67 Replies to “February 29, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. Or was his sin calling the Communist Bernie Sanders a Communist? Matthews dared to mention that Communists like to kill non-Communists, and we know they killed over 100 Million last Century.

      There are a lot of fellow traveler Communists out there that want Matthews to shut up about Communist Gulags, Reeducation Camps, and Executions. They may not be able to get rid of him because he is anti-Communist, but they can do their damndest to Me*Too him out of his job.

      I dislike him intensely, but this sudden sexual predator charge stinks like a week old fish.

      1. What is so delicious about this GQ article, is that there won’t be any doubt remaining, in Matthews mind. He’s been in politics and media long enough to know,,, that the LEFT are coming for him,,, not the right, which he’s used to slapping back against, but this time it’s the LEFT, his own side of the isle.
        I might even watch a bit of his reporting on SC Saturday, to see if he’ll fight back and keep going after Wannen and Bernie, or whether he’ll yield.
        I bet he’ll be hoping for a huge Biden win, so that everything, everybody will be thinking and talking about.

        1. I agree. What is happening to Matthews happens everywhere, e.g. universities, unions and other left-leaning institutions. Look for Mathews to get the heave-ho, then picked up my another media cartel member after some time in contrition

    1. “There is no medical evidence that putting frozen potatoes inside the anus can help cure piles.”
      But UnMe’s going to do it anyway.

    1. Never fear, if anyone makes a racist comment about those enrichers British Police will be all over the racist in a flash. Gotta have priorities.

        1. Naturally, having said that, at least these gimmegrants took a break from gang raping underage white girls, so that is something to be thankful for.

  1. True North reports that a Liberal cabinet minister won’t tell who his New York donors are. And Conrad Black writes about the Indian situation at the National Post.

    1. OJ, I agree, Conrad Black has a winner with this timely article:
      He succinctly describes “the outrageous treatment of Sen. Lynn Beyak,… (who) has had extensive experience with Natives all her life. She spoke out against the air-tight group-think of the Canadian official, media, academic and Native victim industry communities, in early 2017, when she publicly dissented from the rigid, self-hating Canadian orthodoxy that denounced the Native residential schools as centres for the pursuit of cultural or even physical genocide”.
      Conrad concludes that “Those who have disrupted the national rail system for two weeks, illegally and for spurious reasons, will find that when opinion moves (and polls indicate we are there now), our politicians will be just as energetic in serving that new public spirit as they have been slavish in their self-abasement to native peddlers of the fraud of Canada’s attempted cultural genocide”.

      One can only dream.

  2. And now the taxpayer funded Saturday Toronto Star. Canada’s most trusted voice in Liberal Party news. Editorial cartoon making fun of Jason Kenney. Heather Mallick trashes Trump, people in Alberta, and Jason Kenney. However Justin is wonderful. Shree explains that since the black population has doubled, we need more mental health services for young blacks because Canadians are racist bastards. Story on why there are too many white people in the environment movement. Tony Burman explains that the CBC needs more money and must expand its news service, because Canadians trust the CBC. Story on wonderful new exhibits at the muslim museum in Toronto. Islam is wonderful. Indian blockades are wonderful. Indians need more free stuff and their land back. Numerous Doug Ford is Hitler stories. Numerous Trump is Hitler stories. Justin is wonderful, the Liberal Party is wonderful. Canadians are racist bastards.

  3. When your druggist can’t fill your prescription for a common drug in Ontario Canada because supplies have run out should we be concerned?

      1. I don’t know where else it’s happening but it happened here in small town Ontario, not at all isolated In this case it’s commonly prescribed eye drops for Glaucoma, Druggist had no explanation, so assume they are not in the know either. It never happened before in over 20 years this family member has been on the drops.

        Do we know where our drugs are manufactured? China?

    1. If anyone is worried about COVID 19, go to North Korea. That’s the last place that will get it, no tourist industry… Kim Jong Un says “there will be “serious consequences” if the outbreak spreads to the country”. He’ll use his nukes?


      WorldOMeter stats say, so far, that if you don’t have a pre-existing condition your chances of dying are 0.9%. Better odds than not getting pregnant on the pill:

      1. The stats might not be accurate for several reasons.
        1. If its going to kill you, it takes weeks to do so. If it won’t, you recover quickly. Not enough time has elapsed.
        2. Hundreds of millions of people have pre-existing conditions.
        3. A nation’s health care quality or lack thereof has an influence.
        4. Its China. Veracity is not a city near Wuhan.

        But hopefully it is only 1%.

