34 Replies to “But It’s Republican’s Who Are Weird”

  1. If you look at Kamala’s family photos from before she was politically involved, it’s impossible to pick the ones out in that crowd which the CTV – CBC and their ilk refer to as “black”

    They’re not as white as B. Hussien Obama’s mom is, and I can assure you I’ve seen far too much of B. Hussien Obama’s nude mom posing in front of the Christmas tree than anyone here but the deepest of sickos would like to see.

    Also, Elon Musk is more African than anyone in the Kamala family is.

  2. “The term “DEI hire” is now used to suggest a person is not qualified and was chosen on the basis of race or gender.”

    The problem for CBC and the rest of the legacy media is that selecting people based on race or gender is precisely what DEI is all about. Qualifications have nothing to do with why one is hired under a DEI system. DEI (or should I say DIE) is a quota based system in which the knowledge, skills or merit of the hiree is irrelevant to why they are hired.

    1. The hiring guidelines for anyone wanting to join the RCMP or work with any of the various Indian Reserves in Canada are clearly aimed at hiring people not based upon qualifications of excellence.

      If it isn’t going to be a meritocracy, then what is it? What is it when the government’s thumb is stuck on the scales of justice? Lady Justice, just taking a peek out the one eye to see who she’ll grant favor…

      And within tier 2 Canada, it’s the Supreme Court which rules in favor of this… lol.
      Isn’t that the real reason they have 3 jurists while Quebec has 22% of the population.

      Tier 2 Canada.

      1. The opposite of a meritocracy is a caste system. Europe had its own version as a landed aristocracy. It took a number of violent wars in the 17th-18th centuries along with mass executions to put an end to it in Europe. In India, one of the worst aspects of a caste system, sati, was expunged by the British Raj in the 19th century. Much the same happened in China and Japan in the early 20th century – the slow, occasionally violent destruction of their caste systems.

      2. The hiring criteria are not isolated to the RCMP or Indian Reserves. I recently saw an ad for a driver for Canada Post which stated, “preference will given to Metis and other Indigenous and individuals with handicaps.”

      1. Her appointment as Democrat candidate in overruling the millions of voters who chose Biden proves your point.

    2. ““The term “DEI hire” is now used to suggest a person is not qualified and was chosen on the basis of race or gender.””

      Yes…and Joe Biden has even ADMITTED it:



      In late May 2024, when Biden was still running for president and before the debate with Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in late June, Biden gave a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, alongside Harris. In the speech, Biden explicitly referred to Harris as a DEI vice president.

      “To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally — and this is not kidding — the core strengths of America,” Biden said in the address, according to a White House website transcript. “That’s why I’m proud to have the most diverse administration in history that taps into the full talents of our country. And it starts at the top with the Vice President.”


      Doesn’t get much more clear than that.

  3. I recall reading recently that Kamala’s father wrote that his grandmother told him they also had Irish ancestry from the Jamaican plantation days. The Irish DNA in many cases could be influenced by Viking DNA. This whole race/ethnicity fixation is just crap. Especially as practiced by politicians, especially liberal politicians. If a politician is of mixed race or ethnicity you can count on him or her publicly identifying as the ethnicity that is likely to provide the most votes and exploiting it. Joe Biden, for example has often identified his upbringing as being greatly influenced (practically brought up by) whatever ethnic voting group he is addressing.
    When I become World Emperor, (It better be soon as I am only 56 days younger than Joe) the rule will be ….
    If you want to use race or ethnicity to your own political advantage, or against an opponent, DNA analyses from 3 independent Labs (excluding government Labs) must be provided and published for all to see.
    Some candidates may be surprised to see who their actual parents were (such as a female dog).

  4. “Repulsive” and “insulting”… while with the same tongue firmly planted within the cheek that describes opposition as a white nationalist nazee reincarnation of Hitler. As Queen Gertrude says in Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”.

  5. 1. Camilla’s father is a mixed-race white and Caribbean darkie
    2. Camilla’s skin and features are as white as mine.
    3. I live in the SF Bay Area and have followed Camilla’s career since she was the No Law and Disorder DA in SF. And she NEVER publicly claimed her blackness. Never. Not once. It was Indian, Indian, Indian. Always.

    Once again … Trump was right. But the faux outrage is what the Leftist sloganeers do … like calling NORMAL people “weird”. It’s communist sloganeering/smearing. Their “outrage” is as FAKE as the COVID “vaccine”

  6. When she was at Howard University, Harris pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc., a historically Black sorority. As a U.S. senator, Harris was a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, supporting her colleagues’ legislation to strengthen voting rights and policing reforms.
    The New York Times in 2020 spoke with some of Harris’ high school classmates from Montreal. They told reporters Harris identified as Black back then, too, while navigating complicated racial and social divisions at the school. [Politifact]
    Funny how musk allows non-members to read current posts when it suits him.
    Republicans are scrambling for an edge: but declaring Harris not to be black in front of a black crowd
    is the sort of thing that gives his handlers headaches – no wonder they cut the thing short.

