Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

Post Millenial;

A city council in England is coming under fire after it was discovered that a Canadian transgender cartoonist who has a diaper fetish is invited to speak at a family event hosted by a local library.

Sophie Labelle, from Montreal, is scheduled to talk about Labelle’s book, The Best of Assigned Male, at Sheffield Central Library on Monday evening. According to The Telegraph, the artist will also speak about the experience of growing up transgender. The Sheffield stop is part of what Labelle calls “the Trans agenda” tour, making stops across the UK and Australia.

Labelle, a trans-identified male, has made no secret of having an interest in diaper fetish art, known as “diaperfur art.” This is a form of artistic expression that combines an interest in anthropomorphic animal characters with an interest in wearing diapers, normally as part of a baby roleplay.

20 Replies to “Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”

  1. What is a “diaper fetish” does that mean he just wears them or uses them? Either way WTF? This is what preaching “tolerance” (aka submission of agenda du jeur) to Millenials get us.

      1. It is confusing, I agree, “identified” mean “is not” in plain English. For example, “male identifies as female” means “male (probably gay)”. Therefore Logically, “trans-identified male” means “female who is not trans”.

  2. What was the Psychological Term that Jordan Peterson used to classify the transexual / gender nonconforming people that were using their alternative sexuality as a fetish, and get a thrill from rubbing it in people’s face, as opposed to the person with body dysmorphia that actually thinks they are the other sex?

    1. HIS comments in that twitter post confirm the fetish aspect. That very post acknowledges the negative aspect to HIS behavior and a self-awareness of its bizarre nature. If HE truly thought HIS actions were an acceptable and healthy norm, HE wouldn’t be using them as lynchpin to make accusations of those who don’t approve and find HIS actions questionable or strange.

      I like grape soda mixed with half and half. Not everyone does. I don’t really have an opinion on those who think my choice of beverages is suspect. Nor do I think they are immoral, wrong or closed minded.

      My point is that the diaper thing is not HIS fetish. HIS fetish is the necessity to be the center of attention, a victim, and on the leading edge of the latest trendy nonsense.

  3. Every part of the QUEER LGBTQqAI2s+/- subculture is obsessed with their sexuality … and kink. It is their entire BEING. I cannot think of anything more animalistic, and inhuman that to be obsessed with getting your naughty bits off … constantly. Sheesh … even animals only go nuts when the females are in heat … even animals give it a rest … and go make a living with most of their time.

  4. Anyone who has weird fetishes and likes to openly flaunt them needs to be publically shamed and humiliated.

  5. I have no problem with diaper-wearing fetish kinkers. Just wondering why they insist on interacting with other people’s children.

    1. because not enough adults are into the diaper thing. They’re recruiting.

      It’s the same reason most gay men INSIST that most heterosexual men are really just closeted queers. Repressing their gay urges due to societal pressures. They’re desperately recruiting new bottoms to explore

  6. Question from the audience “So, Sophie, what do you wear to bed?”

    Sophie “Depends.”…

  7. “Labelle, a trans-identified male, ”

    (I hope I’m not the only one confused by this)

    Does it mean he/she is a male trying to pass as female, or a female trying to pass as male?

  8. I used to think it was better when these genetic defectives were still in the closet, but at least now we have the names and descriptions of the future predators.

  9. This particular individual is well-known to the kiwifarms regulars. His “comics”[1] are just straight up delusional screeds, the usual insistence that trans women are obviously real women and any contrary opinion is clearly just silly god-botherer delusion. It would be annoying if it weren’t so blandly tedious.

    This dude will be the next Jonathan Yaniv, mark my words.

    [1] I use the word advisedly, as comics are usually supposed to be funny

  10. I was watching a podcast on Wednesday, and these trans/map/pedo’s were mentioned in passing, and the guy talking then said, “that’s what bullets are for” . That one comment hit it out of the park for me.

    I don’t care what they do to themselves or their agreeable partners. I care when they involve children, or when they try to rub my nose in their filth, and then insist I’m phobic because I don’t like or accept their mentally disturbed lifestyle.

    Yeah, that really is what bullets are for!!!
