Now Is The Time At SDA When We Pay Homage To The Las Vegas Nostradamus

1970’s Bob Hope“I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.”

2020’s, no jokeESPN Host Says Tampa Bay Rays Players Who Refused LGBT Clothing Are “Bigoted”

34 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Pay Homage To The Las Vegas Nostradamus”

  1. Turds wants to have the government help old people who are too poor to go on living end it. Like Bob Hope says.

  2. ” … an endless pantomime of loyalty pledges to regime narratives”

    Couldn’t have said it better PJW! EPL kneeling before each match has done exactly NOTHING to stop “racism”. Nothing. It’s become a fealty pledge. Yes … I kneel before “the black man”. Here’s an idea! Stop claiming I’m a racist if I don’t “swear an oath” to you.

    Sorry, but I follow the Words of Jesus Christ … who taught us …

    “But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”

    1. Can a company, team, or person telling or forcing you to wear LGBTQetc. pride colors be construed as sexual harassment and therefore subject to lawsuits?

      Asking for a friend…

      It’s time to start taking the fight to them.

        1. I don’t see any difference between a manager telling employees to wear pride colors and telling female employees to wear more revealing clothing.

    2. Yep, like the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade from Catch 22, and not a Major _ de Coverly in sight.

        1. Oh well, what the hell

          Truly an underappreciated masterwork. In retrospect, slightly terrifying in several aspects.

  3. First they make it legal, eventually they make it mandatory.
    Right now we are heading to the second part with euthanasia. Remember our “free” healthcare system? He who pays (gov’t) calls the tune. Pretty soon it will be a funeral dirge.

    1. – Wearing a mask isn’t about YOUR safety … it’s to protect others
      – Getting vaccinated isn’t about YOUR health … it’s to protect others
      – Taking away your guns isn’t about YOUR safety … it’s to protect others
      – Euthanasia isn’t about YOUR life … it will enhance other peoples lives.

      Think about the chillllldren … think about “others”. That is how THE STATE will use benevolence to justify mass murder. So woke. So progressive. So compassionate. Yes … THE STATE would love to kill old people. Love it. You know … because “Love is Love”

  4. It’s become just another liberal grievance industry, where support is mandatory. No thanks, I don’t care what two consenting adults do-I draw the line at recruiting and brainwashing kids that they can change their gender to me that’s child abuse. I can tell who the fanatics in my hood are by the flags they fly, first it was the Ukrainian flag and now the rainbow one beside. I don’t think the Nazi movement in the Ukraine would be to happy but I just don’t care.

    1. I love me some dry, droll, Norm McDonald … he made me howl again … even after the SHOCK-FUNNY “loves cawk” line … when he said “here. I have a photo of our son sukking cawk”.

      Yeah … quite an “achievement”. So worthy of “Pride”. Let alone a whole MONTH of “Pride”

      I wonder if he could ever envision parents dressing-up their elementary school children in drag and stuffing money into the g-strings of other adult male drag queens? Speaking of “achievements”

      1. We’re in the “end of the Roman Empire” stage of our development.

        1. Show me to the nearest vomitorium … the wide passageway to flee this disgusting spectacle… this cultural degeneration.

  5. When I melt it down into a tiny speck of silver … will the rainbow shit-slag boil off? Or will I have to skim it off ?

  6. Is it also racist to be a bigot? Is it also bigoted to be racist? I just can’t keep up.
    OK, I’m not a racist, and I’m not a bigot, even if you say I am. Being called either, is an attempt by the accuser to get a reaction and try to shame you. The best reaction/reply would be to calmly state,
    I’m not, but even if I was, it’s not illegal, and your fear and concern is your problem, not mine.

  7. Bend over and take it folks as we are losing. Way past time for the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment. Enjoy your slice of the perversion.
