69 Replies to “The Jagmeet Singh Bobblehead Doesn’t Exist And I Want To Know Why”

    1. Well, Jaggy is the de facto Opposition leader since #LibCons fake conservative O’Tool is too busy doing liberal stuff like being a vote whore

      1. He is a slippery eel and O’Toole is useless.

        The only realistic upside I can think of this farce is the entertainment value of idiots scrambling around to avoid but still getting an unwanted election.

        Happy Halloween, everybody!

  1. “Let me be very clear” normally means “I’ve got a helluva big lie to tell you.”

    At least he wasn’t crying “but we were supposed to be the kingmakers with the policy veto! How could he do this to us!”.

    1. One of Obama’s favourite phrases. Obama must have had some battles with his speech writers who would have preferred to purge such clutter.

  2. Translation?

    Gimme da big bux Justin ol boy, and deze troubles all go away.

    NDP moral preening and superiority.

    These morons should watch what happens to the Greens here in BC this weekend, who will get wiped out, and cry about how unfair it is. Propping up the majority partner NEVER works out well for the rump party, selling out for a few shekels and temporary notoriety.

    1. Will the Liberals be any different? It wasn’t the NDP that brought in the carbon tax. That’s why I left BC, because it’s a constant choice between NDP or NDP lite.

      1. Yes, agreed. Voted Indy this time, better than a spoiled ballot.

        This Liberal party is still pretending to be a coalition, but it more than ever, resembles the Federal Liberals in almost every way. So yes, they are NDP Lite, and have given up any pretention of Fiscal responsibility as well.

        I’m too entrenched to leave BC though, will always defend what BC was, no matter how bad the leftist infestation gets.

          1. I started spoiling my ballots when Mulroney became PM and Don Getty was premier of Alberta. Their respective ascensions showed me that there was nobody worth voting for either federally or provincially. It wasn’t until 5 years ago that I started filling them out properly again.

        1. I already voted and there wasn’t even an Independent on the ballot, Lib, NDP or Green. Tough choice trying to decide between three, wise men or monkeys, can’t tell the difference. Thinking the Greens will disappear is the same as thinking that small ‘c’ conservatives will ever appear as a provincial party in BC, never going to happen. In hindsight I should have submitted my nomination papers just to break up the vote. Between the three parties here in BC not one of them could organize a birthday party for an orphan!

          1. B. C. started going downhill in 1972 when Wacky Bennett’s Socreds were booted out by “Fat Little” Dave Barrett and his gang of lefty loonies.

          2. BC is a one party State… a colony of Queerbek and the CCP. Media is exclusively corporate, mainly globalist like Bell Media ( they own practically every local television station and newspaper ) or State Media like CBC. BC is lost… authoritarian globalism has over run the place, academia ( University’s) municipal governments have been corrupted by big money and foreign interest ( CCP, the Rockafarters etc. etc. )…. the same with whichever far left party wins the election. BC is a gangsters paradise, Kristy Klark and the LIberal Party made sure of that.

  3. He has been running scared since his cabal staged the leadership takeover in Hamilton. First he knows he will never get away with that again. Second he knows an election is likely to devastate the NDP. Everyone knows how he has laid down with the LPC dogs. Now he has to scratch the fleas.

  4. Was there ever an NDP leader who didn’t have something up his or her sleeve?

  5. Orange wave? The NDP is being squeezed between the BQ, the Greens and the federal Liberals. Draw your own conclusions.
    It has always been a wonder to me that people on the Left want to have a single, so-called efficient, better, more fair system yet Leftists can never agree among themselves and always have different factions.

    1. When I look at the current politics of Canada I see I see four socialist/communist parties and one liberal lite, and a very small somewhat conservative party. When Canadians as a large majority always vote for socialism/communism it does not matter how they split the vote because you always have government control of your life in this rapidly devolving backwater of a country.

  6. Let’s face it, the Jag will not vote against his Liberal brethren, he will simply speak out of both sides of his mouth, only one side makes sense, he’ll act on the other.
    Trudeau is all bluster too, he knows he has a friend in Jagmeet Singh.

  7. When did Trudeau grow a full beard, and start wearing a mood turban? Oh, wait, my mistake, that’s Jughead Sings, Archie’s sidekick at the malt shoppe. When I close my eyes, and listen, it is very difficult to hear the difference in the strains of smugness and laziness. He has Justin’s patois down to a “t”, and he even managed to remove the stuttering.

    1. Oh, you beat me to the punch! As I watched, I thought “Boy, does he ever look like Prime Minister Trudeau! They could be brothers.”

