18 Replies to “Heartache!”

  1. Notice how the guy in the mobility scooter saves their asses and then the media just buggers off and leaves him alone. In normal society they would have felt an obligation to look out for him in the same way he looked out for them.

    Never trust a urinalist or presstitute, they have no morals.

  2. They just don’t understand other cultures’ welcoming ceremonies.

    Kinda like that quaint indigenous North American custom of running the gantlet. If you make through alive, hey bro, you’re in!

  3. Imagine your government being stupid enough, not see what’s going to happen.
    Got to be allowing it on purpose!

    1. Although Sweden “claimed to be neutral” during World War II, they actually welcomed Nazi leaders/troops into their country. I have noticed in the past 50 years of being an adult, that what you do has consequences, even if it takes a few generations to happen.

    1. Doesn’t matter when, FC. It happened. “It’s old news” isn’t an explanation for what was shown.

      I don’t think 60 Minutes has been back for a follow-up. Latest reports I’ve read from Sweden is that they have a bomb problem. Maybe it’s time for that 60 Minutes follow-up.

      Are relations better or worse now?

      1. I’m not at all trying to dismiss the event just because it happened nearly a decade ago. Of course it happened. I’m not denying that, nor am I justifying it.
        The point I was trying to make was that something that was being portrayed as happening recently actually happened more than 8 years ago, yet for some reason, resurfaced, and then went viral.
        We have to keep our eye on the ball. It’s pretty sad that some people will go through such lengths of deception just to prove a point, when such efforts are clearly not necessary because the case being made is already quite evident.

        1. It’s true, fc. Some of the recycled stuff has been addressed and actually is done and dusted old news.

          Still OK to use it, but as you say, ya gotta watch the date and note it, with maybe a comment that things are better, worse, or unchanged.

  4. But but but but peace and love and flowers and sunshine and rainbows and unicorns! It is of course the fault of racist white guys.
