27 Replies to “Wuhan Flu: Disaster In North Korea”

  1. Nothing that comes out of North Korea is to be believed. Does anybody care if they vanish overnight? Certainly not me!

    Same comments for China!

  2. I am so sorry for the people of North Korea. But if they really want to they can overthrow Kim.

    But as a people and culture they are far too compliant.

    Contrast with Ukraine.

    1. Speaking of a people and culture that are far too compliant…… I heard Justin Turdwater went golfing and hit 18 consecutive hole in ones.

  3. Unvaxed nations are going to have a death rate proportionate to its numbers of elderly and diabetics, the obese, and hypertension.

    1. 91% of deaths in BC are now with the Quackxinated, and, those are the elderly, sick and obese. Overall, this nation’s numbers aren’t much different than 90% of the death rate is quackxinated

      Your point?

      1. The way I understand that is thus: that 91% death rate among the vaccinated is only significant in that the population is either vaccinated or immunized by having had the virus at approximately the same rate.

        The reason i suspect that the stuff is not protecting people from death now (remember, that was what it can do. It doesn’t interrupt transmission the way governments are pretending it does) – is because the virus has mutated to the degree that the original formulation has a diminished effect on what’s actually going around at this point.

        I’m not taking another shot until they reformulate it for something that is more like what is going around. I don’t think it’s some kind of menace meant to sterilize the human race or turn us into lizards. What gets authoritarians’ rocks off is pushing people around, and that’s the vulgar abuse to push back against.

  4. The curious thing about N. Korea is that their application of propaganda is unparalleled. They are taught that the West (US in particular) is made up warmongering savages who constantly fantasize about the subjugation and conquering of N. Korea. At the same time, they teach that N. Korea’s technology and weaponry far outclass any other country on the planet.

    Of course, they also used their state owned news station to inform their subjects that their wonderful leader shot an 18 on an 18 hole golf course. That in itself is laughable, of course. But, it should provide you some semblance of just how brow beaten they are when it comes to state sponsored group think.

    1. Possibly most North Koreans have never seen a golf game?

      I mean if you had never watched a basketball game and were told the final score was 8 to 5 that would sound reasonable.
      If you had seen a basketball game that scoreline would raise all sorts of WTF? error messages in your mind.

      Dunno. Speculation.

      Then again some people just want to be told what to do by some sort of authority figure. Drape a message in enough ‘authority’ tags and they are happy. They have their ‘expert’ advice and can now go about their lives doing the ‘right thing’. Job done. Nothing to confuse or give them stress.

      Never underestimate the will of the weak to simply submit to the narrative and never having to risk arguing a point of view with a stranger.

  5. Their problems do not stem from a lack of vaccination, but a lack of nutrition because of Dear Leader. The gene therapies would definitely make things worse for the population, not better.

  6. If there is a mass die off in North Korea it won’t be from covid or omicron or what ever illness they think they have. The people are dying of starvation already. Vaxing will only make things worse. Since vax only ads to the death rate. OTOH they could import a ton ivermectin and the death rate will be normal.

  7. I don’t care about North Korea. I have been ordered to “care” about too many things and I am now cared out.

  8. Is this the World’s control group ?
    Malnourished, short of plumbing, heating, electricity, medically dependent on home remedies, and trapped between devils
    and the deep blue sea.
    If they track roughly the same as the UK, or any other mask/distance/vaxx nation, then what was it all about, Alfie?

    Life Follows Art dept.
    What’s It All About, Alfie ?

  9. I suspect this is propaganda. If North Korea had all those people dying, they would not tell you about it. How would you check to even see if this is true. I think they are trying to push the vaccine narrative.

  10. What happened to herd immunity?

    By that measure it sounds like they will do just fine.

  11. How they do will have nothing to do with vax status other than less is better, but given how malnourished they are, I am not hopeful. Although a lack of obesity is in their favour.

  12. The words “disaster” and “zero vaccination”, together, spell “propaganda”. What a delightful way to further scare people even further into the warm embrace of a loving government and more jabs than to sell the idea of mass casualty on an “unvaccinated country”, from which nothing really can be verified? Dear leader might as well be in on it, and will get a nice reward from Emperor Schwab and Minister of Vaccination Gates.

    Yeah, I know, but “today’s conspiracy theories are tomorrow’s news”. Colour me skeptical.

  13. The same mass death bullshit was predicted for India, Indonesia, Africa. Result WRONG. The vaccinations where available protected very few, the flu unfortunately culls very many of the compromised every year. Where Ivermectin was available quite remarkable survival was noted. Since Ivermectin is so cheap it would not be beyond the means of the Norks to implement a similar policy as Uttar Pradesh.

    If we are going to continue this vaccine porn reporting lets hear how many people have died since Joe Xiden took office on an hourly basis just like the fear porn broadcast hourly during Trumps tenure.

    1. The vaxxes protected no one as they have zero efficacy. They will never do as advertised. They are killing tens of thousands.
