13 Replies to “You Do Realize…”

  1. Yup. Hand in hand with, “You know what you should do … I’ll tell you what you should do!”

  2. Reading some of Tim Bryson’s Twitter comments, the guy has the intellect of a garden slug. Good God the guy is stupid! I feel sorry for any kids he may have “taught”.

    1. Isn’t it amazing how we harness NATURAL lightning and store it as electricity! Thank you, Ben Franklin! The very FIRST “Renewable green” President of the United States!

    2. Don’t forget that Dear Leader was once a teacher……

  3. Same thing with hydrogen gas. Not a source of energy. Ain’t no hydrogen wells.

  4. Nothing beats unicorn energy, though.

    I guess some people have to learn the hard way.

  5. I once had a conversation with the local Green Party candidate. he wondered why farmers had spent so much time building their fence lines out of stone, noting that this would be burdensome work, extremely time consuming and not really high enough to to contain farm animals….a well educated man, traveling through life without a clue.

  6. Another failed applicant to the “Connect the Dots” and “Single-Point Failure” reality shows.