  8. Methinks the Box of Crayons is more comfortable propping up the government and continuing to enjoy the perks than having his ridiculous, unnecessary and bankrupt party face the electorate.

  9. Jughead will be the LAST leader of the Communist Party of Kanaduh. Their entire party will be gobbled up by the LPOC after the next election. They will be lucky to have 1 seat left after the next election.

    1. Their entire party will be gobbled up by the LPOC after the next election.

      When that happens, Tommy Douglas, somewhere in the hereafter, will be smiling at the thought that one of the major parties was finally converted to the NDP’s doctrines.

  10. What do you do as a conservative in BC? The Liebels are consolidating the left as the NDP and Greenies implode. The CPC moves to the left to attempt hiving centerist votes from the Libels. Bernier talks a good story but can I trust him. Actually I probably do more than any of the others but he is an easterner and ultimately will do what he has to to gain support there.

    That leaves Wexit for me and that is where I sit. Jay Hill has a regular on-line presence now. The Buffalo Party is campaigning in Sask and claiming that they are running 2nd to the Sask Party. If they become the Opposition there look out as all the West can come into play. Kenney has to be very nervous. BC is an absolute joke. If the BC Liberals are supposed to be the center right then heaven help us. Their performance in this election is a joke. Their time out of government has been wasted. Their grassroots work is non-existent. A complete rebuild is needed starting with a bloody name change.

    So I hope JT calls an election and that he wins a majority. I honestly think that is what it will take to galvanize citizens in the West. Hard times coming but it appears that is what is needed.

    1. I don’t know about hard times coming, they are already here. And it is going to get alot worse, before it gets any better. Winter is almost here on the Prairies, and people are going to be freezing to death.

    2. Yes, the “BC” Liberals have truly morphed into REAL Liberals, their policies and offerings are exactly what one would expect from a Leftwing Liberal party. Can’t say I’m shocked, they have been drifting in this direction since Campbell fell on his head, had a personality change, and shoved the carbon tax down our throats. Christy Clark completed the conversion with her craven, meaningless “leadership”.
      The greater danger has always been the NDP, but now that the horde is busy borrowing to oblivion, the time for renewal is at hand, what with Liberals running a very NDP LITE campaign, also promising massive borrowing, more government, more social housing, etc, etc. The only difference is saying they will allow private car insurance more opportunities, but, they had 16 years to do that before. PST cut is a nice gimmick, but the socialists have jumped all over that. Wilkinson is a smart man, but he doesn’t smile, is dour and hasn’t connected.
      Meanwhile, Horgan is the king of bafflegab, and optimistic hubris, shovelling $1,000 to every household making less than $120k, “Covid” relief, a bribe by any other name.
      What is Horgan’s secret agenda that he didn’t want to have to secure a Greentard support? Ironically, it must be something favourable to business or resource industries, as the Greenies are full-on progressive ideologues. I guess we shall see.
      If there’s a silver lining, the Greens are about to be wiped out. Though vote splitting on the left is good, Fursteneau is a horrible leader, a whiny, reedy voiced, clingy snivelling doomsayer with an eating disorder.

  11. I was pretty ok at math in school, but could someone please explain to me how a majority of canadians have below average intelligence? 😉

    1. I get your point, but the question can be answered by calculating the average of the numbers 2, 4, 5 and 18.

  12. Let us see now ….

    The socialist extremists have no real choice, they must of necessity support the Liberal socialists.
    They got no money.
    The bobble head can talk and talk and talk, it means nothing other than bobblehead movement.
    The Conservative socialist have no say.
    End of story.

  13. I believe the average – or is it the median? – Canadian is a walking, pontificating bobblehead.

    Jugger-not and the Weirdo aren’t the disease. They’re the symptoms of an ever-growing, soma-infused and tipsy populace approaching their collective demise with blind gusto.

  14. Singh is the perfect representative of the eastern-Canadian elite. He is both over-credentialed and under-educated. Provincial in outlook while fancying himself a cosmopolitan. A water-carrier of the establishment that believes he is a revolutionary. A mediocre intelligence both incurious and narrow-minded, portraying self-righteousness and arrogance to cover his insecurity about, and envy of, his American and British betters.

  15. The Liberal kleptocracy has stolen the policies of the Greens which was also the last hope of Ragmeet and company as the NDP is at least as green as the Greens. Ragmeet is a whore so will continue to support the corruption as this is as close to power as he will ever experience.

