8 Replies to “Drill, baby, drill: Saskatchewan drilling activity sees small junior producers piling on”

  1. Well … pun intended … oil is over $90/barrel and LNG is near record highs > $15/k cu.ft. … Thanks Joe Bidinh! Thanks Putin! … for spurring more drilling.

  2. In every part of the economy it’s the juniors that are ready to innovate and take risk to build. Big business is too top heavy and out of touch to actually grasp what’s going on at the primary level. They have all gotten more government-like in their operations and quickly are too mired down in their own bureaucracy to make needed changes. Large corporations and small businesses both bring things to the economy that is needed for growth. I wish the government would be able to grasp this and get out of the business of restraining small businesses through their foolish initiatives that put barriers in the way. All in the name of safety, or the environment we unload copious amounts of regulations that can choke a small enterprise. A large corporation simply hires a couple more staff and pencils in some more meetings and they are good to go! In this way, government is really taking sides where they are detrimental to everyone
    Maybe my rant seems a bit off topic but it’s good to see these junior companies getting at it to take advantage of their opportunities!

    1. Bingo.
      All big business is big finance with the least possible work, to maximize profits.
      The ideal situation for ALL big finance….er business…it to do nothing, own nothing, employ no one, and make profits.

      So they ALL hate small guys. Swooping in all and doing work and eating their profits. Time to make some contributions and get lefties and government to shut the small guys down. ” Barriers to entry”

  3. Meanwhile Danielle Smith asks Globalist Heather Stephenson to ship oil from Churchill, and the stupid woman says she’s too busy to bother with that. Manitoba is sporting deficits year after year, and when handed a golden goose, they say, nah, we’ll just borrow more, or have their buddy Justin print some more to continue our spending ways.

    If you remember, the PC leader race was chaos amid all the cheating. Shannon Martin was disqualified cause reasons, then the presumed winner Ken lee was disqualified because he didn’t do an interview? And finally Shelly Glover was cheated out of the win. Heather was forced upon the population and now we see why. Globalism.

    1. Manitoba, I believe, is slowly waking up from its socialist fantasy. I know enough Manitobans to notice a general attitude change in how they view fossil fuel. I can see a majority of Manitobans wanting Churchill to become an oil exporting port. Mark my words, that pipeline from AB to Churchill will get built and it will be during Smith’s Premiership. $120 oil will change even a bobblehead have-not premier’s mind.

    2. Her response was totally disgraceful. She looks like an insufferable passive-aggressive type. I miss Pallister.

  4. Like Alberta conservatives in Manitoba live rural route. They rarely hold sway. Winnipeg, where all the votes are is a rats nest of commies/socialists.

    The port of Churchill has been passed over for development for the last 75 years. The decrepit rail line that ‘serves’ Churchill doesn’t measure up on any day of the week.

    A pipeline with an LNG terminal is the only answer. I think Churchill is 100’s of miles closer to Europe than sailing down the Sr Lawrence.