        1. “1. If its going to kill you, it takes weeks to do so. If it won’t, you recover quickly. Not enough time has elapsed.”

          Yes, this is the big one and it is nauseating that so many idiots continue ignoring it.

      2. “…so far, that if you don’t have a pre-existing condition your chances of dying are 0.9%…”

        That in itself is a distorted statistic designed to give people false sense of security. Chances of getting pregnant while on the pill are just under 1% if intercourse occurs when you are ovulating, which is only a few days in the cycle. The actual chance per of getting pregnant for a sexually active woman who is ignoring her cycle is much lower.

  4. Something interesting on the CBC news channel this morning, with John Northcott hosting. Started watching the show at 7:00 Eastern, and it was only 51 minutes later at 7:51 am before Northcott deigned to mention the BC pipeline news. And only then he only mentioned that federal minister Carolyn Bennett would be meeting with the hereditary chiefs this morning.

    Nothing on the rail blockades in central and Eastern Canada. Same with the left-wing Globe and Mail. Save for some militant Indian op-eds hating white people, no meaningful news. One can only speculate as to the news censoring here.

    1. I suspect you are correct. I was asking about this yesterday. Someone has told the media to give the blockades a lower profile. We need citizen reporters to track what us happening. We do not pay the CBC to hide the news.

    2. Lying by omission is the true talent of the taxpayer funded media party.
      The staged blockades have gotten out of hand and make Prince Dumbkofs government look like the fools they are.
      To even the most obtuse Liberal Voter.
      Media Party needs to save their paycheck and protect their defective product,so reporting on Native Blockades is Taboo and Racist as well.
      As well the Money people are pulling their professional protesters back as this show has backfired.
      Our enemies are united and exposed to all who chose to look.
      Funny how the Liberals,Tides Foundation,Green Peace,Green Party and imaginary Native “hereditary chief” all turn out together and in collusion..
      Gee almost like they are one.
      Parasites to a “personkind”.
      Gang Green.
      Acts on civil society exactly as gangrene acts on a body.

  5. I turned it off when he made the comment that the (Obama) economy was solid by the time Trump inherited it.

  6. I apologize in advance if this was mentioned previously in SDA but if not, this perspective about what could be the plan by the Liberals for how to bribe the natives using UNDRIP, is worth reading.


    Sad to see how quickly Canada has been dismantled in the last 4-5 years, but even more disturbing that Trudeau and his puppet masters have had such willing accomplices in the Canadiana electorate.

    1. Sad to see how quickly Canada has been dismantled in the last 4-5 years, but even more disturbing that Trudeau and his puppet masters have had such willing accomplices in the Canadiana electorate.

      As I’ve said numerous times on SDA, give the average Canadian voter uninterrupted NHL playoffs on TV and ready access to TimBits and cheap beer, one can do pretty much anything without that voter even noticing or even caring.

      I noticed that passivity nearly 50 years ago during the time of the War Measures Act. I saw even then that PET was vile and that Quebec was the source of Canada’s troubles. My fellow high school students were close to despair at the thought that la belle province might consider separation.

      Their argument was “But we might become Americans if Quebec goes!” No. They didn’t want to become Nixon-era Americans. Had O’Bummer been President back then, they would have gladly kissed Quebec good-bye. Then again, we were teenagers back then, which partly explains PET’s popularity.

      1. Slight tweak to your comment about the average LIV LIEberal voter…..it’s not cheap beer, no, neither alcohol nor the legal pot/CBD is cheap.

        Instead, Blackie and his Moron have decided to just print more free money and throw it at the Low Infos instead. The “carbon tax refund” where they get MORE back than they spend! The Middow Clath Child benefit, $500 a month, cuz like child care is SO expensive……geez, how did I ever survive my two kids 20 years ago, cost us a grand a month for childcare. Funny thing, didn’t result in homelessness, made our payments, but, we ate at home 95% of our meals. Didn’t take extravagant vacations. Didn’t buy furniture, sound systems, new car or a boat, things that we didn’t need!
        But today’s millenials, cannot do without all the luxuries of life, including the new Bimmer in the driveway, so Blackie and Moron had to save them from doing without luxuries. THAT’S the LIEberal way!
        This is why Blackie retains support, the old fashioned LIEberal way, just like the Maritimers and Kaybeckers, lotsa lotsa free money from nothing, for nothing! LIVs defined! They accept dependency and slavery, willingly, all for some freebux

  7. https://www.cbc.ca/news/russia-hasn-t-had-any-new-coronavirus-cases-why-is-that-1.5479374

    Simple. Russia has been dealing with the problem and only the problem—stopping possible patient zeroes from entering Russia from China and watching Russia’s Overseas Chinese like hawks. Most entry into Russia by Chinese nationals is now prohibited and the few exceptions are obliged to stay in quarantine for 14 days.

