Thursday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  The Maui fires.  Media doesn’t care about Biden’s heartless Katrina moment.  The Hawaii barricades killed people.  Mr Sulu still in outer space.  Why the Manhattan Project would fail today.  Your morning meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Eco-terrorists block street in Ottawa.  Ontario university claims merit based hiring causes microagressions or something.  Apparently only the Soviet version of communism was evil. Our little girly boy issues a statement on Black Ribbon Day.  An interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson.

23 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. So road-sitting retards want a 50,000 strong force of firefighters.
    That’s a new one on me.
    I assume they’ll have to be diverse, so I’m all good with that.
    Purple-haired brushcut lezbeens could lead the colorful divisions of Climate Emergency Warriors into the fray against the conservative fires.
    Drone footage of the LGQTrannies dressed in hemp clothing storming the conflagration of burning, Earth-hate would be inspiring.
    Of course no white hetero males with experience and balls can be a part so…
    What a Bonfire!

    1. The Canadian military, whose members are relegated to buying their own ammunition, and must hitch rides to other countries, is less than 45,000 members at present and dropping. It is underfunded by the government. How do these loons think that the government will fund another 50,000 people to fight forest fires. Why don’t they pick up a bow saw, a chainsaw, and a weed whacker and start solving their own problems? Because they are too stupid and too lazy.

      1. The NYPD is larger and better equipped than our reg force.

        I imagine FDNY could also win against our reg force in a straight fight using just the gear the currently have.


        1. So the NYPD has fighters, tanks and warships? Seriously, you can make the point that the CF is underfunded and low on personnel without this ridiculous statement. You seen NYPD cops? Current CF manning is 68,000 Reg Forces and 27,000 reserve. It’s short of about 7000. The rest about troops buying their own ammo and hitching rides is bullshit. Messing with ammo will land you a court-martial. This said, DND’s main priority is diversity and inclusion. Which they interpret in promoting LGBTQ agenda and other social engineering garbage. They have people in charge of “conduct and culture”: a LtGen position (3 stars (!) held by a woman). As a reminder, the Chief of the Air Force, Navy and Army are 3 stars. Shows you where the focus and priorities of the CF are. Set by government. This is not a snarky comment; it is policy and there is a full 3 star pushing it.
          They want to “diversify the forces” and it’s adoption “gender-inclusive dress code and relaxing rules about hair length and color.” You see where this is going. They figure this way they will be able to increase recruitment and retention. These idiots pay no attention to demographics; those “newcomers” that make up the bulk of population increase in Canada are not into pink hair or LGBTQ nonsense. You can rest assured that if their goal of having 25% of all military pers be women by 2026 is not met (currently 16%), all these policies will be reversed and the people that have put them in place and implemented them will be fired . OK just kidding on that last. One of those female 3 stars in charge of those failed programs (Chief Military Pers is also a woman) will be promoted and made CDS. You wait and see. Note that they move people around in July, sosome of these positions may have changed.

          1. By the way, anybody else thinks “chief of professional conduct and culture” sounds like a Komissar?

  2. A new condo site under construction in Montreal, June 9. Rapid population growth has not been just an increase in permanent immigrants. The number of temporary residents has ballooned. In 2015, there were 352,325 international students. In 2021, the number was 617,250. The following year, 2022, it was 807,260. But student residences and apartments for rent have not kept pace.CHRISTINNE MUSCHI/THE CANADIAN PRESS

    I have never seen our highways so busy as with the current immigration…

  3. Re: Eco-terrorists block street in Ottawa.

    Time to start freezing bank accounts? And rolling over ’em w/ horses?

  4. Just a quick thank to SDA for introducing me to Daniel Greenfield. Great writer, his articles never disappoint!


  5. Read the post here yesterday from Norman Spector regarding the incompetence of government and wildfires. This line stuck out.

    “Postmedia’s investigation found that between 2008 and 2021, B.C. spent $4.16 billion fighting fires and just $224 million on reducing wildfire risk for communities.”

    What’s that old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is attributed to Ben Franklin, who I found out, used it when talking about fires. According to the source, Franklin famously advised fire-threatened Philadelphians in 1736 that preventing fires is better than fighting them.

    We could learn a lot by listening to words from almost 300 years ago.

    The #climatecult is too busy clogging roads with idling cars.

  6. Takei: “…because of Japan’s aggression that pulled the United States into the war, my family and I had to leave our home at gunpoint, taking with us only what we could carry. ”

    But he still votes Democrat.

    1. BINGO.

      The said part. I met him in 1980 in San Diego and we became close friends. He was nothing like he is now.
      Last time we talked was 12 years ago. What happened to you George

      1. I think Hollywood happened to him. It’s an echo chamber of hate for certain topics or politics and everybody is elbowing each other out of the way to make more and more outrageous statements to improve their woke boan fides. Meathead is a good example.

      2. I’ve seen early interviews with him where his reaction to people trying to start the first Trek convention was “these people are foolish”. He seemed to be fairly sensible back then. I think he’s adopted a persona to stay in the public eye; for actors attention is oxygen, and the various Star Trek TV casts know they’re never going to work again so working the fanbase is their only option.

  7. Until today, I’d never heard of this “Black Ribbon Day”.

    It must be something like the multiple versions/changes to the national anthem. I don’t care about those, either.

  8. George Takei is a mental midget FIRST
    A flaming poofterphag—gott SECOND
    His acting skills … so poor as to be UNRANKED
