30 Replies to “March 31, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Not a tip, but when they introduced Calgary’s soft on crime mayor at tonight’s Flames game you could hardly hear the announcer over the chorus of boos coming from the Flames fans. Four days left to sign her recall.

      1. Joe thanks. When I watched it live it seemed like the booing almost drowned out the announcer. He announced her name like she had just scored the game winning goal. I wonder if this was broadcast on CBC. Has she really been mayor since 2021? OMG.

    1. GONEDYKE.

      I fully believe this
      Election of her as Mayor was 100% Rigged.
      Not ONE person I know in Calgary had ever heard of this bitch, let alone voted for her.

      I also found it interesting & disturbing that Dominion Voting Tabulators were used – first time I’d seen those and it seems to me they are 10-15 yr old tech & easily hacked.

      That POS was INSTALLED. And if one looks around the country….seems to me that EVERY Large Canadian city has a Far Left Woke as shit Mayor.

      I wont even begin on NAHEED NENSHIT…The guy who travelled to Bejing on 2 occasions to meet with the # 5 Guy in the CCP Hierarchy – Bejings Mayor.

      Pretty damned sure the two of them weren’t discussing Road Maintenance. EVERY Tweet by NenShit I reply by stating the above & demand an answer from him… so far nothing. Just yer avg Commie pile of garbage who destroyed downtown Calgary and pissed away billions.

      1. Not every major city… Ironically enough, Ottawa elected a moderate in Mark Sutcliffe. Although no longer a conservative in my view, they could have elected that woke councilor, Katherine McKenny, proposing a $57-billion dollar plan to litter the landscape with over 700 windmills… all taller than the peace tower.

        You’re welcome!

        1. Mark Sutcliffe stands to the left of the centre line, which makes him hard-right in the spendthrift, scofflaw socialist mindset the permeates the talking heads and city councillors who suck up all of the air time on the Ottawa air waves. I’d love to have councillors salaries and pensions somehow tied to their performance while in office but I can’t ever see that happening.

    1. Not much can be said, it has been that way for thousands of years. The Jews as God’s chosen people get used as a punching bag on an ongoing basis. Not sure why God allows that. Today they are outnumbered 800 plus billion to about 20 million. That’ one hell of a big bully trying to push around a smaller number of people.

  2. Use duckduckgo search engine and ask it “Why does Albania suck?” and the first thing you know you’re a racist or something.
    You want to know why Albanians all want to leave Albania, well you’re a POS that needs to be controlled by people more noble than you are, see.
    The first thing you’re taught is all about “Albanophobia”

    1. The powers that be pretty much world wide are for the most part, 100% NAZI’s Tyranical Filth – and this is the kind of garbage they come up with.

      I may be a “subject” in their eyes, but they are genocidal NAZI FILTH in mine.

      Nuremburg Laws are IMO GOD Given rights.

          1. Elon has offered to provide live video coverage on X with color commentary by Tucker Carlson.

          2. Unfortunately, Pootin’s sphincter has cut circulation off Cucker Farson’s head.

    1. “Help us groom the youth of today for the pleasure of tomorrow’s leaders. If you catch my drift.”
