87 Replies to “Soldiers. In The Streets. In Canada.”

    1. You can take the fascists out of Italy, but you can’t apparently take the fascist out of some Italians.

    2. The CF’s are f*cks too in this story. They did propaganda shit for Trudeau on Covid, as well as supplied a spy plane to fly over Ottawa to surveil the Truckers.
      Next time I hope the people raze it all to the ground. The whole damn town
      Canada is a Penal Colony not a Democracy.

  1. So the Liberals are willing to turn the military on Canadians. Well, we know his bought and paid for media would support it.

    1. “Well, we know his bought and paid for media would support it.”

      Not to mention a critical mass of our fellow citizens. THAT is the real problem.
      If anything Covid and the trucker protest was revealing. Now we should have a pretty good idea who the trustys and the concentration camp guards are in our midst.

  2. I’m waiting for the one text message that says,”maybe we should get Justy to talk to the truckers instead of using the armed forces.”.

    Cowards. The lot.

  3. People need to wake up to this monstrosity. I don’t give a damn if you are pro or anti-vax but what this gong show is clearly showing is just how easy it is for the government to override the rights of Canadians with the wave of a hand. The Emergencies Act needs to be rewritten. The rigour in imposing the Act must come at the BEGINNING of the issue and NOT at the end and not at the whim of idiots like those in the Liberal fascist party. There is absolutely NOTHING to stop a government that is so inclined to effectively impose martial law and leave that in place as long as they wish. There is no fail-safe in this. If all the government has to do is go through a gong show like this commission within a year or so there is really no downside for a government to invoke the Act. This is VERY dangerous.

    1. The Act was written in a different time, when there remained some degree of civic nationalism in politicians. The gravity of invoking the Act would not have been lost on the leaders of the 1980s and 1990s and perhaps even into the 2000s.

      Said civic nationalism is totally absent from today’s Liberals and NDP and in short supply in the CPC too (cowards who could never bring themselves to speak out against the hideous vaccine mandates!). The Act is arguably too powerful an instrument to be entrusted to the rotten caliber of today’s politicians.

      Revoke it and be rid of it entirely. We’ve gotten by without using it until now. We’ll be better without it.

    2. Good comment Art,and that is the big fault in our system, no real checks and balances. The government can enact whatever they want and only have to appear before a commission run by them or their minions as a bit of theater for the masses.

      Needed in Canada: Term limits. Triple-E Senate. Strict lobbying rules. And MUCH better recall legislation, a system that actually works.

      1. Needed in Canada: etc. etc. etc.

        Nope. Canada is turdeauland and it is broken. Actually, it was never not broken. It was designed on the imperial system from the get-go where the Toronto/Montreal/Ottawa axis would suck prosperity from the hinterland producers to itself with all the ferocity of a galactic black hole.

        Right-thinking regions/provinces need to get out. Now.

    3. Well done Art! Although I would go further and abolish the act in totality. We should never allow elected officials, or anyone else for that matter, to have that kind of power…….Ever again. Note that the only times it is invoked is when a Trudeau is in power.

      Our National Anthem says it best……

      Oh Canada Glorious and Free
      We stand on guard for thee…..

      Seems freedom is fleeting and no one is standing on guard to protect our freedom.. Think about all our ancestors who made this country great, some fought and died to protect our freedom. Me thinks they would be hugely disappointed in all of us. I do wish we had their courage…..they never would have sat back passively and let this happen……



    4. What we need is areal country with a real constitution that protects the citizens and limits the Government. Canada as an old British Colony has it all backwards.
      Canada is not a Democracy it is a Penal Colony, with an elected Queeny Thingy that just waves his hand and makes laws.
      Get over your emotional attachment to something that does not exist. The British Westminster Parliamentary system is the worst in the world.

      1. haha…I remember these posters back when Junior declared martial law. One voluble guy above (not the Watcher of course) was doing his usual hand-waving routine spluttering “but, but, but….muh Charter Of Rights! Justin’s not allowed to do whatever he wants because the Emergencies Act doesn’t allow him to override muh Charter”, etc. etc.

