31 Replies to “Dem on Dems (Language Warning)”

    1. If he were as $$Rich$$ as Nancy Pelosi .. he’d get his husband a driver … so he wouldn’t get any more DUI’s? Speaking of alternate realities … at no time in my life, when imagining what I’d do with my Mega Millions PowerBall winnings … did I utter that phrase. Perhaps that’s why this man will NEVER own so much as as a two-man (ewwww) skiff.

      1. Lol, it took me a second to understand, but he isn’t talking about his own husband. He is referring to the fact that Nancy Pelosi’s husband got a DUI. So he is saying she should have gotten her husband a driver. It is actually hilariously true. I mean a drunk that can’t afford a taxi at least has a lame excuse.

      2. Careful what you wish for!

        “Just a reminder to everyone that tonight’s Powerball jackpot prize is one tank of petrol, a 12 pack of TP and your power bill paid for a week”

        Via Jo Nova

    1. All Former Demarxists, went through STEP ONE.
      Realizing your ‘heroes’ were complete hypocrites, false idols, and reprehensible individuals.
      Getting to the last step, walking away, is time consuming, arduous and painful, for the most hardcore Demarxists, but, is necessary.
      This fool is in full throes of Cognitive Dissonance, Once he fully accepts that the geriatric power leaders of the Demarxists dont care what he thinks, the conversion will be complete.
      Dave Rubin is now fully red pilled.
      Tim Pool is almost there.
      Bill Maher is still not fully cleaned up yet, and may never be. He’s in the same camp as Kristen Synema and Manchin, where they just…..can’t……fully…….let……go…….yet

      1. So true, Dan. I watched many #walkaway videos and learned a helluva lot from them about the stress and sacrifice involved in leaving the cult. Many had to near walk away from their entire lives because even close friends and family turned on them when they dared question The Narrative. Some lost their jobs.

        As per Maher, I think he has been swaddled in his hatred of Trump like a warm, cozy sweater for so long that he just can’t bear to remove it. Tim Pool makes the astute observation that Maher is simply ignorant and does near zero research, relying on his social circle for news information, instead. As Krystal Ball outed him on his own show the other week, the dipshit still believes Hilary’s Russiagate hoax, FFS.

        And speaking of Tim Pool, the renowned fence sitter, I think he is always doing his best not to alienate his few remaining viewers on the left. I like his work and watch/listen to his podcast a few times a week, he often has excellent guests, but then, I also find him quite ‘tiresome’ at times.

  1. He ain’t wrong about the money. Same could be said re the Republicans. I wonder how all of the “elected” officials could become so filthy rich on a $200,000/year salary? If we tried it there would be serious fines and jail time. We are living in such a corrupt society with mandarins as the elected politicians. What a joke.

    1. 100% agree. Or the Canadian Conservatives. I’ll NEVER donate to any political party because I know it’ll open a flood of emails and phone calls and snail mail, which will make me quickly hate them.

      1. No bloody kidding.
        Get 5 emails a day asking for money.
        There is no politician that deserves that.
        People should stop giving them money so then they can suck more taxes from you. Let them see how is life without money they extort from the masses and then throw around freely to the useless.
        Politicians have become the money sucking machine.
        Of course they look after themselves first, never bloody mind the country going to hell on a handbasket.
        Revolution is coming.

      2. Right on! Which is why I didn’t buy a CPC membership card at PP’s urging. I was phone-solicited by 3 major front-runner candidates for the CPC leadership, and I effectively told all of them to go pound sand. I will not buy into a membership of a party that I may not be supporting in the next election. One membership, and you’re on a permanent mailing list. I know. I lived through that experience with Jean Chretien’s liberals (now I’m dating myself). Eventually, I told them to bugger off too, by telling them I switched sides.

        That finally got them to stop the harassment.

        1. I got off the PC membership list. It took me several conversations but finally they listened. PPC for me. Mind you I met Bernier at a PC meeting when Bernier was still a PC. He impressed me at that time. The PCs chose the wrong leader at that time.

    2. Exactly.
      I sent the CPC an email telling them that they are on COD with me.
      Produce some results and I may donate.
      Until I see some results, piss off.

      They like it when the Liberals do idiotic things, it’s a great fund raising opportunity.

  2. The line about why can’t Nancy Pelosi buy her husband a driver is ***chef’s kiss***. Lol.

  3. I am really enjoying his pain. I love seeing liberals trying to deal with own shit.

  4. Like every liberal I know, he’s out of his gourd. Obviously he’s getting grinded in the downturn because he hasn’t got the money to donate to the democrats and is just now noticing they’re all filthy stinking rich. Another couple of years of getting beat down and he’ll be wearing a MAGA hat.

    1. He can always get a job holding back the tide at one of Obama’s, Gore’s or Suzuki’s waterfront estates.

  5. Dude gets it. No doubt the Democrats first concern when the nasty inflation numbers came in wasn’t how it would affect working Americans, but how it would first and foremost damage their personal wealth and second reduce the fund raising prospects of the Democrats.
    Working Americans don’t rate a mention until the Democrats are fat and happy and even then…

  6. Lmao….

    If he had 12 million he’d be on a boat…more likely a Bathtub…w/a trolling motor.
    Sympathy is found between shit & syphillis sonny…

    Now if every Black in America living in a slum project understood what he said….??

  7. Liberal tears are delicious. But I can relate to his rage at all the begging emails and texts.

    I gave a paltry $25 to the truckers and when GiveSendGo was hacked, my email was in there. For the next 3 months I got spam emails from American politicians (always Republican), as many as 10 a day, asking for money. They finally quit, and now I only get the ones starting “My Dear” from those nice people in Africa with money to give away.

  8. A guy said in the past that there is a club.
    A club of scamming rich politicians.
    Those politicians get to be where they are by vote of the masses.
    They scam the masses and the masses vote them in again.
    There is a club of low life scum of rich politicians and you ain’t in it.

  9. L – “Before you try to change the world… Clean your room!” e.i. make your bed – Prof. Jordan…

    1. Probably mis-spoke. I think the context was that he was talking about Pelosi’s husband, but yeah, I also winced a bit when he said that. I don’t think it came out the way he intended it to come out. (“coming out…” [giggle]…)

  10. What’s his view on R Vs W being a bad decision in the first place?

    Or on Abortion up to, and after birth?
