Friday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Hockey stick horrors.  Pro-Blacks don’t want to save Black lives.  Joe Biden’s busy schedule.  The modern moronics.

The Planet Is Boiling:  The climate emergency hoax.  Bill Gates wants to block sunlight.

Blackie’s Canada:  University education in Alberta.  And education in Toronto.  Justin’s CBC is excited that he trashed the oil industry in Alberta.

Your morning meme.   A cartoon.  Another cartoon.

13 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. Education, hmmm, sure looks like indoctrination to me. Why do stupid young people actually hate themselves enough to destroy their society and eliminate their freedom? I don’t much care what they do individually but when the goal is to destroy what our generation and those before us developed then a line has to be drawn. If violence is their goal they will not like the outcome.

    1. 40 years ago we found university students were low IQ morons. It sure as heck wasn’t going to improve over time. Notice it’s always white Libtards pushing for the elimination of Whites.

  2. As much as I loath Blackie and believe he should be sent to C.A.G.E., Bill Evil Inc. Gates needs to be dropped in a volcano ASAP.
    And is it me or does not Gate’s intent to reduce sunlight getting to earth not promote the obvious: The Sun Controls The Climate.

    1. Thereby reducing the productivity of trillions of dollars worth of (already intermittent) solar farms. Yes, genius.

    2. I would love to see that Gates POS dropped into anything…Volcano is fine, Mariana Trench would also do, tied back to back with that Pedophile in the PMO and helped on their way via a 300 lb Anvil.


    3. Trump Celebrates ‘Loser’ Jimmy Kimmel’s Looming Late Night Retirement.
      Made jokes about Bidens, Democrats horrified, no humor, hate America, hate everyone, hate themselves.
      Need to transgender themselves, but to what.?
      Flesh eating zombies.

  3. Buddy, Bill Gates idea to block the sun is idiotic beyond belief. These insane people need to be locked up for the good of all society.

  4. Turd’s net worth is in the neighborhood of 385 million, only 10 when he took office and he bemoans oil extraction for profit.

    He is a major league whore and liar.

    1. Amazing that he celebrates his destruction of one of Canada’s largest economic engines. Whither hence shall come equalization money?