        Watcher, you are preaching to the wind when you admonish turdeaulanders to break their bonds to turdeauland. The normalcy bias is too strong for this crowd of bleaters.

      2. Watcher – it is my conclusion that it is not the government nor the constitution nor the judicial system that is the problem – it is that 75 + % of Canadians don’t see a problem with what has and is happening or couldn’t be bothered to pay attention or give a shit.

  4. Justin’s CBC just explained that he was kidding around. The minister is a funny guy. They also had a wonderful picture of Blackie watching the soccer game. Wearing a mask for the cameras of course.

  5. “Choose your Canada”.

    Every officer in the CAF is taught that since the Nuremberg Trials, ‘respondeat superior’ – I was just following orders – does not absolve you of moral culpability and criminal liability for crimes against humanity.
    Apparently the Toronto Police Services horse cops weren’t taught that, because in a just world they would all be charged with assault for trampling unarmed nonviolent protestors. And every last RCMP idiot who lusted to emulate them should have been fired, and the musical ride permanently disbanded. The Canadian Airborne Regiment was disbanded for hazing; they never unlawfully assaulted Canadian citizens at the behest of a criminally culpable government.

    1. If they were, I’m guessing any responsible general told them to go eff themselves. Only the RCMP take pride in killing Canadians for no reason. If I were a soldier in such a situation I’d mutiny and I was once a soldier.

      1. Scar

        I was too and would have said go fk yourselves. IM OUT

        I think they were DEAD SERIOUS.
        Not exactly something to even consider talking about…let alone “joke” about it.

        Filthy NAZI BASTARDS..Gutless mewling Cowards, The Lot.

        1. I take it that neither you nor scar were Generals.
          The new Canadian military is run by political aspirants who’ll kiss any Liberal ass to get ahead, when they’re not busy feeling up young or old females in the CAF.
          The Canadian military has come a LONG way from the magnificent bunch that answered the call in 1939.

          You remember I’m sure , the War the current PM’s Dad refused to get involved in?

          1. Don

            No argument there with that whatsoever….this shit started when I was in: Unification.

            Designed solely to destroy esprit de corps. From there sprang the neutering.

    2. anyone know if the CF was approached?

      “Well, sir, other than a virtual deployment, I could free up a couple of five-quarters that aren’t up on blocks at the moment. You know we haven’t had parts or diesel for any of the Leopards for years now. Your father bought the Cougars to fight the FLQ back during the first War Measures enactment, but that was a long time ago now…”

  6. Smart people are looking to us for leadership. Really?

    Lametti comes off sounding like a dummy. He must shit his pants when Carney or Cath walk into the room. He knows he doesn’t measure up. Guess that’s why he bailed and moved home to quebekkie when a few trucks parked in front of the parliament buildings. Pathetic Coward.

    1. Given Kate’s blog started in 2004 and the attack ad came out in 2006, I bet there’s a post or two in the history folder.

  7. The CAF should have said yes, sent a couple tanks and then blasted the newly renovated west block, the east block and then obliterated the center block.
    Then one could have rolled along Sussex Drive and turned Rideau Cottage into a drive-thru while the other could have crossed over one of the shitty bridges to K-bec and eventually made its way to Harrington and turned it into rubble.
    Opportunity lost.
    Imagine the looks on Barbie’s and Carney’s faces watching that shit go down!

      1. …and it was a perfectly centred shot right into the heart of that building. the politicians’ sit-in ended rather abruptly afterwards.

      2. Yeltsin blasted the (Russian) White House, not the Kremlin.

        The walls of the Kremlin are between 11 and 21 ft thick.

    1. Buddy, as you no doubt know one does not need a high tech weapon to disable a tank and it’s crew.

  8. This moron should be gone for even thinking of this. Another example of Liberal brainpower shortage.
    Why are all Liberals such pansies?

