34 Replies to “What We Really Need Is Anarchy”

  1. You are much better off being the “crazy loaner”.
    Cuz being a “crazy loaner” assures you of a bailout, but only in the U.S.
    In Canada, not so much.
    If, however, you’re going to be a “crazy loner”, it’s best to have a memorable middle name like Lee HARVEY Oswald.

  2. These people are pathetic. It’s a shame that sleeping all day at the federal government is no longer an option for these bums.

  3. The police tactic sounds a bit like Nash’s game theory. But just think of it; a government bureaucrat, either being paid now by the taxpayer OR receiving a hefty pension – is anti-government.
    Now, if he was sincere in this belief, he ought to refuse his benefits and pension.

  4. Any mention of their political affiliation?
    Or is that considered to be in bad taste when many in the media consider them their political allies?
    And what’s old Jack Layton have to say about all this? Could someone please get a microphone in front of his big yap and ask him some direct questions.
    Questions like this : “Mr. Layton, It appears that these suspects are leftist who are violently lashing out at those they hate. Are you, or are you not going to denounce them, if that is indeed the case?

  5. I posted this earlier on another thread but it seems more appropriate here.
    If you collect a public service pension while spending your retirement years as a fire bombing anarchist…you might be a liberal.

  6. What is it about the timing of these arrests that puts out the strong odor of patsies?
    And just a week after the government was stuck trying to justifying enormous G20 security bills. I’m sure this event will finally knock the million dollar fake lake off the media scope.

  7. “What is it about the timing of these arrests that puts out the strong odor of patsies?
    And just a week after the government was stuck trying to justifying enormous G20 security bills. I’m sure this event will finally knock the million dollar fake lake off the media scope.”
    Yes, Bill.
    Bush and Cheney are no doubt behind all this too.

  8. andycanuck
    We will of course never know as this seditious SOB is entitled to his privacy.
    Regardless, it must be a fairly healthy amount as Clement has lawyered up with none other than Lawrence Greenspon.

  9. andycanuck; “And retired before age 58, too, Syncro. I wonder what his pension is?”
    I think a more pertinent question is ‘who’ he works for and if he is retired or just free lancing.

  10. “Yes, Bill.
    Bush and Cheney are no doubt behind all this too.”
    He he, that’s the type of head-up-arse reaction one expects from a sheeple.
    Sorry, it was this moronic comment from JJM I was addressing.

  11. Of course Prof Rancourt, who is connected to these loons is unrepentant and says that this crime pales in comparison to the crimes of capital et al.
    What would happen if others, including those opposite to their politics, followed their lead? It would be anarchy, only Hobbesian anarchy, the war of all against all.

  12. “h”:
    Denis Rancourt, as no doubt Bill can confirm, is quite obviously a clever RCMP plant.

  13. Another conspiracy. Everyone knows that the increased security cost for G8-G20 and other world organization meetings is caused by the ongoing terrorist actions of a certain “group”. The cost of airline security is the result of murderous events for which the same certain”group” is responsible. The price of oil is high because of the same “group”. The high price of oil caused by the certain “group” leads oil companies to drill in untenable drilling sites. Damn Icelanders!

  14. “If you collect a public service pension while spending your retirement years as a fire bombing anarchist…you might be a liberal.”
    Too funny! I wonder if he’ll get his pension in prison?
    Maybe his pension should be diverted towards his prison guards.

  15. I,m sick to death of these so called summits by the G7, G8, G9, G20, G11. You know these bureaucratafests that achieve nothing of any merit, but bankrupting its host Nation.
    I’m convinced its the Worlds version of Cancon.

  16. There is a remote chance that seeing as PMSH/Canada is hosting these Summits, that they will be something other than Gore worship or Jew Bashing. Maybe there will actually be some enlightenment of the deluded masses in the Middle East.

  17. Pat
    Think snowball and hell, but I hope your right.
    Interesting concept. Restorative justice with a twist of irony.

  18. Folks, just keep in mind Bill = T
    The pimply-faced perpetual teen has many aliases, but one method of communicating with actual adults – via trolling. Let the little git starve.

  19. I call on PM Harper to invoke the War Measures Act, like that um,other guy whose name escapes me at the moment,did years and years ago!

  20. I think the whole thing is pointless. There is nothing done that couldn’t be accomplished over the phone, or they could rent a cruise ship and fly all the participants out to it.
    BUT to do that would mean that the democratically elected government of a free state was surrendering the streets to violent retards. The security is necessary because of what happened in Seattle and Montreal. If the children want to play at political theater with there silly demonstrations they have every right to. But any whack-job anarchist who steps out of line should be beaten with a truncheon and dragged off to jail.
    We cannot surrender our streets to these idiots.

  21. “FFFC”- I beat they do read blogs- their name could actually be Five Feet of Furious Cat.
    (no offense to K.S and her Arnie.)

  22. Good catch “h” (and no, JJM, Rancourt is not an RCMP plant…
    From http://ottawa.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100619/OTT_firebombing2_100619/20100619/?hub=OttawaHome
    “Charged are Roger Clement, 58; Matthew Morgan-Brown, 32 and Claude Haridge, 50. Two of the three men attended a political activism course taught by former University of Ottawa professor Denis Rancourt, who told CTV Ottawa he will be an “assurity” in future court appearances for the three.”
    An assurity? From his modus operandi, unindicted co-conspirator may be more accurate.

  23. I am betting one of them had an SKS and a crate of Czech surplus 7.62×39. Ammo still in wooden shipping crate and not stored properly = unsafe storage charge.

  24. Just an observation that a lot of that $1B summit cost will be for overtime wages and the high rate tax bite will be awesome and roll right back into gov coffers.
    One news report offered a theory that the perps fell down a bit on research and planning. Like renting an SUV without being aware that many of them these days are equipped with full time tracking devices ………………………

  25. “Good catch ‘h’ (and no, JJM, Rancourt is not an RCMP plant…”
    He’s not?
    I suppose next you’re going to tell me this G8/G20 thing has no connection with Halliburton, the Freemasons, the Bilderberg group, the Zionists and the lizard people in the Royal Family?

  26. “What will happen when we go into anarchy? We have spent years to obtain Canadas repitation
