38 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

  1. Something screwy with the data. Why were the deaths dropping for all cohorts before Wuhan Flu hit? What accounts for the drop between Jan and Oct 2020?

    1. This was during the lockdowns and isolation so I would suspect that most infectious diseases weren’t being spread, remember how brutal the Aussies were about lockdowns? While the lockdowns were bad for us socially/economically/educationally, they did prevent any spread of flues for other respiratory diseases. All those lines are from people over 60 so maybe most of the elderly died early as happened in some provinces more than others (Quebec) due to isolation and lack of care, they might not have been abandoned by they health care workers as happened here in Canada but other similar factors may apply.

      1. It could also be a pull forward effect. All lot of deaths in the most susceptible people, the elderly and those with comorbidities, happened earlier in 2020. Their deaths happen earlier and over a short time frame. This usually creates a drop in deaths immediately after a pandemic or bad influenza year.

        1. There were fewer iatrogenic deaths and respiratory virus deaths after April 2020 because of the lockdowns and medical procedures being cancelled?

      2. Could be, still I can’t see the expressed conclusion from the graph. for most cohorts post vaccination rates came back to 2017 levels. Only two, maybe three groups there seem to be outliers, and those are among the older, but curiously not the oldest, groups.

  2. The most exciting time in human history will be when
    (Unvaxxed) + (Angry Vaxxed) > (The Rest).

    Every day I hope for that great awakening, but if legions of the parasite class have to die off first, I’m increasingly fine with that.

    1. There is a large group of people who think that they are brilliant who refuse to consider that they made huge mistakes.

  3. I didn’t verify this data so I can’t confirm the graph but it looks the recent federal government update, StatCan, estimates that Saskatchewan has the highest excess deaths in Canada, followed by BC. I wonder if Saskatchewan Health Authority and Scott Moe will verify this and explain what’s happening.


  4. it’s so good to be in the unvaxed control group…..the group that scott moe and his co horts had lost patience with….the group that was being denied basic services….the group that had death wishes placed upon us ….a small minority of racist extemists according to justin.i hope everyone realizes that you have to be vaxed to still hold a job in our sk medical system….NEVER FORGIVE NEVER FORGET…

    1. I certainly have no regrets about refusing the covid shots, despite the appalling segregation and discrimination. After a few months it was obvious who was/was not at risk.

      I didn’t have any fear of dying from covid. My only fear was of how far my provincial government federal government would go in their abuse of human rights and bodily autonomy. To this day, I think the only thing that stopped Trudeau and Moe from going full-on with democide against the unvaccinated was the trucker’s freedom convoy.

      Democide – noun -the killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect

      Good thing we had the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect us. /s

      1. I wasn’t too scared about them going full democide simply because I believed there were a solid third of us against them. Any small number of that group could have committed small atrocities that would have made them think twice.

        That being said, I’m also shocked at how far and how bad it did get. I’m hoping the coerced and the fooled can be helped by treatments. But I’m perfectly happy with the shots taking out the rest of the population. “People” that can be that easily manipulated are not safe animals to be around.

        We’re about 2.5 years into the jab rollouts now. Anecdotally, I’m hearing of a lot of deaths. And who knows how many turbo cancers and everything else are slowly consuming the parasite classes. A lot of estimates said 2 to 5 years would eliminate most of the jabbed. I think the sudden deaths are the most surprising to me. Remember when heart attacks or strokes didn’t kill people in seconds?

        I still do believe most countries in the West have a solid 20% unjabbed of their native citizens – mostly outside the large cities. Perhaps a bit more. I also expect a lot of people self deporting when the crap hits the fan.

  5. So what is the Australian Medical Professionals Society?

    Despite it’s impressive title, it’s not what it sounds. It’s a highly political association whose website states neither when it was incorporated nor how many members it has. But it’s about a year old.


    There’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t think it’s equivalent to huge and ancient organizations like the Canadian Medical Association.

    1. It sounds like a group of doctors who got tired of the “narrative” and started to think for themselves. The Medical Associations that pushed the Vax is still following the narrative as are MSM and the Gov’t but slowly the stats are coming out and painting a different story from the one they would like you to believe.

      1. That’s what it sounds like to me. I just don’t want people to confuse AMPS with the Australian Medical Association with 30,000 members, whose reports can reasonably be said to reflect the views of most Australian doctors.

        1. Only about a third of Australian doctors are in the AMA and the numbers are declining. They also boost the numbers by giving free membership to all medical students.

