55 Replies to “May 25, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. When do we legalize execution by wood chipper? Imagine the across the board drop in crime.

      1. You’re on to something there.

        Another idea long those lines: A spike in the middle of your steering wheel activated when you run into something.

        Imagine the calm that would be the new dominant feature of driving.

      1. joke
        Just how stupid are you.
        The Russian ruble is doing fine, and Russia’s military out-put doesn’t just equal NATO’s combined out put, it out performs it.
        Quit trying to emulate the COLON idiot.

    1. Interesting link. China has about $750 B in US dollars and $400 B in gold. One is increasing (gold), the other decreasing (USD). Twenty years ago China had lots of USD and not much gold. Is America pushing its way out of a global currency?

      1. ;And Japan bought most of those dollars. The effect all this had on the dollar: zero.

          1. Where? In US? It is at around 3.5%. Nothing to write home about.

  1. Queens protestors offered a 6 step process for the university to divest of its Israel investments.

    1. CUT TIES with entities profiting from Palestinian investments
    2. DIVEST 150 M +
    3. DISCLOSE external asset manager investments
    4. BOYCOTT Israel public institutions
    5. END POLICING (wtf – where does that fit in?)
    6. ADOPT anti-Palestinian definition

    A notice was sent to the university President who has authorized a committee to review their investments.

  2. Here’s Alberta’s Timothy Caulfield; Arrogant PRO GENOCIDAL Mouthpiece extraordinaire

    Not a Dr.
    Not a Nurse
    Not a research scientist
    But a 2 Bit Failed Professor of Health LAW lawyer…
    Pharma Shill of the First order. Spewing constant BS about the “MILLIONS” that were “saved” by the VAXX all the while literally Trashing Anyone who decided to follow the Nuremberg laws on bodily autonomy.

    Put a Black Uniform on him with lightning bolts on the epaulets, Black jack boots, Death-Heads insignia on his hat, wearing horned rimmed glasses….?? you end up with the Reincarnation of Heinrich Himmler & Adolph Eichman in one Body.

    And working at Alberta’s “Centre for Socialism & Anti Semitism”
    the U of A



  3. C’mon man. Would our government-funded media lie to us?

    HRC Prompts Metroland Media’s DurhamRegion.com To Correct False Claim That Hamas “Attacked Israeli Settlements” On Oct. 7

    CBC Winnipeg Radio Program Gives Sycophantic Interview To Pro-Palestinian Activist Mourning Israel’s Existence

  4. And Biden wants Abbas who hasn’t face re-election since 2005 to be given more money and control of Gaza.

    Abbas’ advisor threatens Israel with more massacres: “Oct. 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously”

  5. Thanks for the music. I don’t speak Italian, but that’s pretty impressive tuskin’!
