32 Replies to “Because It’s So Popular In Holland”

  1. The New Green Trudeau Holodomor.
    Child starvation and malnutrition in the third world.

  2. Our rulers, always Thinking Ahead.
    Overfed serfs will be disobedient serfs…

  3. I think it is clear by now that both Turdeau and Biden are trying to do as much damage as possible to their respective nations before they are each forced out of power.

    1. Do so much damage that repairs are too painful for the sheeple to endure. Then pretend to be the saviours. The sheeple fall for it every single time.

  4. Don’t know about nitrous oxide…
    But nitrogen composes 78% of our atmosphere.
    And oxygen 21%.

    Maybe the serfs are no longer afraid of C02 (aka plant food), so a new bogeyman needs to be promulgated?
    Anything that can have the fake “Green” label attached to it becomes sacrosanct. Cannot be questioned.
    The new religion that will bring you to your knees. (If people don’t worship the Creator, they will worship the creation, or some aspect of it – sexuality, beauty, or whatever.)

  5. When farmers can no longer produce food, where do the Urban Bigots, who consistently vote Lieberal and NDP, think their food will come from?

  6. Report this as what it really is. It’s not a 30% emissions reduction. Trudeau wants a 30% food production reduction. And the resulting 30% population reduction.

    He’s just honouring Kate’s oft-repeated statement of “We Need A Famine”. He’s going to give it to us.

  7. Trudeau should wear a cow patty on his head to fertilize his dumb and Dumber haircut.

      1. Oh, don’t do that. He might actually eat it and, worse, enjoy it.

  8. Seems like nothing less than a threat to me.
    When the government threatens to reduce your food – or eliminate food for millions – I’m pretty sure self-defence is required.
    While I’m not advocating for violence, I just don’t see any other way.
    It’s not like Jagoff Singh is going to do anything, so parliamentarians will watch with their thumbs up their arses.
    Its not like the RCMP or City Cops or even the Ever Gayer Military are going to stop the Liberal government from killing its citizens.
    I guess we’re going back to survival of the fittest.

    1. Funny thing about Jags Sikh constituents.
      They were protesting 2 years ago about their own farmers getting the same treatment over in Punjab and brought their fight here.
      Loads of stickers from the Brampton Clans signaling ” support your local farmers” on their vehicles.
      Me thinks this new attack on Canadian farmers ain’t gonna go down too well with them either.

    1. When the time is right, the government is going to appropriate your livestock too.

    1. I’m inclined to let this play out. I’m good to go through some hard times, but I don’t think liberal voters will enjoy them as much as I do.

  9. I wonder how many farmers (here or in Europe) will now reflect on their support for their farm organizations and favored politicians – who, for at least the last twenty years, have signed on to every ridiculous green initiative, every piece of environmental legislation, and every subsidy, grant, and market monopoly that sucked the life out of our economy?

  10. Time to realize Agri Food Canada and OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) are the enemies of farmers.

    1. Would you go so far as to say, “Our governments are the enemy of the people”?

  11. Note to “El Turdeau” – lightning produces nitrous oxide aka fertilizer. This was noted many years ago when it was observed that farms downwind of thunderstorms had increased yields.
