Quiet You!

JoNova- Mark Steyn ordered to pay $1 million to deter climate deniers from criticizing sacred scientists

John Hinderaker points out there’s no evidence there was any malice involved: In a sane world, this case never would have gone to the jury. The legal standard is actual malice, which means the defendants must have thought, subjectively, that what they said wasn’t likely true. In this case, there was no evidence whatever that Steyn and Simberg didn’t sincerely believe that what they said was true. Indeed, as Mark pointed out in closing argument, he has been saying the same things about Mann’s hockey stick for something like 21 years, and even wrote a book about it

29 Replies to “Quiet You!”

  1. The degree to which the public has been brainwashed on climate issues is astounding.
    A good example is the recurring theme of Pacific coral islands “sinking” into the ocean because of rising sea levels. We hear of “climate refugees” having to flee their ancestral homes.
    In fact Darwin figured out centuries ago that coral islands paradoxically expand in area as water level rises. This has been demonstrated empirically by comparing old aerial photographs with the new.
    The best proof of these islands not disappearing soon is the fact that the island nations are all busy with long-term infrastructure projects financed by international banks who are not about to lend “sinking funds.”
    But the alarmist propaganda mill just keeps grinding.

  2. Most volcanic islands sink back into the sea after surfacing. It’s called erosion. It has nothing to do with ocean levels. The same is happening to all coastal areas. Again we repeat George Carlin, “The average person is very stupid and the bottom half are even more stupid than that.”

      1. Talking about yourself? You born an asshole or did you practise lots? I wasn’t replying to your post at all.

          1. Yeah, sometimes I wonder if Kate will get tired of this and shut this blog down.I’ve been a member here since about 2002, so would miss it, but some people just gotta fight their little wars here.

            Talk about lack of respect.

        1. Hilarious, if you had not misunderstood my comments about CORAL islands, how did you randomly start talking about islands at all? It’s got nothing to do with the Steyn case.
          Defensive much? You got busted in public. I assume you are used to it.

  3. The scum who secretly rule us understand that people, especially un(der)educated people are more influenced by repetition than by facts/logic.

    Hence 24 hour “news” channels, presstitutes, and government apparatchiks continuously repeating lies, including painfully obvious ones such as climate change and the Coronahoax.

    1. Another factor is the pressure put on anyone who disagrees. Which in Steyn’s case is the monetary penalty after the pressure of the trial. But, such pressures occur everywhere. Imagine being the kid who goes to school with an open mind, you will submit or be punished. The same happens in every walk of life these days.

      Only the strongest among us can withstand the machine. Spartacus moments, not so much, it is most likely you stand alone.

    1. That kind of thing will be the natural end consequence of crooked elections and crooked courts practicing unrestricted lawfare against their political enemies. The pen is NOT mightier than the sword, and the tree of Liberty occasionally needs to be refreshed.

      It will serve them all right when it happens.

    2. Well, Mann might have insight into that scenario. He lost in in the BC Courts to Tim Ball. Basically the same court case as the one in DC. Mann was instructed by the courts to pay Tim Ball damages and costs. Man refused to pay and poor Tim Ball passed away, literally broke after years of litigation. So broke, a fundraiser was required to pay for his funeral. Maybe Mark can make the cheque out to Tim’s estate.

  4. Steyn insulted a cherry picked computer model.. That caused a debate.. Nothing more, nothing less.. Why this cost him a cool million is why politics doesn’t belong in court..

  5. Mark Steyn is absolutely right —there is no Hockey Stick graph if “The Medieval warming period ” is included! Therefore the Hockey Stick by leaving out this warming period is dead wrong according to Dr. Tim Ball!
    Dr. Ball won his case against Michael Mann in Canada ! Dr. Ball implied that the IPCC was funding Mann!
    Dr. Ball was bankrupt after the case and if I understand correctly the plaintiff was order to pay his expenses and never did!
    Dr. Kary Mullis (Nobel Prize Winner) pointed in his book ” Dancing Naked in The Miine Field” There is no worry about climate change—- if we want to worry— we have 3 things that could destroy life——–1- an Asteroid hit, 2-An eruption of a Super Volcano, and 3- a massive Plague!

  6. This gives me a headache. Malice only applies if the accuser is a public figure. Michael Mann is only a public figure because of his bogus hockey stick formula. Steyn states that the Hockey stick formula is suspect and perhaps fully inaccurate, thus negating the status of public figure, thus lowering the bar significantly on proving libel.

    See, if you make enough pretzels throughout your life, you can explain anything.

  7. Karma, she can be brutal. lm a believer by the way, when l had my eyes opened l scribbled 30 pages of past examples for anyone questioning my change of heart.

    concluded Karma is feminine and she vastly prefers to camouflaged her retributions in natural events or explicable bad luck.
    l suspect if an above above avg jury members meet early and painful end it cd be Karma arranged it.
    esp if they freeze to death or EV ambulance didnt get there by the time backup connections were made. etc. it will take time to see a pattern but thats another thing abt Karma inordinate patience avoiding collateral injury. and roughly speaking limks the retribution to the offensive behaviour.

  8. “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” – Voltaire

  9. Mann was awarded a monetary soufflé for having his enormously inflated ego publicly pricked by Mark Steyn.
