed in the fall, but nobody will care about that.

  3. I sincerely hope the President asks Biden:

    1. why he falsely accused Curtis Dunn of being a drunkard

    2. what was the blood alcohol level of his drunk party girl first wife when the cops pulled Neilia’s carcass out of the station wagon, along with the dead body of her daughter

    3. why his pals in Delaware hushed it up.

  4. I have more expectations than Kraft has caramels but never does anything come to pass with all these impending revelations.

    Numpty in the bleachers won’t change anything and soon it will all disappear because the fix is in.

  5. The fix is definitely in and the FBI ‘fixed’ it. The FBI have been sitting on this for seven months? So if the Seventh Floor knew about this and decided to sit on it they were in the catbird seat in a win/win situation. If Biden won the election the FBI, as per Hoover’s SOPs, they could blackmail the President. If Trump won they could present this to Trump and get back in his good graces. A definite win/win situation. Barr and Durham have been under scrutiny over their inaction over the last few months, is this the reason the Durham report will not be released until after the election, if ever? Inquiring minds want to know and the American voter is deserving of answers before the election.

  6. ANT, and Camel Hairass is also caught up in this, and that is why she is the VP nomination, to keep her quiet , and she could then just tell dementia Joke to step down, and the FBI/CIA would then pull her strings!