        2. “…whose reports can reasonably be said to reflect the views of most Australian doctors.”

          Funny. I would find no consolation in that at all. It would rank right up there alongside a report that represented the views of most Shropshire sheep.

        3. …whose reports can reasonably be said to reflect the views of most Australian doctors.

          Science is not decided by a show of hands…

          1. A report from the AMA will carry weight, as it’s likely to be well grounded in the medical evidence.

          2. TLA’s do not impress me. A report that presents empirical, measurable evidence does.

        4. You mean the Australian Medical Association that threatens their members and orders them to shut up. If you think the Australian Medical Association reflect the views of Australian doctors, I have a bridge to sell you. Oh and I really got a kick out of your comment that AMPS is “highly political”, inferring, I suppose that the Australian Medical Association isn’t. Too funny.

          1. AMPS would like you to believe that it’s some major medical union. It’s not. And for better or worse, it’s got a big, big attitude.

        5. hmmm… I’ll pass on your experts……”Australian health chief Dr. Chris Perry claims that people who refuse to be vaccinated will be “miserable” and “lonely” for the rest of their lives.”

    2. Km, you always quibble with numbers and analysis, if not from the establishment approved providers, but not this time, instead you resort to ad hominem. Interesting.

      1. It’s not ad hominem to describe an organization; not when we’re being asked to believe a report they produce. Had they published this in a respected journal then that would be different, but were being asked to trust their data and analysis without external review.

        And for the record, I’ve been subjected to some truly vicious ad hominems on this subject, so don’t lecture about that.

  6. This person sounds like another Donald Best. still fighting the good fight: From April 2023

    A call to protect Australian babies
    The premise of the Australian Babies Case was that the provisional approval of Moderna’s SPIKEVAX for babies and toddlers aged six months to five years old was unlawful and unsafe. Therefore, the approval should be revoked immediately so as to, stop “the greatest iatrogenic catastrophe in Australia’s modern history.”

    1. You are still believing that vaxing healthy babies for Wuhan Flu does more good than harm? Really? What would it take for you to realize that waxing healthy young people for Wuhan Flu has always been wrong?

      1. Statistics which show that health outcomes for unvaccinated babies have “always been” better than for those vaccinated.

        1. It does not work like this, when you look at post Wuhan Flu health outcomes for healthy young people they are always within in the margin of error. So you cannot conclude one way or the other. Given how little vulnerable young healthy people are to Wuhan Flu the best you can claim that vaccine is neutral to them.

          Except that it is not, as evident from health complications due to vaccines (I.e. health effects that never existed before, appeared miraculously post vaccine and are routinely and systematically swept under the rug as due other causes).

          Again, most people do not suffer from vaccines and never will. But there is undeniable trend in increases in negative health outcomes post vaccine. They are attributed to other sources but they were not there before.

          I am not a doctor, but I am among other things an expert statistician. So while every doctor in the world can claim that the increase in negative health outcomes for nearly universally vaccinated young people is due to other causes what concerns me is that those other causes were not present prior to mass vaccination.

          So again there is zero proof that healthy young people should be vaccinated and probably good reasons why they should not.

  7. Everybody knows and nobody cares.. Government, the height of organized crime.. Where we are all either accomplices or witnesses to crimes bigger than ourselves..

  8. I remember pulling up the data on Vietnam over a year ago and showing that they had nary a touch of Covid domestically and something like maybe 3 deaths that may or may not have been attributed to the virus. Then, they mandated the “vaccine” and within less than a week, they were under siege with both exposures and fatalities.

    Up until that point, they were the only country in that part of the world that had a net gain GNP…then the “vaccine” arrived and they took the same economic dive as their neighbors.

    BTW, you might find this interesting. I have a relative (who I just saw recently). She is a Chinese immigrant. In her opinion, the consensus among other Chinese immigrants in the US is that the Chinese govt. engineered and released the Covid virus purposefully with the ambition to cull the elderly within that country. The purpose being that the “one child law” has placed China in a difficult position. The dependent within China now outnumber those who provide revenue to support nationalized programs. If this is not reversed within the next decade, the entire country will collapse.

  9. Our government is already promoting a big hige fall campaign to get all Canadians “up to date” and those over 65 fully vaccinated with the experimental new RSV jab, another COVID booster and a flu shot. This will have a very positive effect on the whole pension deficit thing going on because it will dramatically reduce the number of those drawing a pension.
