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"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
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Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
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Shamelessly stolen from the thread below this one.
I watched the woman trying to holster her weapon. I then realised the only reason the weapon did not fire is because they don’t trust her with real bullets. Sad commentary on the vaunted SS.
Can we confirm these were actual SS protection agents, there is a rumor going around that the regular agents were pulled to cover a Jill Biden event, and replaced with other agents.
My home defense dog was a diversity hire.
“C:\Users\color\OneDrive\Documents\Video\Vicious Defense Dog Available.MOV”
He goes about 3 pounds.
“Unable to use intermediate f0rce, like a bop on the nose, female officers quickly go to fatal f0rce. According to Lott’s analysis, each 1 percent increase in the number of white female officers in a police f0rce increases the number of shootings of civilians by 2.7 percent.”
That, ladies and gentlemen, is why they do it. They want us dead. Once you accept that, everything about all of their policies falls into place.
The female secret service agents should guard Kamala Harris and Jill Biden.
The womyn head of the SS used to be on the Joe Biden VP detail. She is the one who didn’t look away when Joe swam naked. Joe liked that about her … and made her Director of the SS. Her lack of normal, healthy, revulsion … paid off handsomely for her.
And the trannies Michelle.
We often hear lately about men pretending to be women. What about women pretending to be men?
I consider myself to be a strong “for a woman” person. However, even the skinniest guy has more strength than me. Why you ask? Because of their natural testosterone.
You know Momma … they can give you injections for that now.
And should probably begin injecting those 3 SS girls running aimlessly around Trump with no idea what to do with themselves.
Just said to an old friend that it would be wonderful if some authority figure would damn the torpedoes on woke and say out loud what most sensible people are thinking: The Secret Service is a man’s job; unsuitable for women. Sure there are some butch, tall and hefty women, but the rule should be simple, requiring no refereeing: Only tall strong fit MEN should be hired.
Ms. Cheatable needs to be fired and her goal of 30% women in the SS by 2032 should be abandoned.
The good news is that at USSS headquarters, the curtains are very nice.
The more things worsen, the harder Progs push their agenda.
Some safety chick showed up at a job site today and started blabbering about rescue and this and…she had big tits was about all I remember.
Hey, Khadaffi had an all-female “elite” cadre of bodyguards, and that didn’t turn out so bad… oh wait…
Yeh, they had a visit to Newfie scheduled but had to cancel after they realized that after a weekend in St Johns there would be no virgins left.
SS director is incompetent, the Biden administration wouldn’t even accept her resignation because that’s the quality they’re looking for, it’s her ace in the hole.
The most recent diversity hire for the supreme court doesn’t even know what a woman is, she’s also a demonstrable idiot and therefore exactly what progressives want in their government.