  9. If the government did this, the Chicoms would still be ramming it in our faces every time Tiananmen Square came up.

  10. Tell the truth.. The freedom convoy was hammered because most of them were working class white people.. The upper class white socialists and wanna bee’s hated not only who they were but what they represented.. A threat to their political power.. If they gave them a inch they would call it a day and celebrate..

    They got kicked in the head instead.. I know, I was in the room.. Shameful how they twisted everything about it..

  11. Joking? Sorry, I recall that time very well, literally stuck on the live streamers daily, and the rhetoric coming out of the mediots and their masters (the LPC government), was Dead Serious.

    Joking? No FECKIN WAY. Those two liberal skin bags were dead serious about bringing in the tanks.

    Scumbags. Pikes are too good for these fascist tyrants!

  12. Canada has no use for a military when they have a huge Federal militarized Police Force to protect Liberal government interests, along with a quick phone call to the UN for reinforcements as needed. See Trucker Protests. That and a Billion dollar propaganda machine to sell it to the sheeple, it’s all they want and all they need.

  13. I though everybody knew the gubmint was trying to get the tanks to roll but I believe the military told the gubmint to leave them out of it because it was not in their current mandate. There must have been enormous pressure on the gubmint from their handlers (the globalist cabal) as the convoy was a threat to the NWO. The only benefit to the war in Ukraine is that canuckistanian military equipment gets blown up before it gets used on us.

    1. ajl
      Yup, good point, soon the TurD’Oh will ask Pooteen for some of those tanks he has stored away. Read that Russia has 12,000 tanks in storage, and they are coming out, so maybe Lametti can get ONE sent over.

      1. “Russia has 12,000 tanks in storage”

        Stripped for parts and anything that can be sold. A tank that hasn’t moved in 30 or 40 years likely needs a complete rebuild and when they’re done they still have a 40 or 50 year old tank..

        1. all true, and yet still better than NATO’s JIT delivery system….purchased with a huge MIC markup and high failure rate.

        2. scarp, Ah yah, those tank on flat beds and rail cars were stripped bare, cept they are in Belarus by now, waiting to take out Kyiv. Try keeping up you GD fool!

  14. Am I the only one here who wishes these two twits and hair lisp had done it? Would have been absolute political suicide. Even your average Toronto libtard would have abandoned Trudy.

  15. Is this real? Who TF do these people think they are? Seriously, who the hell are the stupid people?

  16. Trudeauanmen Square. The basic dictator’s rusty tank wouldn’t start, so horses had to be used instead.

    1. so horses had to be used

      time honoured solution…it worked against Riel and William Lyon Mackenzie…

  17. Western Canuckistan needs more guns in the hands of the people… as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson inferred, this is the only way for people to maintain freedom, regardless the political system. There needs to be a balance of physical threat between the people and their leaders. (ie. I don’t really need to vote, but if you piss me off, POW! – And that’s all I need to defend my rights, regardless of the vote – Rights are not subject to voting). And yes, all forms of military equipment ought to be provided to the people. We are Canadians, and we like our fights to be fair, n’est pas?

    1. Jeb; Unfortunately noting that if an election was held tomorrow in AB 54% would vote NDP; I think the last thing I would want is more guns in the hands of the electorate. They seem to be too stupid to function as a free thinking human being. I’m sometimes amazed that these people remember to breath. Steve O

  18. So does this “joke”mean that any citizen accused of ‘uttering threats’ toward spineless politicians can use the same?
    Joking my ass,this is our Progressive Comrades ambition stated baldly..

    Yes they do want to murder,mutilate and defile everyone who doubts their wisdom.

    To question them,is to commit violence against them..Surrender or else..
    Liberalism is a progressive disease,that destroys every productive society that had the surplus wealth to permit its growth..

    From fat and lazy to thin and hungry,thanks to delusional parasites..our credentialed morons call this ‘bad luck’..
    Funny how it only happens to societies too stupid to sustain their infrastructure..
    “Investing in welfare”,so the parasites can steal even more from the producers.

    Our Presstitutes are too stupid to process these “jokes”,never bothering to wonder what these same monsters really say about them,the useful idiots who enable their idiocy..

