10 Replies to “Stories You Won’t Find At The CBC”

    1. Notice how they blame the extreme right without a shred of evidence, once again CBC acts like an agent of the Trudy’s regime.

    2. “https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-politics-prime-minister-hate-filled-comments-1.6535354”

      You beat me to it. Notice that there are also NO comments allowed on the story, in typical CBC fashion when their idol is threatened. The concurrent story about Pierre Poilievre skipping the third ‘debate’, however, has plenty of comments (also in typical CBC fashion: never miss an opportunity to slam a Conservative)…

    3. What should be happening is a hard and fast boycott of any business or family or anything that even remotely touches Trudeau or any one in the Libera party. But Canada supports them with votes and business and just general fawning for the free WEF cookies they distribute. Hence, we need a new country.

  1. Canadian Governments, Institutions and Media are nothing but Scumbag Liars.

    Can’t wait for all those “Extremists” to finally catch up with the CBC.
    Shut it down!

  2. Of course she’s a political prisoner, persecuting her through the system is the punishment. Humiliating her via dragging her around in chains is what bigots do to native women whilst espousing how they are liberal feminist. Trudy’s regime has a history of persecuting native women? Went to a barbeque last week end and the host started ranting against the feffing truckers, my husband went up one side of him and then the other. Rather amusing considering he wouldn’t say shite with a mouthful of it.

  3. Got the mailer from Leslyn “Tamara Lich and the thought police”. One paragraph follows. Has Pierre P put out any such statements?

    “It is imperative that we restore confidence in our institutions. The fact that so many Canadians were referring to Tamara as a “political prisoner” and that the judge had to admonish the prosecutor regarding the distinction between a bail and a sentence, highlights our declining democracy. It underscores the insecurities and concerns that people are feeling about impartiality of decision-makers within our institutions. The fragility of our democracy has brought many people who fled communism and dictatorship regimes to tears.”