    1. And your point is?
      That she has been a fraud since Highschool.?
      She is a modern Progressive,so that would be taken as a given.
      At least she recognized the pickings were greater in the USA,imagine if she had stayed in Canada?
      The competition would have been savage,for such tiny rewards.

      1. His point is that Camilla was savvy to all the Affirmative-action moves that would help her get ahead in the world … and when she couldn’t pass the BAR exam … well … silly her for believing a historically black college would have prepared her for the rigors of a REAL exam … let alone her sad excuse for a Hastings mail order Law School. So she got a little more AA “help” and passed her exam.

        And as is typical of socially promoted Law students ovvvv culllor … she never practiced law in a private firm … but went straight to the Prosecutors office to throw a wrench into the “racist” American Justice system. And we are all now reaping the rewards of her fine work as the SF Bay Area descends into lawlessness

    2. “When she was at Howard University, Harris pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc., a historically Black sorority. ”

      So, racists, then? No whites allowed?

    3. Funny how musk allows non-members to read current posts when it suits him.

      Funny how you whine about Harris’ duplicitous pandering shitheel nature being exposed.

      If only all the networks and social media companies were firmly churning out Democratic propaganda in favor of their retarded, incompetent candidate, like in the good ol days of 2020, huh.

      Now one is out of lockstep, and it’s the worst thing imaginable. Oh, our precious democracy.

  7. I would steer away from race issues anyway, she is weakest on questions of ideology and extremism.

    The racial questions are not going to bring new votes and it’s new votes Trump needs to win.

  8. Is she Black under the American standard of 1 drop of blood? Yes.

    Does she probably regard herself as of Indian heritage again probably yes.

    Does she even know her exact breakdown by race? I doubt it.

    I am roughly English/irish/welsh/polish in no particular order am I exactly 25% of each? almost certainly not.

    1. Yeah … even looser than the American Standard for Native North American Indigenous blood … which is 1/237th per Fauxcohontas Warren.

      Yeah I’m a classic Euro-mutt: French (Alsatian), German, Swedish, Scottish, English … which Identity should I use to boost my Presidential candidacy?

  9. Skin color wouldn’t be an issue if people with race issues didn’t have race issues.
    Pssst: black people – just like everybody else – will vote for her because she’s being honest, not because she says somebody else is being dishonest.

  10. The video I watched today of Kamala Harris on a cooking show with a Indian actress/comedienne where Harris was bragging about how her whole family was Indian will be getting a lot of play, I’m guessing.

  11. I wonder how Indians feel that she is repudiating her heritage. Could that also influence the election? Does she think the average black person can’t tell she is as fake as a 3 dollar bill?

  12. So what you’re saying is Kamaltoe is probably not welcome at Wasaga Beach…

  13. Who cares about her heritage? She is not really presidential material, having no relevant experience (what large scale organization has she managed lately?) and what competency was demonstrated as VP, in my humble, outsider opinion. In the 4 years past, Kamala had the opportunity to establish her domestic and international credentials. She did not. It is difficult to run a 1st world nation with no experience and low credibility on the international stage.

    Trump has experience, but hauls a lot of baggage, with rampant “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, deserved or not, nationally and internationally.

    Both main parties had plenty of time to select someone else from your large population of 336,000,000.

    However, the USA is not my country. Vote as you want, Americans, hopefully with transparent fairness, as you formerly coached the world on how to run fair elections. That was a very far yesterday, several elections ago.

    I hope for the best for all of you neighbours to the south of the 49th and north of 51 in Alaska and islands in November.

    No horse in this usa race, as I am focused on getting rid of Trudeau II in 2025 or well before, who thinks his job is to be a travelling SHOW-OFF (who no one abroad wants to meet), DROPPING $$ ON USELESS projects that no Canadian wants or can afford to pay for.

  14. “Both main parties had plenty of time to select someone else from your large population of 336,000,000.

    Trump has/had the stamina to stay focussed on having a second term to his Presidency.
    Having a 4 year hiatus may well have prepared him for a very dynamic ‘lame duck; term at the White House.

    The Democrats appear to went to shed their deadwood, and go full on socialist, when the mentors/old farts have lost their seats.
    Enter the new/progressive guard, having skinned and donned the Democrat mantel.