    For if they want to run tax payers over with tanks,what have they planned for their media comrades?
    And these are the same asshats who seek to pass laws regulating “Hate Speech” and “Misinformation”…Meh at least they are masters of what they decry.

  19. “War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in motion throughout society these irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense.”
    — Randolph Bourne
    These reptilian Bolsheviks and Jacobins that infest the state have no qualms with entertaining the use of the military to bust up a peaceful protest because to them, the state is paramount. The left believes in the state and are at home exercising its power against the citizen. It’s why conservatives are such awkward governors. They don’t really believe in it or at least the real conservatives don’t.

    Interesting that Carney is seen as the LPC PM in waiting. There’s a fascist who would have no qualms calling in the military. That’s one evil Jacobin.

  20. Lametti is lying: so he was joking while he was concerned and ready to invoke EA? When you’re in a dangerous situation certainly you’re not in the mood for joking.
    Oh, another obvious take-away – in a normal country Lametti should be fired:
    1) There was no legal ground to invoke EA, he was way off. And His Highness Minister of Justice + Attorney General (why these 2 jobs were not separated as promised when SNC Lavalin/JWR scandal unfolded?) should know better, he’s a Lawyer for God sake.
    2) So he’s ‘joking’ in a business conversation? If any of us-mortals joke like that in private sector/business meetings, we would be escorted out asap.

  21. There was a huge fuss by leftists about the police action at the G7 in Toronto. But that activity was nowhere near the scale of what was done in Ottawa. Also, it was possible afterwards to question the police action because they were affiliated with the Toronto police. I want to know who the thugs in Ottawa were. They were all dressed in black with no identifying badges or anything. They treated people quite brutality, but we have no idea who they were or if they were even Canadians.

  22. This was a liberal crisis.
    I listened to the liberal response to the protest and their biggest complaint was that Leisure Suit Larry wasn’t doing anything about it and their faith and support for him was being tested and found wanting.
    So naturally the PM and all those that use him for their meal ticket perceived the protest as an existential crisis.
    In those circumstances I’m not surprised they started talking about military intervention, not so much as a means to end the protest, but to provide a strong visual to the liberal base that Justine had everything under control.
    The fun fact is that he hasn’t really recovered from the events of last February.

    1. Something that’s never acknowledged is that Junior assumed emergency powers just after his phone call to President Bidet. Bidet supposedly called Junior to assure him that Bidet knew Junior “was doing everything possible to get that commercial traffic moving again” on the bridge to Detroit as soon as possible.

      I’m not saying that Junior wasn’t screwing up his (ahem) courage to do something drastically stupid, but I am thinking that Bidet concentrated Junior’s mind wonderfully.

  23. what did anyone expect from Marco Mendacious?

    When did the privy council and the Governor General know?

  24. I see the new rules. It’s verboten to talk about alternate uses for lamp posts.
    But it is quite alright to talk of using a tank to neutralize stupid politicians (as long as you follow up with “just kidding” 9 months later).

  25. Another thing: Lametti claimed a lot solicitor-client privilege. And Rouleau let it slide. Lametti is Rouleau’s boss. Both Liberals. I know, they are both of outstanding integrity and these little things don’t matter.

  26. Once pollievre is elected, if I don’t see rcmp horses trampling liberals I will be asking for a full refund of all my taxes. Retroactive to 2015. No wait, 1990.

  27. Justin missed a chance to impress his Chinese bosses with his own Tiananmen Square.

    We know what comes next, guys.

  28. After ginning up culture wars in Canada by pitting Canadians against each other with their divide and conquer strategy, Ottawa got a glimpse of what a class war might look like.
    They panicked and pulled out all the stops.

  29. Our politicians (of all stripes) are stupid, frightened, incompetent, and vicious. Such people are very willing to destroy anyone they see as a threat. And now they want even MORE of my guns? No. I will break the law if that seems indicated, because I no longer feel the slightest obligation to be a “good Canadian” any longer.
