29 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

    1. Given that it’s based on two (2) entire cases, it could well be coincidence.

      1. Curious. How many cases would there have to be to make you decide this was dangerous? 10? 100? 1000?

        1. What’s needed is a controlled experiment, which means that you compare how often people come down with MS shortly after vaccination with how often they come down with MS otherwise. Only then do you ask “how many cases are needed to reduce the uncertainty of the conclusions to an acceptable level.”

          In short, the entire methodology of the paper is flawed.

  1. Death Jab. The greatest con in history. Which came first? The virus or the jab? The patents tell a story that the Alphabet media ignore.

  2. As a unvaxxed guy I was discriminated against by idiots who were stupid enough to get vaccinated.
    I wish them everything they deserve.
    We all know the vaxxed will die.

  3. I’m curious to see how the jab affects those who already have neurodegenerative diseases (ALS, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc.). Will it exacerbate those diseases?

    1. I know someone with MS who wisely dodged the jab.

      Best. Decision, Ever.

      1. I know a man who has Parkinson and had 5 jabs. He is currently in hospital, very weak, mentally confused and near death.

    2. Yes, a friend of mine has Lupus and she was in remission and gained about 30 pounds, after the first jab her lupus returned and she lost the weight and is suffering greatly. She believed her doctor that the jab would protect her, yet I’ve seen zero evidence that they tested the non-vaccine on the chronic ill or those with auto-immune diseases?

  4. The Coronahoax awakened many to the junk science of vaccines. But sadly, too many still believe that only the Coronahoax vaccines were poisonous, and that they might have worked if only there was more time spent on testing.

    ALL vaccines are poisonous. NONE do any good what-so-ever. All are poisons to supposedly protect us from viruses, which are actually solvents produced by our own bodies to protect us from poisons.

    Like vaccines.

    The POS’s who run the witchcraft industry (aka pharmaceutical industry) fully know this.

    But if we weren’t all getting poisoned, there’d be virtually no need for the healthcare industry. There’d be virtually no disorders in children, diseases, cancer, syndromes, etc. And that wouldn’t be good news for the scum who rule over us.

  5. Campbell has got to tighten up his presentations.

    1. This isn’t an “official” WHO paper, in that it’s findings are NOT endorsed by the WHO. It’s a paper in the WHO’s research database of nearly 1 million other papers — that’s all.

    2. The paper reports on two cases of MS that emerged shortly after two people got vaccinated. There is no other evidence other than the time line. This means the conclusions are highly uncertain. A far larger and more systematic study would be needed to have any confidence in the results.

    If the results are so uncertain, why then the title? How did that get past the peer reviewers? Because it wasn’t peer reviewed. This is not a formal journal article but a one-page conference abstract, where peer review is not done and the standards are far lower.

    1. Neither the WHO nor the Center for Disease Creation should be the source to go to for anything related to science.

      The Coronahoax doesn’t exist, so it can’t induce anything other than paranoia. But the poisonous concoction of known toxins, metals, DNA modifying soup, and blood-clotting agents their witch doctors present as the “cure” will definitely induce no shortage of things up to and including death.

      At some point you have to re-learn how to use your own common sense, rather than outsourcing your thinking to organizations headed up by agenda-driven liars.

      Or you can continue to do their advertising for them.

      For free.

          1. Given that my original post makes two irrefutable points, little surprize you have no rebuttal.

    2. How many cases of MS caused by the vax are acceptable to you? How many should be found before you think the vaccine should be taken off the market?

      1. How many cases of MS caused by the vax are acceptable to you?

        We don’t know if the vaccine causes MS. Certainly the paper (in truth, a brief convention abstract) is not adequate to establish that.

    1. My posts initially show up, but then disappeared after 10 minutes. I don’t know what is going on.

      I take it that since you are changing the topic that you have no issue with my take on the MS paper. But the idea that the vaccines can cause myocarditis is well known:


      But COVID itself can cause myocarditis, and at a much greater rate than the vaccines:


      Thus it’s a risk trade off.

  6. Except that Covid doesn’t exist, so it prevents zero risk to anyone.

    But the vaccines will certainly harm you, and have a high probability of killing you as well. All vaccines are poisonous, do no good whatsoever, and are completely unnecessary and serve no use whatsoever.

    So there’s no trade off whatsoever.

    1. Claiming that Covid doesn’t exist is akin to claiming the world is flat. Even extreme anti-vaxxers don’t want anything to do with that loony idea.