  16. speaking of politics, the donald is going to be the very first potus who gets an election loss directly and correctly attributed to his penchant for MOUTHING OFF via twit ter (note the spel ling).
    the pundits will be correct and biden is going to be a consummate disaster.
    this based on better part of 6 decades watching, studying and participating in the political process.

    when it happens I will remind you hard core supporters trump did it to himself.
    THE most divisive man in the white house since the beginning of the 20th century.
    *because technology facilitates it* thats why

    1. I fear you may be correct. Politics is the schoolyard battle for the hearts and minds of the mindless mushy middle and betting on your message getting through media owned and run by your institutional enemies is not a good strategy even if you weren’t a buffoonish loose cannon populist. In a rational world, people could judge for themselves the merits of electing a highly crooked Washington lifer nearly braindead backed up by a Marxist whore hot to assume command but unless spoon-fed information by non partisan third parties, incapable of a simple google search.

    2. You wish. Trump in a landslide. Or don’t tell us you believe the polls this time around? Ask President Pantsuits about how that works.

    3. No other politician has had the hate thrown at him/her by the corrupt MSM as has President Trump. You can crow all you want. It doesn’t make it true.

    4. You must be kidding do you think that after what has come out about the Biden family recently that the US will elect Hidin Biden, whose only redeeming qualities is that he only stole half as much as the Clintons and he isn t Bernie Madoff.

  17. Bolsheviks like Dogmeat look out for themselves first. He doesn’t want an election because his Trotskyite party would be wiped out because nobody considers him the slightest bit competent. Besides he won’t renounce Sikh terrorism. He’d probably love to light the fuse himself.

  18. B A, I was a serious conservative party member when Mulroney was in the party as it were. I was on nominating committees over the years, I will not say where because there are a few people still alive who might remember things differently. We sent 1200 delegates to the convention against him, guess what, we lost. The party left me when Mike Harris was elected and he was nothing but liberal lite. I stopped all donations an affiliation with the party. It is very difficult in Canada to do a protest vote.

    1. VOWG, Mike Harris. If you are talking about the Ontario premier you are totally wrong. He is still pilloried and hated by the public unions to this day so you know the impact he made. He was the only politician who did what he said and fixed our education system who subsequently was changed back again by the unions and the Liberals. He had a great caucus to support him, sorry he quit.

      Still get the argument that the he gave away the 407. It is Canada’s best highway and maintained to the nines. Owned 51% by CPP. Expensive to drive but the time saving is tremendous.

  19. How deeply in debt is the NDP Party?
    Can they afford an election?

    And how many of them were involved in the scandal themselves?

    1. Didn’t they mortgage their Ottawa headquarters for $20 million for money for the 2019 campaign? I wonder whether they have repaid it.

  20. Only one road out for Singh, to win back their former supporters,,, show that Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada are unethical and corrupt via committee investigations.
    Liberal party doesn’t need two leaders, and Singh,,, they won’t be picking you.

  21. Absolute POS , liars and thieves abound in the NDP and the Union fuck heads who promote them.

  22. As a non-Canadian, can someone explain this to me? In small words. I don’t really know who the players are in this.

    1. Jagmeet Singh, the Sikh pictured above, is the leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) and has enough seats in the House of Commons to allow the Liberal minority Government under Justin Trudeau (Spawn of Satan) to survive “confidence” votes which can cause the minority government to fall, requiring an election for parliament to be reconstituted. Trudeau doesn’t like being questioned about his corruption so made the (opposition party) Conservative motion to allow questions in the House a confidence vote. Singh doesn’t want an election now because he has supported Trudeau who has looted the treasury the way an NDP would while likely annoying his supporters who may not be enamored with the corruption Singh has helped give cover to. In Canada, the entire mainstream media are subsidized by the Liberal government and are self-admitted leftist partisan operatives only masquerading as media, thus most actual reporting and rational commentary comes from a handful of crowd-sourced or self-funded bloggers and online media.

  23. Why not support the liberals, they’ve put into practice nearly everything the canadian commies could ever want and knew they could never have gotten on their own.

  24. Why sell bobblehead dolls when you have the real things in Parliament?
    Hey Ontarians,this play looks awful familiar.
    Lying NDP keeping a totally corrupt an inept Liberal Party in power?
    How did that work out for you?.
    I was hoping for a snap election as a Liberal Majority would really ram it home to Westerners,We are not leaving/separating from Canada.
    There is no treason possible.

    The Canada we knew,loved and worked for, left us .
    Burned its future and work ethic starting back when our eastern Comrades first swooned over Pierre the Gay Idiot.
    We have no values in common with the Perverts of the east.
    And I am sick of subsidizing their stupidity.
    Spending borrowed money on welfare is not “investing in our future”
    We used to know it as “Spending beyond your means”.