    Needless to say, Chrystia’s Broadcasting Corporation accuses the Yid-Bolsheviks of lying, on the basis of nothing but their usual Russophobia.

  8. The taxpayer funded CBC is upset that thousands of muslim Canadians will not be able to travel to Saudi Arabia because of the China virus. Perhaps Blackie the Gay Pirate can turn the parliament buildings into a temporary muslim shrine. And Blackie according to his schedule is taking the weekend off. Well, its not like anything is going on in Canada right now.

    1. Maybe he’s investigating what effect potatoes might have on hemorrhoids, but he’d have to get his head out of the way first.

      1. B A Deplorable – that is hilarious, but true. “Buddy” says Un-friendMe is engaged in the same experiment.

          1. I’m off to an appointment with lung clinic in mid-March.

            I was sent a one-shot 50 gallon inhaler in case I read one of your posts.

  9. Is today your birthday? Below there is a song about your day, entitled,
    “Leap Day Paradox”

    Not to spoil the plot for anyone yet to see Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta masterpiece THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, but every four years, when February 29th rolls around, it’s a great reminder of one of the musical stage’s most absurd, and yet perfectly reasonable plot twists.

    As you may recall, when Frederic was just a small English lad, his parents told his nursemaid Ruth to send him off to learn a trade by serving as apprentice to a ship’s pilot. Instead, the hard-of-hearing Ruth accidentally contracted him to serve for a pirate until he was 21 years old.

    While Frederic learned to abhor the pirate life of thievery, he also felt duty-bound to keep his word and serve his Pirate King nobly until turning 21, at which point, he vowed to bring them to justice.

    But Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan didn’t make things so easy for him.

    In the clip below, Angela Lansbury’s Ruth and Kevin Kline’s Pirate King deliver startling news to Rex Smith’s Frederic, concerning the matter of his leap day birthday.

    Watch “Leap Day Paradox from The Pirates of Penzance” on YouTube

    Have a wonderful Leap Day everyone.

      1. *☆
        ☆ *☆The Major General’s song is absolutely genius!!! One who can sing that is one too! Love it. One of many.

        La Prinz… a description…
        What has red eyes, long legs, colorful orange socks, is opportunistic and absolutely wild?

        Watch “World’s Most Famous Frog!” on YouTube

        (La Prinz does fit the description of the world’s most famous frog, [to a “T”] maybe he was looking for his double when he went to Costa Rica. Haha! The most calculating he knows is how to count the days until his next vacation and how to screw taxpayers)

        But, I digress, arrrrgh!! Back to Gilbert & Sullivan…

        1. “I am the vewy modew of a Wibewaw pwime minithter
          My motiveth, thounding noble, are indeed, in twuth, quite thinithter…..”

          1. “I am the vewy modew of a Wibewaw pwime minithter
            My motiveth, thounding noble, are indeed, in twuth, quite thinithter…..”
            I know nothin of economicth, polyticth, or quarantine (pronoucned “tyne”, like on a fork)
            But lotth about how govewment sneaks money to good fweinds of mine

            The Wibwaw caucus wuvs my name, I showawed with theiw underwah
            The Thee-be-thee and thee tee fee wuv pwofi-oh pics that thow my hai-ah
            Those westhterners all wowk too hawd, and deny me the theats I need
            So thcwoo them all, we don’t need them, though Bee Thee growth the best of weed…

            (Ok, enough for now. Twanthwaiting fwum Engwith to Withp ithn’t ath eathy ath I towt it would be )

          2. C_Miner ditto… you guys … yes and B A…and a few un named comedians…
            … you make time stop and fly at the same time!
            … Crying, laughing and my side hurts!

          3. Remember what Will Rogers said: “I don’t tell jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.”

  10. Kate,

    Why does your blog not redirect to HTTPS automatically?
    Are you intentionally exposing your readers and commenters to the eavesdropping by ISPs and their friends in “law enforcement”?

    1. Hmmmm

      Well Kate what’s the answer?

      Tho on a personal note

      I don’t give a rats ass if the corrupt authorities know who I am for I already know they know who I am so it’s too late for me but what about the newbies Kate?

      It would be wrong not to help protect them

    1. Wouldn’t that be like totalitarianism? So we seem not supposed to tolerate anyone with a different perspective? Seema a bit extreme to me.
