Safe and Effective®

The Daily Sceptic- ONS Data Suggest a Vaccine Fatality Rate in the Over-75s of Up to One Every 275 Doses

The U.K. conducted a unique experiment beginning in late March and winding up in late August. All over-75s were offered a second ‘booster’ vaccination (fourth jab) and to date around 80% have taken up the offer.

eugyppius- Exhaustive study of German mortality data finds excess deaths tightly correlated with mass vaccination

Excess mortality in Germany 2020–2022 is a preprint by Christof Kuhbandner (a psychologist at Regensburg) and Matthias Reitzner (a statistician at Osnabrück) that applies sophisticated actuarial analysis to the publicly available all-cause mortality data provided by the German government. It turns out that when you account for historical mortality trends, the virus no longer looks so dangerous, and the vaccines no longer look so great.

9 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

  1. Boiled down to the basics the mrna jabs shorten lifespans. The proof that jumps out to me is the accelerated excess mortality rates that correlate perfectly to successive jabs. Is this what Gov’ts had in mind all along to lessen their senior financial & long term care burdens? Or even if that wasn’t an initial consideration, did it become an important consideration once the policy “experts” realized that’s exactly what was happening? Gawd I so wish we had Media employing bonafide journalists that lived by facts, fairness and integrity. There needs to be consequences – beginning at the highest levels.

    1. Consequences? There’s need be trials for murder and life sentences. I’ll bet anything that just as the bureaucrats are pushing MAID to save money they are also pushing the boosters on seniors to save money.

      They also are pushing their poison jabs disproportionately on our indigenous people. Why haven’t they noticed this?

  2. And for your Twilight Zone version.
    Or is it?
    It all sounds so Science Fictiony.
    Well, except for all the patents.

    “Scientists have discovered that all COVID-19 “vaccines” “without exception” contain metallic toxins. Independent researchers from Germany have found that the shots contain an array of hidden, toxic components, most of the toxins are metallic and are not labeled as ingredients.

    “Without exception,” the group says, every sample tested from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), and AstraZeneca contained the following metallic elements:………….

    “Using a small sample of live blood analyses from both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, we have determined that artificial intelligence (AI) can distinguish with 100% reliability between the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated,” the study explains. “This indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines can affect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes.”

    1. There is also graphene oxides added to the mix , not to mention ethylene glycol too.
      It’s not in all the batches but seem to be distributed to certain geographical areas , that goes for the other non labeled ingredients.
      These ingredients can react to certain wavelengths in the magnetic spectrum .
      Quite the witches brew.
      Almost like it’s one giant big azz human experiment.

  3. Where is the comparative data for covid vaccines. There are over 30 of them classified into 4-6 sub types (old and new technology).
    Not all of them are “gene based” and only a couple are mRNA/ lipid nanoparticle based. Some have been dispensed to millions of people, but, I’m guessing Pfizer in sheer volume exceeds them all. Why isn’t this data considered crucial for future vaccine development.
    To be clear, I’m skeptical that there will be a long term covid vaccine, but still….
